Base model not released

by adamo1139 - opened

Hi Rhymes Team,

Thank you for releasing a model with a permissive license. This model has the potential to disrupt workflows in many use cases after fine-tuning. However, the base model has not been released, which will likely make fine-tuning for downstream tasks more challenging for developers. Could you please release the weights of the pre-trained model before it was subjected to multimodal post-training data?

yep cool model a little bit fine tune will make this model near to gpt o level perfomance !!


This is a lovely model! Never done RLHF on a multimodal model, but there is always a first! :)

Rhymes.AI org

Thanks for your feedback!

We found that our post-training does not hinder performance on fine-tuning for downstream tasks.

Please consider releasing the base model. It's not about the benchmark results. For things outside the box that are not designed to work in question/answer pairs, an instruct-tuned model cannot and should not be used, as it will by design always have the assistant-like bias.

An Apache 2.0 licensed base model that is both competitive and has only ~4B active parameters would be very nice.

I support this initiative. Base model will be valuable on its own.

in website, when I ask, which model it is, it replies: GPT-4

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 13.01.21.png

Rhymes.AI org

@Icecream102 Due to the more recent knowledge cutoff and the use of some open-source synthetic data during instruction fine-tuning, Aria occasionally experiences confusion in its self-identity.

So it's not Reflection 70B all over again? Assuming this is not the case, the only way a model would claim being GPT-4 (other than simply instructed to, which is irrelevant) is that the training data makes it believe so. Now, I can fully see this happening in several ways, ranging from benign to problematic. GPT-4 being such a dominant entity being discussed extensively online as well as in books, news, scientific papers, benchmarks, etc would allow for many weak signals about self-identity as an LLM to add up to hallucinating about being GPT-4. However, to minimize the risk for trouble, please dig thoroughly and prune out and/or expose anything you can find in whatever public open-source datasets you are referring to. The community would benefit from weeding out anything than strengthens this effect, since I would be easy enough for lawyers to "jump to conclusions", to put it mildly. Please help the community keep any open-source data of consequence clean from this type of contamination, even if the data is made open-source by some 3rd party. /Gabriel

Also - thank you for your generosity in making this model open-source! (base-model would be great as well! ;-) )

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