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posted an update about 1 month ago
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🇯🇵 The Open Japanese LLM Leaderboard created by LLM-jp 🌸 in partnership with HuggingFace 🤗 was released today!

Space: llm-jp/open-japanese-llm-leaderboard

🌍 The leaderboard is available in both Japanese and English
📚 Based on the evaluation tool, llm-jp-eval with more than 20 datasets for Japanese LLMs
📊 The leaderboard showcases all the metrics for NLP experts, plus averages for NLP beginners
💻 For the comfort of users, we chose a horizontal UI, and implemented it in a light and dark theme on Gradio
🔬 The radar chart provides a very interesting visualization of metrics!
🌱 We are using the Japanese research platform, MDX, so please be patient!
⚡ LLMs bigger than +70B will be evaluated soon…

How do you say “GPUs Go Brrr” in Japanese - > GPUがブンブン~! (To pronounce "GPU ga bunbun!") 🔥
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posted an update 2 months ago
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Philosopher Gilles Deleuze in 1985-86 about society of control, probabilities, and power. Visionary words in an era of autoregressive models:

"The biopolitics of populations appears when right sets about administering life, says Foucault, administering life in any open multiplicities whatever. You see the importance of the difference between discipline and biopolitics. The one is in an open space, with large multiplicities to which limits are not assignable. They can only be treated by the calculus of probabilities, hence the development of the calculus of probabilities and the meaning [sens] of the social control of probabilities, the probabilities of marriage in a nation, the probabilities of mortality, probabilities of natality. Natality, nuptiality, mortality …

... When Foucault directly addresses the question of power, namely, one of his great theses: no, power does not repress, or it represses only secondarily. What does it do? It does something much more profound and, doubtless, more formidable that repressing: it forms, it shapes. It does not silence, it does worse: it makes speak. It disciplines, it standardizes [normalise]. But repression is entirely secondary in relation to the positive operations of power.

Power does not repress, it disciplines, it manages, it controls, it standardizes, etcetera. It does not silence, it makes speak. It does not prevent acting, it makes act."

From the Deleuze Seminars at Université Paris 8 translated by Purdue University ->