File size: 6,361 Bytes
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import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import random
# Initialize constants
DOCTOR_ACTIONS = ["Prescribe Medication", "Recommend Tests", "Consult Clinician", "Schedule Surgery"]
NURSE_ACTIONS = ["Monitor Vitals", "Administer Medication", "Report to Doctor", "Assist Surgery"]
PATIENT_CONDITIONS = ["Healthy", "Mild Illness", "Chronic Illness", "Emergency"]
DOCTOR_EMOTIONS = ["Calm", "Stressed", "Overwhelmed"]
NURSE_EMOTIONS = ["Focused", "Fatigued", "Panicked"]
# Rewards and Penalties
"Prescribe Medication": 12,
"Recommend Tests": 7,
"Consult Clinician": 9,
"Schedule Surgery": 17,
"Monitor Vitals": 4,
"Administer Medication": 12,
"Wrong Medication": -5,
"Missed Diagnosis": -10,
"Stress-Induced Mistake": -7,
# Initialize session state for metrics and satisfaction
if "performance_metrics" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.performance_metrics = {
"Doctor": {"successful_treatments": 0, "failed_treatments": 0},
"Nurse": {"successful_assists": 0, "failed_assists": 0}
if "patient_satisfaction" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.patient_satisfaction = 100
# Define the Agent class for Q-learning
class Agent:
def __init__(self, agent_type):
self.agent_type = agent_type
self.actions = DOCTOR_ACTIONS if agent_type == "Doctor" else NURSE_ACTIONS
self.q_table = np.zeros((len(PATIENT_CONDITIONS), len(self.actions)))
def choose_action(self, state, exploration_rate=0.05):
if random.uniform(0, 1) < exploration_rate: # Explore
return random.randint(0, len(self.actions)-1)
else: # Exploit (choose best action)
return np.argmax(self.q_table[state])
def update_q_value(self, state, action, reward, learning_rate=0.1, discount_factor=0.9):
old_q_value = self.q_table[state, action]
best_future_q_value = np.max(self.q_table)
new_q_value = old_q_value + learning_rate * (reward + discount_factor * best_future_q_value - old_q_value)
self.q_table[state, action] = new_q_value
# Instantiate agents
doctor_agent = Agent("Doctor")
nurse_agent = Agent("Nurse")
# Function to simulate a special event
def simulate_special_event():
event = random.choice([None, "Disease Outbreak", "Resource Shortage"])
if event == "Disease Outbreak":
st.subheader("Special Event: Disease Outbreak")
st.write("A sudden disease outbreak has flooded the hospital with new patients. Resources are limited!")
elif event == "Resource Shortage":
st.subheader("Special Event: Resource Shortage")
st.write("A medical supply shortage is impacting the hospital. Staff must prioritize high-risk patients.")
return event
# Function to handle complications during treatment
def handle_complications():
complication = random.choices(
[None, "Allergic Reaction", "Unexpected Complication"],
weights=[0.6, 0.2, 0.2]
penalty = 0
if complication:
st.subheader(f"Complication: {complication}")
if complication == "Allergic Reaction":
st.write("The patient has developed an allergic reaction to the prescribed medication!")
penalty = PENALTIES["Wrong Medication"]
st.session_state.patient_satisfaction -= 10
elif complication == "Unexpected Complication":
st.write("An unexpected complication occurred during surgery!")
penalty = PENALTIES["Stress-Induced Mistake"]
st.session_state.patient_satisfaction -= 15
return penalty
# Main simulation button logic
if st.button("Run Simulation"):
# Simulate a special event
special_event = simulate_special_event()
# Patient condition simulation
patient_state = random.choice(PATIENT_CONDITIONS)
st.write(f"Simulated Patient Condition: {patient_state}")
patient_index = PATIENT_CONDITIONS.index(patient_state)
# Doctor and nurse emotions
doctor_emotion = random.choice(DOCTOR_EMOTIONS)
nurse_emotion = random.choice(NURSE_EMOTIONS)
st.write(f"Doctor's Emotional State: {doctor_emotion}")
st.write(f"Nurse's Emotional State: {nurse_emotion}")
# Doctor Action
doctor_action_index = doctor_agent.choose_action(patient_index)
doctor_action = DOCTOR_ACTIONS[doctor_action_index]
st.write(f"Doctor's Chosen Action: {doctor_action}")
# Nurse Action
nurse_action_index = nurse_agent.choose_action(patient_index)
nurse_action = NURSE_ACTIONS[nurse_action_index]
st.write(f"Nurse's Chosen Action: {nurse_action}")
# Handle potential complications
penalty = handle_complications()
# Reward or penalty
reward = REWARDS.get(doctor_action, 0) if penalty == 0 else penalty
if doctor_emotion in ["Stressed", "Overwhelmed"]:
penalty += PENALTIES["Stress-Induced Mistake"]
# Update Q-values
doctor_agent.update_q_value(patient_index, doctor_action_index, reward)
st.write(f"Doctor's Reward/Penalty: {reward}")
st.write(f"Patient Satisfaction: {st.session_state.patient_satisfaction}")
# Outcome and Performance Metrics Update
outcome = random.choices(
["Recovery", "Further Treatment Needed", "Complication"],
weights=[0.6, 0.3, 0.1]
st.write(f"Patient Status after Treatment: {outcome}")
if outcome == "Recovery":
st.session_state.performance_metrics["Doctor"]["successful_treatments"] += 1
st.session_state.performance_metrics["Nurse"]["successful_assists"] += 1
st.session_state.performance_metrics["Doctor"]["failed_treatments"] += 1
st.session_state.performance_metrics["Nurse"]["failed_assists"] += 1
st.write("Simulation completed! Run again for different outcomes.")
# Display performance metrics
st.subheader("Performance Metrics:")
st.write(f"Doctor's Successful Treatments: {st.session_state.performance_metrics['Doctor']['successful_treatments']}")
st.write(f"Doctor's Failed Treatments: {st.session_state.performance_metrics['Doctor']['failed_treatments']}")
st.write(f"Nurse's Successful Assists: {st.session_state.performance_metrics['Nurse']['successful_assists']}")
st.write(f"Nurse's Failed Assists: {st.session_state.performance_metrics['Nurse']['failed_assists']}")