ASR_gradio /
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import torch
import spaces
import whisper
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
import soundfile as sf
import torchaudio as ta
from model_utils import get_processor, get_model, get_whisper_model_small, get_device
from config import SAMPLING_RATE, CHUNK_LENGTH_S
# def resample_with_ffmpeg(input_file, output_file, target_sr=16000):
# command = [
# 'ffmpeg', '-i', input_file, '-ar', str(target_sr), output_file
# ]
#, check=True)
def load_and_resample_audio(file):
# First attempt: Use torchaudio.load()
waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(file)
except Exception as e:
print(f"torchaudio.load() failed: {e}")
# Second attempt: Use soundfile
waveform, sample_rate =
waveform = torch.from_numpy(waveform.T).float()
if waveform.dim() == 1:
waveform = waveform.unsqueeze(0)
except Exception as e:
print(f" failed: {e}")
raise ValueError(f"Failed to load audio file: {file}")
print(f"Original audio shape: {waveform.shape}, Sample rate: {sample_rate}")
if sample_rate != SAMPLING_RATE:
waveform = F.resample(waveform, sample_rate, SAMPLING_RATE)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Resampling failed: {e}")
raise ValueError(f"Failed to resample audio from {sample_rate} to {SAMPLING_RATE}")
# Ensure the audio is in the correct shape (mono)
if waveform.dim() > 1 and waveform.shape[0] > 1:
waveform = waveform.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
print(f"Processed audio shape: {waveform.shape}, New sample rate: {SAMPLING_RATE}")
return waveform, SAMPLING_RATE
def detect_language(audio):
whisper_model = get_whisper_model_small()
# Save the input audio to a temporary file"input_audio.wav", torch.tensor(audio[1]).unsqueeze(0), audio[0])
# Resample if necessary using ffmpeg
if audio[0] != SAMPLING_RATE:
resample_with_ffmpeg("input_audio.wav", "resampled_audio.wav", target_sr=SAMPLING_RATE)
audio_tensor, _ = ta.load("resampled_audio.wav")
audio_tensor = torch.tensor(audio[1]).float()
# Ensure the audio is in the correct shape (mono)
if audio_tensor.dim() == 2:
audio_tensor = audio_tensor.mean(dim=0)
# Use Whisper's preprocessing
audio_tensor = whisper.pad_or_trim(audio_tensor)
print(f"Audio length after pad/trim: {audio_tensor.shape[-1] / SAMPLING_RATE} seconds")
mel = whisper.log_mel_spectrogram(audio_tensor).to(whisper_model.device)
# Detect language
_, probs = whisper_model.detect_language(mel)
detected_lang = max(probs, key=probs.get)
print(f"Audio shape: {audio_tensor.shape}")
print(f"Mel spectrogram shape: {mel.shape}")
print(f"Detected language: {detected_lang}")
print("Language probabilities:", probs)
return detected_lang
def process_long_audio(audio, task="transcribe", language=None):
if audio[0] != SAMPLING_RATE:
# Save the input audio to a file for ffmpeg processing"input_audio_1.wav", torch.tensor(audio[1]).unsqueeze(0), audio[0])
# Resample using ffmpeg
resample_with_ffmpeg("input_audio_1.wav", "resampled_audio_2.wav", target_sr=SAMPLING_RATE)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"ffmpeg failed: {e.stderr}")
raise e
waveform, _ = ta.load("resampled_audio_2.wav")
waveform = torch.tensor(audio[1]).float()
# Ensure the audio is in the correct shape (mono)
if waveform.dim() == 2:
waveform = waveform.mean(dim=0)
print(f"Waveform shape after processing: {waveform.shape}")
if waveform.numel() == 0:
raise ValueError("Waveform is empty. Please check the input audio file.")
input_length = waveform.shape[0] # Since waveform is 1D, access the length with shape[0]
chunk_length = int(CHUNK_LENGTH_S * SAMPLING_RATE)
# Corrected slicing for 1D tensor
chunks = [waveform[i:i + chunk_length] for i in range(0, input_length, chunk_length)]
# Initialize the processor
processor = get_processor()
model = get_model()
device = get_device()
results = []
for chunk in chunks:
input_features = processor(chunk, sampling_rate=SAMPLING_RATE, return_tensors="pt")
with torch.no_grad():
if task == "translate":
forced_decoder_ids = processor.get_decoder_prompt_ids(language=language, task="translate")
generated_ids = model.generate(input_features, forced_decoder_ids=forced_decoder_ids)
generated_ids = model.generate(input_features)
transcription = processor.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
# Clear GPU cache
return " ".join(results)
def process_audio(audio):
if audio is None:
return "No file uploaded", "", ""
detected_lang = detect_language(audio)
transcription = process_long_audio(audio, task="transcribe")
translation = process_long_audio(audio, task="translate", language=detected_lang)
return detected_lang, transcription, translation
# Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
gr.Textbox(label="Detected Language"),
gr.Textbox(label="Transcription", lines=5),
gr.Textbox(label="Translation", lines=5)
title="Audio Transcription and Translation",
description="Upload an audio file to detect its language, transcribe, and translate it.",
css=".output-textbox { font-family: 'Noto Sans Devanagari', sans-serif; font-size: 18px; }"