CestLumi - Broken Models

by Luni - opened

Hi John,

the models you use in your Space, Cest Lumi etc. were incomplete merges, if you want to keep them thats okay, i just wanted to let you know that there is hardly any documentation on them given that it was for the sake of messing around with it.

Thanks though :3

Another note: The model does not perform very nicely with such "Instructions"

Luni changed discussion status to closed

I just noticed. I wondered why I hadn't received any notifications, but I was still on mute notification.

I understand. I haven't uploaded it to space yet, but I commented out the source code just in case.

By the way, the models in the list are in principle only those that were able to execute the instruction within a few failed attempts. (There are exceptions, such as models trained on proprietary data, which are promising and should be kept at the bottom of the list.)
This list, or rather the space itself, is so to speak my own personal trial and notebook.

In other words, your model has already successfully executed the instructions.๐Ÿค—

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