Text Generation
Inference Endpoints
manticore-13b / README.md
winglian's picture
upload the epoch threee model
- anon8231489123/ShareGPT_Vicuna_unfiltered
- ehartford/wizard_vicuna_70k_unfiltered
- ehartford/WizardLM_alpaca_evol_instruct_70k_unfiltered
- QingyiSi/Alpaca-CoT
- teknium/GPT4-LLM-Cleaned
- teknium/GPTeacher-General-Instruct
- metaeval/ScienceQA_text_only
- hellaswag
- tasksource/mmlu
- openai/summarize_from_feedback
- en
library_name: transformers
pipeline_tag: text-generation
# Manticore 13B - Preview Release (previously Wizard Mega)
Manticore 13B is a Llama 13B model fine-tuned on the following datasets:
- [ShareGPT](https://huggingface.co/datasets/anon8231489123/ShareGPT_Vicuna_unfiltered) - based on a cleaned and de-suped subset
- [WizardLM](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ehartford/WizardLM_alpaca_evol_instruct_70k_unfiltered)
- [Wizard-Vicuna](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ehartford/wizard_vicuna_70k_unfiltered)
- [subset of QingyiSi/Alpaca-CoT for roleplay and CoT](https://huggingface.co/QingyiSi/Alpaca-CoT)
- [GPT4-LLM-Cleaned](https://huggingface.co/datasets/teknium/GPT4-LLM-Cleaned)
- [GPTeacher-General-Instruct](https://huggingface.co/datasets/teknium/GPTeacher-General-Instruct)
- ARC-Easy & ARC-Challenge - instruct augmented for detailed responses
- mmlu: instruct augmented for detailed responses subset including
- abstract_algebra
- conceptual_physics
- formal_logic
- high_school_physics
- logical_fallacies
- [hellaswag](https://huggingface.co/datasets/hellaswag) - 5K row subset of instruct augmented for concise responses
- [metaeval/ScienceQA_text_only](https://huggingface.co/datasets/metaeval/ScienceQA_text_only) - instruct for concise responses
- [openai/summarize_from_feedback](https://huggingface.co/datasets/openai/summarize_from_feedback) - instruct augmented tl;dr summarization
# Demo
Try out the model in HF Spaces. The demo uses a quantized GGML version of the model to quickly return predictions on smaller GPUs (and even CPUs). Quantized GGML may have some minimal loss of model quality.
- https://huggingface.co/spaces/openaccess-ai-collective/manticore-ggml
## Release Notes
- https://wandb.ai/wing-lian/manticore-13b/runs/nq3u3uoh/workspace
## Build
Manticore was built with [Axolotl](https://github.com/OpenAccess-AI-Collective/axolotl) on 8xA100 80GB
- Preview Release: 1 epoch taking 8 hours.
- The configuration to duplicate this build is provided in this repo's [/config folder](https://huggingface.co/openaccess-ai-collective/manticore-13b/tree/main/configs).
## Bias, Risks, and Limitations
Manticore has not been aligned to human preferences with techniques like RLHF or deployed with in-the-loop filtering of responses like ChatGPT, so the model can produce problematic outputs (especially when prompted to do so).
Manticore was fine-tuned from the base model LlaMa 13B, please refer to its model card's Limitations Section for relevant information.
## Examples
### Instruction: write Python code that returns the first n numbers of the Fibonacci sequence using memoization.
### Assistant:
### Instruction: Finish the joke, a mechanic and a car salesman walk into a bar...
### Assistant: