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# Adding Abseil (absl) flags quickstart
## Defining a flag
absl flag definitions are similar to argparse, although they are defined on a global namespace.
For instance defining a string flag looks like:
from absl import flags
help="Here is what this flag does."
All three arguments are required, but default may be `None`. A common optional argument is
short_name for defining abreviations. Certain `DEFINE_*` methods will have other required arguments.
For instance `DEFINE_enum` requires the `enum_values` argument to be specified.
## Key Flags
absl has the concept of a key flag. Any flag defined in `__main__` is considered a key flag by
default. Key flags are displayed in `--help`, others only appear in `--helpfull`. In order to
handle key flags that are defined outside the module in question, absl provides the
`flags.adopt_module_key_flags()` method. This adds the key flags of a different module to one's own
key flags. For example:
from absl import flags
flags.DEFINE_string(name="my_flag", default="abc", help="a flag.")
from absl import app as absl_app
from absl import flags
import flag_source
def main(_):
pass, [__file__, "-h"]
when `` is run it will show the help text for `my_flag`. Because not all flags defined
in a file are equally important, `official/utils/flags/` (generally imported as flags_core)
provides an abstraction for handling key flag declaration in an easy way through the
`register_key_flags_in_core()` function, which allows a module to make a single
`adopt_key_flags(flags_core)` call when using the util flag declaration functions.
## Validators
Often the constraints on a flag are complicated. absl provides the validator decorator to allow
one to mark a function as a flag validation function. Suppose we want users to provide a flag
which is a palindrome.
from absl import flags
flags.DEFINE_string(name="pal_flag", short_name="pf", default="", help="Give me a palindrome")
def _check_pal(provided_pal_flag):
return provided_pal_flag == provided_pal_flag[::-1]
Validators take the form that returning True (truthy) passes, and all others
(False, None, exception) fail.
## Testing
To test using absl, simply declare flags in the setupClass method of TensorFlow's TestCase.
from absl import flags
import tensorflow as tf
def define_flags():
flags.DEFINE_string(name="test_flag", default="abc", help="an example flag")
class BaseTester(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseTester, cls).setUpClass()
def test_trivial(self):
flags_core.parse_flags([__file__, "test_flag", "def"])
self.AssertEqual(flags.FLAGS.test_flag, "def")