from six.moves import range | |
from PIL import Image | |
import numpy as np | |
import io | |
import time | |
import math | |
import random | |
import sys | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
from copy import deepcopy | |
from itertools import combinations | |
from functools import reduce | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from memory_profiler import profile | |
def countless5(a,b,c,d,e): | |
"""First stage of generalizing from countless2d. | |
You have five slots: A, B, C, D, E | |
You can decide if something is the winner by first checking for | |
matches of three, then matches of two, then picking just one if | |
the other two tries fail. In countless2d, you just check for matches | |
of two and then pick one of them otherwise. | |
Unfortunately, you need to check ABC, ABD, ABE, BCD, BDE, & CDE. | |
Then you need to check AB, AC, AD, BC, BD | |
We skip checking E because if none of these match, we pick E. We can | |
skip checking AE, BE, CE, DE since if any of those match, E is our boy | |
so it's redundant. | |
So countless grows cominatorially in complexity. | |
""" | |
sections = [ a,b,c,d,e ] | |
p2 = lambda q,r: q * (q == r) # q if p == q else 0 | |
p3 = lambda q,r,s: q * ( (q == r) & (r == s) ) # q if q == r == s else 0 | |
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y | |
results3 = ( p3(x,y,z) for x,y,z in combinations(sections, 3) ) | |
results3 = reduce(lor, results3) | |
results2 = ( p2(x,y) for x,y in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) ) | |
results2 = reduce(lor, results2) | |
return reduce(lor, (results3, results2, e)) | |
def countless8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h): | |
"""Extend countless5 to countless8. Same deal, except we also | |
need to check for matches of length 4.""" | |
sections = [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ] | |
p2 = lambda q,r: q * (q == r) | |
p3 = lambda q,r,s: q * ( (q == r) & (r == s) ) | |
p4 = lambda p,q,r,s: p * ( (p == q) & (q == r) & (r == s) ) | |
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y | |
results4 = ( p4(x,y,z,w) for x,y,z,w in combinations(sections, 4) ) | |
results4 = reduce(lor, results4) | |
results3 = ( p3(x,y,z) for x,y,z in combinations(sections, 3) ) | |
results3 = reduce(lor, results3) | |
# We can always use our shortcut of omitting the last element | |
# for N choose 2 | |
results2 = ( p2(x,y) for x,y in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) ) | |
results2 = reduce(lor, results2) | |
return reduce(lor, [ results4, results3, results2, h ]) | |
def dynamic_countless3d(data): | |
"""countless8 + dynamic programming. ~2x faster""" | |
sections = [] | |
# shift zeros up one so they don't interfere with bitwise operators | |
# we'll shift down at the end | |
data += 1 | |
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are | |
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), | |
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1. | |
factor = (2,2,2) | |
for offset in np.ndindex(factor): | |
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))] | |
sections.append(part) | |
pick = lambda a,b: a * (a == b) | |
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y | |
subproblems2 = {} | |
results2 = None | |
for x,y in combinations(range(7), 2): | |
res = pick(sections[x], sections[y]) | |
subproblems2[(x,y)] = res | |
if results2 is not None: | |
results2 += (results2 == 0) * res | |
else: | |
results2 = res | |
subproblems3 = {} | |
results3 = None | |
for x,y,z in combinations(range(8), 3): | |
res = pick(subproblems2[(x,y)], sections[z]) | |
if z != 7: | |
subproblems3[(x,y,z)] = res | |
if results3 is not None: | |
results3 += (results3 == 0) * res | |
else: | |
results3 = res | |
results3 = reduce(lor, (results3, results2, sections[-1])) | |
# free memory | |
results2 = None | |
subproblems2 = None | |
res = None | |
results4 = ( pick(subproblems3[(x,y,z)], sections[w]) for x,y,z,w in combinations(range(8), 4) ) | |
results4 = reduce(lor, results4) | |
subproblems3 = None # free memory | |
final_result = lor(results4, results3) - 1 | |
data -= 1 | |
return final_result | |
def countless3d(data): | |
"""Now write countless8 in such a way that it could be used | |
to process an image.""" | |
sections = [] | |
# shift zeros up one so they don't interfere with bitwise operators | |
# we'll shift down at the end | |
data += 1 | |
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are | |
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), | |
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1. | |
factor = (2,2,2) | |
for offset in np.ndindex(factor): | |
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))] | |
sections.append(part) | |
p2 = lambda q,r: q * (q == r) | |
p3 = lambda q,r,s: q * ( (q == r) & (r == s) ) | |
p4 = lambda p,q,r,s: p * ( (p == q) & (q == r) & (r == s) ) | |
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y | |
results4 = ( p4(x,y,z,w) for x,y,z,w in combinations(sections, 4) ) | |
results4 = reduce(lor, results4) | |
results3 = ( p3(x,y,z) for x,y,z in combinations(sections, 3) ) | |
results3 = reduce(lor, results3) | |
results2 = ( p2(x,y) for x,y in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) ) | |
results2 = reduce(lor, results2) | |
final_result = reduce(lor, (results4, results3, results2, sections[-1])) - 1 | |
data -= 1 | |
return final_result | |
def countless_generalized(data, factor): | |
assert len(data.shape) == len(factor) | |
sections = [] | |
mode_of = reduce(lambda x,y: x * y, factor) | |
majority = int(math.ceil(float(mode_of) / 2)) | |
data += 1 | |
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are | |
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), | |
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1. | |
for offset in np.ndindex(factor): | |
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))] | |
sections.append(part) | |
def pick(elements): | |
eq = ( elements[i] == elements[i+1] for i in range(len(elements) - 1) ) | |
anded = reduce(lambda p,q: p & q, eq) | |
return elements[0] * anded | |
def logical_or(x,y): | |
return x + (x == 0) * y | |
result = ( pick(combo) for combo in combinations(sections, majority) ) | |
result = reduce(logical_or, result) | |
for i in range(majority - 1, 3-1, -1): # 3-1 b/c of exclusive bounds | |
partial_result = ( pick(combo) for combo in combinations(sections, i) ) | |
partial_result = reduce(logical_or, partial_result) | |
result = logical_or(result, partial_result) | |
partial_result = ( pick(combo) for combo in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) ) | |
partial_result = reduce(logical_or, partial_result) | |
result = logical_or(result, partial_result) | |
result = logical_or(result, sections[-1]) - 1 | |
data -= 1 | |
return result | |
def dynamic_countless_generalized(data, factor): | |
assert len(data.shape) == len(factor) | |
sections = [] | |
mode_of = reduce(lambda x,y: x * y, factor) | |
majority = int(math.ceil(float(mode_of) / 2)) | |
data += 1 # offset from zero | |
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are | |
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), | |
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1. | |
for offset in np.ndindex(factor): | |
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))] | |
sections.append(part) | |
pick = lambda a,b: a * (a == b) | |
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y # logical or | |
subproblems = [ {}, {} ] | |
results2 = None | |
for x,y in combinations(range(len(sections) - 1), 2): | |
res = pick(sections[x], sections[y]) | |
subproblems[0][(x,y)] = res | |
if results2 is not None: | |
results2 = lor(results2, res) | |
else: | |
results2 = res | |
results = [ results2 ] | |
for r in range(3, majority+1): | |
r_results = None | |
for combo in combinations(range(len(sections)), r): | |
res = pick(subproblems[0][combo[:-1]], sections[combo[-1]]) | |
if combo[-1] != len(sections) - 1: | |
subproblems[1][combo] = res | |
if r_results is not None: | |
r_results = lor(r_results, res) | |
else: | |
r_results = res | |
results.append(r_results) | |
subproblems[0] = subproblems[1] | |
subproblems[1] = {} | |
results.reverse() | |
final_result = lor(reduce(lor, results), sections[-1]) - 1 | |
data -= 1 | |
return final_result | |
def downsample_with_averaging(array): | |
""" | |
Downsample x by factor using averaging. | |
@return: The downsampled array, of the same type as x. | |
""" | |
factor = (2,2,2) | |
if np.array_equal(factor[:3], np.array([1,1,1])): | |
return array | |
output_shape = tuple(int(math.ceil(s / f)) for s, f in zip(array.shape, factor)) | |
temp = np.zeros(output_shape, float) | |
counts = np.zeros(output_shape, | |
for offset in np.ndindex(factor): | |
part = array[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))] | |
indexing_expr = tuple(np.s_[:s] for s in part.shape) | |
temp[indexing_expr] += part | |
counts[indexing_expr] += 1 | |
return np.cast[array.dtype](temp / counts) | |
def downsample_with_max_pooling(array): | |
factor = (2,2,2) | |
sections = [] | |
for offset in np.ndindex(factor): | |
part = array[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))] | |
sections.append(part) | |
output = sections[0].copy() | |
for section in sections[1:]: | |
np.maximum(output, section, output) | |
return output | |
def striding(array): | |
"""Downsample x by factor using striding. | |
@return: The downsampled array, of the same type as x. | |
""" | |
factor = (2,2,2) | |
if np.all(np.array(factor, int) == 1): | |
return array | |
return array[tuple(np.s_[::f] for f in factor)] | |
def benchmark(): | |
def countless3d_generalized(img): | |
return countless_generalized(img, (2,8,1)) | |
def countless3d_dynamic_generalized(img): | |
return dynamic_countless_generalized(img, (8,8,1)) | |
methods = [ | |
# countless3d, | |
# dynamic_countless3d, | |
countless3d_generalized, | |
# countless3d_dynamic_generalized, | |
# striding, | |
# downsample_with_averaging, | |
# downsample_with_max_pooling | |
] | |
data = np.zeros(shape=(16**2, 16**2, 16**2), dtype=np.uint8) + 1 | |
N = 5 | |
print('Algorithm\tMPx\tMB/sec\tSec\tN=%d' % N) | |
for fn in methods: | |
start = time.time() | |
for _ in range(N): | |
result = fn(data) | |
end = time.time() | |
total_time = (end - start) | |
mpx = N * float(data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] * data.shape[2]) / total_time / 1024.0 / 1024.0 | |
mbytes = mpx * np.dtype(data.dtype).itemsize | |
# Output in tab separated format to enable copy-paste into excel/numbers | |
print("%s\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.2f" % (fn.__name__, mpx, mbytes, total_time)) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
benchmark() | |
# Algorithm MPx MB/sec Sec N=5 | |
# countless3d 10.564 10.564 60.58 | |
# dynamic_countless3d 22.717 22.717 28.17 | |
# countless3d_generalized 9.702 9.702 65.96 | |
# countless3d_dynamic_generalized 22.720 22.720 28.17 | |
# striding 253360.506 253360.506 0.00 | |
# downsample_with_averaging 224.098 224.098 2.86 | |
# downsample_with_max_pooling 690.474 690.474 0.93 | |