--- |
pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity |
tags: |
- sentence-transformers |
- feature-extraction |
- sentence-similarity |
- transformers |
- mteb |
model-index: |
- name: mmlw-e5-large |
results: |
- task: |
type: Clustering |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/8tags-clustering |
name: MTEB 8TagsClustering |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: v_measure |
value: 30.623921415441725 |
- task: |
type: Classification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/allegro-reviews |
name: MTEB AllegroReviews |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 37.683896620278325 |
- type: f1 |
value: 34.19193027014284 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: arguana-pl |
name: MTEB ArguAna-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 38.407000000000004 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 55.147 |
- type: map_at_100 |
value: 55.757 |
- type: map_at_1000 |
value: 55.761 |
- type: map_at_3 |
value: 51.268 |
- type: map_at_5 |
value: 53.696999999999996 |
- type: mrr_at_1 |
value: 40.043 |
- type: mrr_at_10 |
value: 55.840999999999994 |
- type: mrr_at_100 |
value: 56.459 |
- type: mrr_at_1000 |
value: 56.462999999999994 |
- type: mrr_at_3 |
value: 52.074 |
- type: mrr_at_5 |
value: 54.364999999999995 |
- type: ndcg_at_1 |
value: 38.407000000000004 |
- type: ndcg_at_10 |
value: 63.248000000000005 |
- type: ndcg_at_100 |
value: 65.717 |
- type: ndcg_at_1000 |
value: 65.79 |
- type: ndcg_at_3 |
value: 55.403999999999996 |
- type: ndcg_at_5 |
value: 59.760000000000005 |
- type: precision_at_1 |
value: 38.407000000000004 |
- type: precision_at_10 |
value: 8.862 |
- type: precision_at_100 |
value: 0.991 |
- type: precision_at_1000 |
value: 0.1 |
- type: precision_at_3 |
value: 22.451 |
- type: precision_at_5 |
value: 15.576 |
- type: recall_at_1 |
value: 38.407000000000004 |
- type: recall_at_10 |
value: 88.62 |
- type: recall_at_100 |
value: 99.075 |
- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 99.57300000000001 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 67.354 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 77.881 |
- task: |
type: Classification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/cbd |
name: MTEB CBD |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 66.14999999999999 |
- type: ap |
value: 21.69513674684204 |
- type: f1 |
value: 56.48142830893528 |
- task: |
type: PairClassification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/cdsce-pairclassification |
name: MTEB CDSC-E |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: cos_sim_accuracy |
value: 89.4 |
- type: cos_sim_ap |
value: 76.83228768203222 |
- type: cos_sim_f1 |
value: 65.3658536585366 |
- type: cos_sim_precision |
value: 60.909090909090914 |
- type: cos_sim_recall |
value: 70.52631578947368 |
- type: dot_accuracy |
value: 84.1 |
- type: dot_ap |
value: 57.26072201751864 |
- type: dot_f1 |
value: 62.75395033860045 |
- type: dot_precision |
value: 54.9407114624506 |
- type: dot_recall |
value: 73.15789473684211 |
- type: euclidean_accuracy |
value: 89.4 |
- type: euclidean_ap |
value: 76.59095263388942 |
- type: euclidean_f1 |
value: 65.21739130434783 |
- type: euclidean_precision |
value: 60.26785714285714 |
- type: euclidean_recall |
value: 71.05263157894737 |
- type: manhattan_accuracy |
value: 89.4 |
- type: manhattan_ap |
value: 76.58825999753456 |
- type: manhattan_f1 |
value: 64.72019464720195 |
- type: manhattan_precision |
value: 60.18099547511312 |
- type: manhattan_recall |
value: 70.0 |
- type: max_accuracy |
value: 89.4 |
- type: max_ap |
value: 76.83228768203222 |
- type: max_f1 |
value: 65.3658536585366 |
- task: |
type: STS |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/cdscr-sts |
name: MTEB CDSC-R |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: cos_sim_pearson |
value: 93.73949495291659 |
- type: cos_sim_spearman |
value: 93.50397366192922 |
- type: euclidean_pearson |
value: 92.47498888987636 |
- type: euclidean_spearman |
value: 93.39315936230747 |
- type: manhattan_pearson |
value: 92.47250250777654 |
- type: manhattan_spearman |
value: 93.36739690549109 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: dbpedia-pl |
name: MTEB DBPedia-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 8.434 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 18.424 |
- type: map_at_100 |
value: 26.428 |
- type: map_at_1000 |
value: 28.002 |
- type: map_at_3 |
value: 13.502 |
- type: map_at_5 |
value: 15.577 |
- type: mrr_at_1 |
value: 63.0 |
- type: mrr_at_10 |
value: 72.714 |
- type: mrr_at_100 |
value: 73.021 |
- type: mrr_at_1000 |
value: 73.028 |
- type: mrr_at_3 |
value: 70.75 |
- type: mrr_at_5 |
value: 72.3 |
- type: ndcg_at_1 |
value: 52.75 |
- type: ndcg_at_10 |
value: 39.839999999999996 |
- type: ndcg_at_100 |
value: 44.989000000000004 |
- type: ndcg_at_1000 |
value: 52.532999999999994 |
- type: ndcg_at_3 |
value: 45.198 |
- type: ndcg_at_5 |
value: 42.015 |
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value: 63.0 |
- type: precision_at_10 |
value: 31.05 |
- type: precision_at_100 |
value: 10.26 |
- type: precision_at_1000 |
value: 1.9879999999999998 |
- type: precision_at_3 |
value: 48.25 |
- type: precision_at_5 |
value: 40.45 |
- type: recall_at_1 |
value: 8.434 |
- type: recall_at_10 |
value: 24.004 |
- type: recall_at_100 |
value: 51.428 |
- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 75.712 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 15.015 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 18.282999999999998 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: fiqa-pl |
name: MTEB FiQA-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 19.088 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 31.818 |
- type: map_at_100 |
value: 33.689 |
- type: map_at_1000 |
value: 33.86 |
- type: map_at_3 |
value: 27.399 |
- type: map_at_5 |
value: 29.945 |
- type: mrr_at_1 |
value: 38.117000000000004 |
- type: mrr_at_10 |
value: 47.668 |
- type: mrr_at_100 |
value: 48.428 |
- type: mrr_at_1000 |
value: 48.475 |
- type: mrr_at_3 |
value: 45.242 |
- type: mrr_at_5 |
value: 46.716 |
- type: ndcg_at_1 |
value: 38.272 |
- type: ndcg_at_10 |
value: 39.903 |
- type: ndcg_at_100 |
value: 46.661 |
- type: ndcg_at_1000 |
value: 49.625 |
- type: ndcg_at_3 |
value: 35.921 |
- type: ndcg_at_5 |
value: 37.558 |
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value: 38.272 |
- type: precision_at_10 |
value: 11.358 |
- type: precision_at_100 |
value: 1.8190000000000002 |
- type: precision_at_1000 |
value: 0.23500000000000001 |
- type: precision_at_3 |
value: 24.434 |
- type: precision_at_5 |
value: 18.395 |
- type: recall_at_1 |
value: 19.088 |
- type: recall_at_10 |
value: 47.355999999999995 |
- type: recall_at_100 |
value: 72.451 |
- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 90.257 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 32.931 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 39.878 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: hotpotqa-pl |
name: MTEB HotpotQA-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 39.095 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 62.529 |
- type: map_at_100 |
value: 63.425 |
- type: map_at_1000 |
value: 63.483000000000004 |
- type: map_at_3 |
value: 58.887 |
- type: map_at_5 |
value: 61.18599999999999 |
- type: mrr_at_1 |
value: 78.123 |
- type: mrr_at_10 |
value: 84.231 |
- type: mrr_at_100 |
value: 84.408 |
- type: mrr_at_1000 |
value: 84.414 |
- type: mrr_at_3 |
value: 83.286 |
- type: mrr_at_5 |
value: 83.94 |
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value: 78.19 |
- type: ndcg_at_10 |
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- type: ndcg_at_100 |
value: 73.992 |
- type: ndcg_at_1000 |
value: 75.1 |
- type: ndcg_at_3 |
value: 65.863 |
- type: ndcg_at_5 |
value: 68.755 |
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value: 78.19 |
- type: precision_at_10 |
value: 14.949000000000002 |
- type: precision_at_100 |
value: 1.733 |
- type: precision_at_1000 |
value: 0.188 |
- type: precision_at_3 |
value: 42.381 |
- type: precision_at_5 |
value: 27.711000000000002 |
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value: 39.095 |
- type: recall_at_10 |
value: 74.747 |
- type: recall_at_100 |
value: 86.631 |
- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 93.923 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 63.571999999999996 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 69.27799999999999 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: msmarco-pl |
config: default |
split: validation |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 19.439999999999998 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 30.264000000000003 |
- type: map_at_100 |
value: 31.438 |
- type: map_at_1000 |
value: 31.495 |
- type: map_at_3 |
value: 26.735 |
- type: map_at_5 |
value: 28.716 |
- type: mrr_at_1 |
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- type: mrr_at_10 |
value: 30.753999999999998 |
- type: mrr_at_100 |
value: 31.877 |
- type: mrr_at_1000 |
value: 31.929000000000002 |
- type: mrr_at_3 |
value: 27.299 |
- type: mrr_at_5 |
value: 29.254 |
- type: ndcg_at_1 |
value: 20.014000000000003 |
- type: ndcg_at_10 |
value: 36.472 |
- type: ndcg_at_100 |
value: 42.231 |
- type: ndcg_at_1000 |
value: 43.744 |
- type: ndcg_at_3 |
value: 29.268 |
- type: ndcg_at_5 |
value: 32.79 |
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value: 20.014000000000003 |
- type: precision_at_10 |
value: 5.814 |
- type: precision_at_100 |
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- type: precision_at_1000 |
value: 0.1 |
- type: precision_at_3 |
value: 12.426 |
- type: precision_at_5 |
value: 9.238 |
- type: recall_at_1 |
value: 19.439999999999998 |
- type: recall_at_10 |
value: 55.535000000000004 |
- type: recall_at_100 |
value: 82.44399999999999 |
- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 94.217 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 35.963 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 44.367000000000004 |
- task: |
type: Classification |
dataset: |
type: mteb/amazon_massive_intent |
name: MTEB MassiveIntentClassification (pl) |
config: pl |
split: test |
revision: 31efe3c427b0bae9c22cbb560b8f15491cc6bed7 |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 72.01412239408205 |
- type: f1 |
value: 70.04544187503352 |
- task: |
type: Classification |
dataset: |
type: mteb/amazon_massive_scenario |
name: MTEB MassiveScenarioClassification (pl) |
config: pl |
split: test |
revision: 7d571f92784cd94a019292a1f45445077d0ef634 |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 75.26899798251513 |
- type: f1 |
value: 75.55876166863844 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: nfcorpus-pl |
name: MTEB NFCorpus-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 5.772 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 12.708 |
- type: map_at_100 |
value: 16.194 |
- type: map_at_1000 |
value: 17.630000000000003 |
- type: map_at_3 |
value: 9.34 |
- type: map_at_5 |
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- type: mrr_at_10 |
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- type: mrr_at_100 |
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- type: mrr_at_1000 |
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- type: mrr_at_3 |
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- type: mrr_at_5 |
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- type: ndcg_at_100 |
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- type: ndcg_at_3 |
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- type: precision_at_3 |
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- type: precision_at_5 |
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- type: recall_at_100 |
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- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 62.739 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 10.56 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 12.655 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: nq-pl |
name: MTEB NQ-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 26.101000000000003 |
- type: map_at_10 |
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- type: map_at_100 |
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- type: map_at_3 |
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- type: map_at_5 |
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- type: mrr_at_10 |
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- type: recall_at_100 |
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- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 95.771 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 46.669 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 56.24 |
- task: |
type: Classification |
dataset: |
type: laugustyniak/abusive-clauses-pl |
name: MTEB PAC |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 63.76773819866782 |
- type: ap |
value: 74.87896817642536 |
- type: f1 |
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- task: |
type: PairClassification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/ppc-pairclassification |
name: MTEB PPC |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
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- type: cos_sim_ap |
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type: PairClassification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/psc-pairclassification |
name: MTEB PSC |
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split: test |
revision: None |
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- task: |
type: Classification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/polemo2_in |
name: MTEB PolEmo2.0-IN |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 69.45983379501385 |
- type: f1 |
value: 68.60917948426784 |
- task: |
type: Classification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/polemo2_out |
name: MTEB PolEmo2.0-OUT |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 43.13765182186235 |
- type: f1 |
value: 36.15557441785656 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: quora-pl |
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config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
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dataset: |
type: scidocs-pl |
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revision: None |
metrics: |
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- type: recall_at_3 |
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- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 14.313 |
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type: PairClassification |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/sicke-pl-pairclassification |
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split: test |
revision: None |
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- type: max_ap |
value: 76.13749398520014 |
- type: max_f1 |
value: 66.64355062413314 |
- task: |
type: STS |
dataset: |
type: PL-MTEB/sickr-pl-sts |
name: MTEB SICK-R-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: cos_sim_pearson |
value: 81.23898481255246 |
- type: cos_sim_spearman |
value: 76.0416957474899 |
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value: 76.07208683063504 |
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value: 78.92666424673251 |
- type: manhattan_spearman |
value: 76.04968227583831 |
- task: |
type: STS |
dataset: |
type: mteb/sts22-crosslingual-sts |
name: MTEB STS22 (pl) |
config: pl |
split: test |
revision: 6d1ba47164174a496b7fa5d3569dae26a6813b80 |
metrics: |
- type: cos_sim_pearson |
value: 39.13987124398541 |
- type: cos_sim_spearman |
value: 40.40194528288759 |
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- type: manhattan_spearman |
value: 39.85681935287037 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: scifact-pl |
name: MTEB SciFact-PL |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 57.260999999999996 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 66.92399999999999 |
- type: map_at_100 |
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- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 100.0 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 72.933 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 75.744 |
- task: |
type: Retrieval |
dataset: |
type: trec-covid-pl |
config: default |
split: test |
revision: None |
metrics: |
- type: map_at_1 |
value: 0.22 |
- type: map_at_10 |
value: 1.693 |
- type: map_at_100 |
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- type: map_at_1000 |
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- type: map_at_5 |
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value: 88.73299999999999 |
- type: mrr_at_100 |
value: 88.73299999999999 |
- type: mrr_at_1000 |
value: 88.73299999999999 |
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value: 88.333 |
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value: 88.73299999999999 |
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value: 79.0 |
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value: 45.333 |
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value: 77.48 |
- type: ndcg_at_5 |
value: 76.137 |
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value: 82.0 |
- type: precision_at_10 |
value: 74.0 |
- type: precision_at_100 |
value: 53.68000000000001 |
- type: precision_at_1000 |
value: 19.954 |
- type: precision_at_3 |
value: 80.667 |
- type: precision_at_5 |
value: 80.80000000000001 |
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value: 0.22 |
- type: recall_at_10 |
value: 1.934 |
- type: recall_at_100 |
value: 12.728 |
- type: recall_at_1000 |
value: 41.869 |
- type: recall_at_3 |
value: 0.637 |
- type: recall_at_5 |
value: 1.042 |
language: pl |
license: apache-2.0 |
widget: |
- source_sentence: "query: Jak dożyć 100 lat?" |
sentences: |
- "passage: Trzeba zdrowo się odżywiać i uprawiać sport." |
- "passage: Trzeba pić alkohol, imprezować i jeździć szybkimi autami." |
- "passage: Gdy trwała kampania politycy zapewniali, że rozprawią się z zakazem niedzielnego handlu." |
--- |
<h1 align="center">MMLW-e5-large</h1> |
MMLW (muszę mieć lepszą wiadomość) are neural text encoders for Polish. |
This is a distilled model that can be used to generate embeddings applicable to many tasks such as semantic similarity, clustering, information retrieval. The model can also serve as a base for further fine-tuning. |
It transforms texts to 1024 dimensional vectors. |
The model was initialized with multilingual E5 checkpoint, and then trained with [multilingual knowledge distillation method](https://aclanthology.org/2020.emnlp-main.365/) on a diverse corpus of 60 million Polish-English text pairs. We utilised [English FlagEmbeddings (BGE)](https://huggingface.co/BAAI/bge-base-en) as teacher models for distillation. |
## Usage (Sentence-Transformers) |
⚠️ Our embedding models require the use of specific prefixes and suffixes when encoding texts. For this model, queries should be prefixed with **"query: "** and passages with **"passage: "** ⚠️ |
You can use the model like this with [sentence-transformers](https://www.SBERT.net): |
```python |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer |
from sentence_transformers.util import cos_sim |
query_prefix = "query: " |
answer_prefix = "passage: " |
queries = [query_prefix + "Jak dożyć 100 lat?"] |
answers = [ |
answer_prefix + "Trzeba zdrowo się odżywiać i uprawiać sport.", |
answer_prefix + "Trzeba pić alkohol, imprezować i jeździć szybkimi autami.", |
answer_prefix + "Gdy trwała kampania politycy zapewniali, że rozprawią się z zakazem niedzielnego handlu." |
] |
model = SentenceTransformer("sdadas/mmlw-e5-large") |
queries_emb = model.encode(queries, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=False) |
answers_emb = model.encode(answers, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=False) |
best_answer = cos_sim(queries_emb, answers_emb).argmax().item() |
print(answers[best_answer]) |
# Trzeba zdrowo się odżywiać i uprawiać sport. |
``` |
## Evaluation Results |
The model achieves **NDCG@10** of **56.09** on the Polish Information Retrieval Benchmark. See [PIRB Leaderboard](https://huggingface.co/spaces/sdadas/pirb) for detailed results. |
## Acknowledgements |
This model was trained with the A100 GPU cluster support delivered by the Gdansk University of Technology within the TASK center initiative. |