import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import nvdiffrast.torch as dr |
from einops import rearrange, repeat |
from .encoder.dino_wrapper import DinoWrapper |
from .decoder.transformer import TriplaneTransformer |
from .renderer.synthesizer_mesh import TriplaneSynthesizer |
from .geometry.camera.perspective_camera import PerspectiveCamera |
from .geometry.render.neural_render import NeuralRender |
from .geometry.rep_3d.flexicubes_geometry import FlexiCubesGeometry |
from ..utils.mesh_util import xatlas_uvmap |
from .geometry.rep_3d import util |
import trimesh |
from PIL import Image |
from src.utils import render |
from src.utils.render_utils import rotate_x, rotate_y |
class PRM(nn.Module): |
""" |
Full model of the large reconstruction model. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
encoder_freeze: bool = False, |
encoder_model_name: str = 'facebook/dino-vitb16', |
encoder_feat_dim: int = 768, |
transformer_dim: int = 1024, |
transformer_layers: int = 16, |
transformer_heads: int = 16, |
triplane_low_res: int = 32, |
triplane_high_res: int = 64, |
triplane_dim: int = 80, |
rendering_samples_per_ray: int = 128, |
grid_res: int = 128, |
grid_scale: float = 2.0, |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.grid_res = grid_res |
self.grid_scale = grid_scale |
self.deformation_multiplier = 4.0 |
self.encoder = DinoWrapper( |
model_name=encoder_model_name, |
freeze=encoder_freeze, |
) |
self.transformer = TriplaneTransformer( |
inner_dim=transformer_dim, |
num_layers=transformer_layers, |
num_heads=transformer_heads, |
image_feat_dim=encoder_feat_dim, |
triplane_low_res=triplane_low_res, |
triplane_high_res=triplane_high_res, |
triplane_dim=triplane_dim, |
) |
self.synthesizer = TriplaneSynthesizer( |
triplane_dim=triplane_dim, |
samples_per_ray=rendering_samples_per_ray, |
) |
def init_flexicubes_geometry(self, device, fovy=50.0, use_renderer=True): |
camera = PerspectiveCamera(fovy=fovy, device=device) |
if use_renderer: |
renderer = NeuralRender(device, camera_model=camera) |
else: |
renderer = None |
self.geometry = FlexiCubesGeometry( |
grid_res=self.grid_res, |
scale=self.grid_scale, |
renderer=renderer, |
render_type='neural_render', |
device=device, |
) |
def forward_planes(self, images, cameras): |
B = images.shape[0] |
image_feats = self.encoder(images, cameras) |
image_feats = rearrange(image_feats, '(b v) l d -> b (v l) d', b=B) |
planes = self.transformer(image_feats) |
return planes |
def get_sdf_deformation_prediction(self, planes): |
''' |
Predict SDF and deformation for tetrahedron vertices |
:param planes: triplane feature map for the geometry |
''' |
init_position = self.geometry.verts.unsqueeze(0).expand(planes.shape[0], -1, -1) |
sdf, deformation, weight = torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint( |
self.synthesizer.get_geometry_prediction, |
planes, |
init_position, |
self.geometry.indices, |
use_reentrant=False, |
) |
deformation = 1.0 / (self.grid_res * self.deformation_multiplier) * torch.tanh(deformation) |
sdf_reg_loss = torch.zeros(sdf.shape[0], device=sdf.device, dtype=torch.float32) |
sdf_bxnxnxn = sdf.reshape((sdf.shape[0], self.grid_res + 1, self.grid_res + 1, self.grid_res + 1)) |
sdf_less_boundary = sdf_bxnxnxn[:, 1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1].reshape(sdf.shape[0], -1) |
pos_shape = torch.sum((sdf_less_boundary > 0).int(), dim=-1) |
neg_shape = torch.sum((sdf_less_boundary < 0).int(), dim=-1) |
zero_surface = torch.bitwise_or(pos_shape == 0, neg_shape == 0) |
if torch.sum(zero_surface).item() > 0: |
update_sdf = torch.zeros_like(sdf[0:1]) |
max_sdf = sdf.max() |
min_sdf = sdf.min() |
update_sdf[:, self.geometry.center_indices] += (1.0 - min_sdf) |
update_sdf[:, self.geometry.boundary_indices] += (-1 - max_sdf) |
new_sdf = torch.zeros_like(sdf) |
for i_batch in range(zero_surface.shape[0]): |
if zero_surface[i_batch]: |
new_sdf[i_batch:i_batch + 1] += update_sdf |
update_mask = (new_sdf == 0).float() |
sdf_reg_loss = torch.abs(sdf).mean(dim=-1).mean(dim=-1) |
sdf_reg_loss = sdf_reg_loss * zero_surface.float() |
sdf = sdf * update_mask + new_sdf * (1 - update_mask) |
final_sdf = [] |
final_def = [] |
for i_batch in range(zero_surface.shape[0]): |
if zero_surface[i_batch]: |
final_sdf.append(sdf[i_batch: i_batch + 1].detach()) |
final_def.append(deformation[i_batch: i_batch + 1].detach()) |
else: |
final_sdf.append(sdf[i_batch: i_batch + 1]) |
final_def.append(deformation[i_batch: i_batch + 1]) |
sdf = torch.cat(final_sdf, dim=0) |
deformation = torch.cat(final_def, dim=0) |
return sdf, deformation, sdf_reg_loss, weight |
def get_geometry_prediction(self, planes=None): |
''' |
Function to generate mesh with give triplanes |
:param planes: triplane features |
''' |
sdf, deformation, sdf_reg_loss, weight = self.get_sdf_deformation_prediction(planes) |
v_deformed = self.geometry.verts.unsqueeze(dim=0).expand(sdf.shape[0], -1, -1) + deformation |
tets = self.geometry.indices |
n_batch = planes.shape[0] |
v_list = [] |
f_list = [] |
imesh_list = [] |
flexicubes_surface_reg_list = [] |
for i_batch in range(n_batch): |
verts, faces, flexicubes_surface_reg, imesh = self.geometry.get_mesh( |
v_deformed[i_batch], |
sdf[i_batch].squeeze(dim=-1), |
with_uv=False, |
indices=tets, |
weight_n=weight[i_batch].squeeze(dim=-1), |
is_training=self.training, |
) |
flexicubes_surface_reg_list.append(flexicubes_surface_reg) |
v_list.append(verts) |
f_list.append(faces) |
imesh_list.append(imesh) |
flexicubes_surface_reg = torch.cat(flexicubes_surface_reg_list).mean() |
flexicubes_weight_reg = (weight ** 2).mean() |
return v_list, f_list, imesh_list, sdf, deformation, v_deformed, (sdf_reg_loss, flexicubes_surface_reg, flexicubes_weight_reg) |
def get_texture_prediction(self, planes, tex_pos, hard_mask=None, gb_normal=None, training=True): |
''' |
Predict Texture given triplanes |
:param planes: the triplane feature map |
:param tex_pos: Position we want to query the texture field |
:param hard_mask: 2D silhoueete of the rendered image |
''' |
tex_pos = torch.cat(tex_pos, dim=0) |
shape = tex_pos.shape |
flat_pos = tex_pos.view(-1, 3) |
if training: |
with torch.no_grad(): |
flat_pos = flat_pos @ rotate_y(-np.pi / 2, device=flat_pos.device)[:3, :3] |
flat_pos = flat_pos @ rotate_x(-np.pi / 2, device=flat_pos.device)[:3, :3] |
tex_pos = flat_pos.reshape(*shape) |
if not hard_mask is None: |
tex_pos = tex_pos * hard_mask.float() |
batch_size = tex_pos.shape[0] |
tex_pos = tex_pos.reshape(batch_size, -1, 3) |
if hard_mask is not None: |
n_point_list = torch.sum(hard_mask.long().reshape(hard_mask.shape[0], -1), dim=-1) |
sample_tex_pose_list = [] |
max_point = n_point_list.max() |
expanded_hard_mask = hard_mask.reshape(batch_size, -1, 1).expand(-1, -1, 3) > 0.5 |
for i in range(tex_pos.shape[0]): |
tex_pos_one_shape = tex_pos[i][expanded_hard_mask[i]].reshape(1, -1, 3) |
if tex_pos_one_shape.shape[1] < max_point: |
tex_pos_one_shape = torch.cat( |
[tex_pos_one_shape, torch.zeros( |
1, max_point - tex_pos_one_shape.shape[1], 3, |
device=tex_pos_one_shape.device, dtype=torch.float32)], dim=1) |
sample_tex_pose_list.append(tex_pos_one_shape) |
tex_pos = torch.cat(sample_tex_pose_list, dim=0) |
tex_feat, metalic_feat, roughness_feat = torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint( |
self.synthesizer.get_texture_prediction, |
planes, |
tex_pos, |
use_reentrant=False, |
) |
metalic_feat, roughness_feat = metalic_feat[..., None], roughness_feat[..., None] |
if hard_mask is not None: |
final_tex_feat = torch.zeros( |
planes.shape[0], hard_mask.shape[1] * hard_mask.shape[2], tex_feat.shape[-1], device=tex_feat.device) |
final_matallic_feat = torch.zeros( |
planes.shape[0], hard_mask.shape[1] * hard_mask.shape[2], metalic_feat.shape[-1], device=metalic_feat.device) |
final_roughness_feat = torch.zeros( |
planes.shape[0], hard_mask.shape[1] * hard_mask.shape[2], roughness_feat.shape[-1], device=roughness_feat.device) |
expanded_hard_mask = hard_mask.reshape(hard_mask.shape[0], -1, 1).expand(-1, -1, final_tex_feat.shape[-1]) > 0.5 |
expanded_hard_mask_m = hard_mask.reshape(hard_mask.shape[0], -1, 1).expand(-1, -1, final_matallic_feat.shape[-1]) > 0.5 |
expanded_hard_mask_r = hard_mask.reshape(hard_mask.shape[0], -1, 1).expand(-1, -1, final_roughness_feat.shape[-1]) > 0.5 |
for i in range(planes.shape[0]): |
final_tex_feat[i][expanded_hard_mask[i]] = tex_feat[i][:n_point_list[i]].reshape(-1) |
final_matallic_feat[i][expanded_hard_mask_m[i]] = metalic_feat[i][:n_point_list[i]].reshape(-1) |
final_roughness_feat[i][expanded_hard_mask_r[i]] = roughness_feat[i][:n_point_list[i]].reshape(-1) |
tex_feat = final_tex_feat |
metalic_feat = final_matallic_feat |
roughness_feat = final_roughness_feat |
return tex_feat.reshape(planes.shape[0], hard_mask.shape[1], hard_mask.shape[2], tex_feat.shape[-1]), metalic_feat.reshape(planes.shape[0], hard_mask.shape[1], hard_mask.shape[2], metalic_feat.shape[-1]), roughness_feat.reshape(planes.shape[0], hard_mask.shape[1], hard_mask.shape[2], roughness_feat.shape[-1]) |
def render_mesh(self, mesh_v, mesh_f, imesh, cam_mv, camera_pos, env, planes, materials, render_size=256, gt_albedo_map=None, single=False): |
''' |
Function to render a generated mesh with nvdiffrast |
:param mesh_v: List of vertices for the mesh |
:param mesh_f: List of faces for the mesh |
:param cam_mv: 4x4 rotation matrix |
:return: |
''' |
return_value_list = [] |
for i_mesh in range(len(mesh_v)): |
return_value = self.geometry.render_mesh( |
mesh_v[i_mesh], |
mesh_f[i_mesh].int(), |
imesh[i_mesh], |
cam_mv[i_mesh], |
camera_pos[i_mesh], |
env[i_mesh], |
planes[i_mesh], |
self.get_texture_prediction, |
materials[i_mesh], |
resolution=render_size, |
hierarchical_mask=False, |
gt_albedo_map=gt_albedo_map, |
) |
return_value_list.append(return_value) |
return_keys = return_value_list[0].keys() |
return_value = dict() |
for k in return_keys: |
value = [v[k] for v in return_value_list] |
return_value[k] = value |
hard_mask = torch.cat(return_value['mask'], dim=0) |
rgb = torch.cat(return_value['shaded'], dim=0) |
spec_light = torch.cat(return_value['spec_light'], dim=0) |
diff_light = torch.cat(return_value['diff_light'], dim=0) |
albedo = torch.cat(return_value['albedo'], dim=0) |
depth = torch.cat(return_value['depth'], dim=0) |
normal = torch.cat(return_value['normal'], dim=0) |
gb_normal = torch.cat(return_value['gb_normal'], dim=0) |
return rgb, spec_light, diff_light, albedo, depth, normal, gb_normal, hard_mask |
def forward_geometry(self, planes, render_cameras, camera_pos, env, materials, albedo_map=None, render_size=256, sample_points=None, gt_albedo_map=None, single=False): |
''' |
Main function of our Generator. It first generate 3D mesh, then render it into 2D image |
with given `render_cameras`. |
:param planes: triplane features |
:param render_cameras: cameras to render generated 3D shape |
''' |
B, NV = render_cameras.shape[:2] |
mesh_v, mesh_f, imesh, sdf, deformation, v_deformed, sdf_reg_loss = self.get_geometry_prediction(planes) |
predict_sample_points = None |
cam_mv = render_cameras |
rgb, spec_light, diff_light, albedo, depth, normal, gb_normal, mask = self.render_mesh(mesh_v, mesh_f, imesh, cam_mv, camera_pos, env, planes, materials, |
render_size=render_size, gt_albedo_map=gt_albedo_map, single=single) |
albedo = albedo[...,:3].clamp(0, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).unflatten(0, (B, NV)) |
pbr_img = rgb[...,:3].clamp(0, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).unflatten(0, (B, NV)) |
normal_img = gb_normal[...,:3].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).unflatten(0, (B, NV)) |
pbr_spec_light = spec_light[...,:3].clamp(0, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).unflatten(0, (B, NV)) |
pbr_diffuse_light = diff_light[...,:3].clamp(0, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).unflatten(0, (B, NV)) |
antilias_mask = mask[...,:3].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).unflatten(0, (B, NV)) |
depth = depth[...,:3].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).unflatten(0, (B, NV)) |
out = { |
'albedo': albedo, |
'pbr_img': pbr_img, |
'normal_img': normal_img, |
'pbr_spec_light': pbr_spec_light, |
'pbr_diffuse_light': pbr_diffuse_light, |
'depth': depth, |
'normal': gb_normal, |
'mask': antilias_mask, |
'sdf': sdf, |
'mesh_v': mesh_v, |
'mesh_f': mesh_f, |
'sdf_reg_loss': sdf_reg_loss, |
'triplane': planes, |
'sample_points': predict_sample_points |
} |
return out |
def forward(self, images, cameras, render_cameras, render_size: int): |
B, M = render_cameras.shape[:2] |
planes = self.forward_planes(images, cameras) |
out = self.forward_geometry(planes, render_cameras, render_size=render_size) |
return { |
'planes': planes, |
**out |
} |
def extract_mesh( |
self, |
planes: torch.Tensor, |
use_texture_map: bool = False, |
texture_resolution: int = 1024, |
**kwargs, |
): |
''' |
Extract a 3D mesh from FlexiCubes. Only support batch_size 1. |
:param planes: triplane features |
:param use_texture_map: use texture map or vertex color |
:param texture_resolution: the resolution of texure map |
''' |
assert planes.shape[0] == 1 |
device = planes.device |
mesh_v, mesh_f, imesh, sdf, deformation, v_deformed, sdf_reg_loss = self.get_geometry_prediction(planes) |
vertices, faces = mesh_v[0], mesh_f[0] |
with torch.no_grad(): |
vertices = vertices @ rotate_y(-np.pi / 2, device=vertices.device)[:3, :3] |
vertices = vertices @ rotate_x(-np.pi / 2, device=vertices.device)[:3, :3] |
if not use_texture_map: |
vertices_tensor = vertices.unsqueeze(0) |
vertices_colors, matellic, roughness = self.synthesizer.get_texture_prediction( |
planes, vertices_tensor) |
vertices_colors = vertices_colors.clamp(0, 1).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() |
vertices_colors = (vertices_colors * 255).astype(np.uint8) |
return vertices.cpu().numpy(), faces.cpu().numpy(), vertices_colors |
ctx = dr.RasterizeCudaContext(device=device) |
uvs, mesh_tex_idx, gb_pos, tex_hard_mask = xatlas_uvmap( |
self.geometry.renderer.ctx, vertices, faces, resolution=texture_resolution) |
tex_hard_mask = tex_hard_mask.float() |
tex_feat, _, _ = self.get_texture_prediction( |
planes, [gb_pos], tex_hard_mask, training=False) |
background_feature = torch.zeros_like(tex_feat) |
img_feat = torch.lerp(background_feature, tex_feat, tex_hard_mask) |
texture_map = img_feat.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).squeeze(0) |
return vertices, faces, uvs, mesh_tex_idx, texture_map |