How to use with faster whisper?

by kristijanv - opened

Hello, how to use that model with faster whisper?

Worked using the command: ct2-transformers-converter --model primeline/distil-whisper-large-v3-german --output_dir primeline/distil-whisper-large-v3-german --copy_files preprocessor_config.json --quantization float16
But unfortunately this model is worse then the original. almost every third word is mistranslated

Wow! That's really damn fast! 550 tokens/sec! (RTX 4090). With WhisperX I only got 160 t/s with the standard large-3 model. With the destil model it was much faster (about 430 t/s but the german audio was output in english. No way to let it output in german. As I was told that model isn't able to do so. Happy that I found this repo!
GPU usage at 56% in maximum.

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