About open-journey.github.io

by Muhammadreza - opened

Hello my fellow AI artists.
I am Muhammadreza Haghiri the founder of Open Cognitives and I observed something a little bit odd today. First of all, a person messaged me on LinkedIn and asked me about an interview about Open Journey. I immediately found out that it points to my old project and just out of curiosity I searched the link open-journey.github.io on Twitter and I found out a lot of people are just linking to this project of mine.
So I had to clarify it here.

About the name

Since I decided to make that project, prompthero's model wasn't called "openjourney" and this is why I chose that name. When they changed their name, I decided to go by the name Mann-E which was my model's original name. So this is the whole story. I totally forgot to remove that github page and it now redirects to Mann-E.

Mann-E and OpenJourney

Okay, this is my favorite part of the story. Since I claimed I based my model on PromptHero's model I have to say it's true. Although there are differences in results (specially with different schedulers) but openjourney (specially version 2) is somehow a good base (or merger) for Mann-E.

My personal opinion about PromptHero

What can I say? One of the most amazing teams in the field of AI Art.

Muhammadreza Haghiri

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