Image Classification
Inference Endpoints

Specify the head of the model in the model card

by regisss HF staff - opened
Hugging Face Optimum org
edited Dec 14, 2022

It is not clear in the model card which task this model performs.

Hugging Face Optimum org

@Jingya Let me know if this update is good enough.

Hugging Face Optimum org

Hi @regisss ,

Yeah, that looks clearer to me!
Maybe we can replace the snippet from the transformers' one with the one using ORTModel? (but it is just an extra plus. Feel free to merge it.)

Hugging Face Optimum org

@Jingya I modified the code snippet to add an example with Optimum pipelines.

Hugging Face Optimum org

It looks great!!!! Let's merge it :D

regisss changed pull request status to merged

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