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# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
"""Eval pre-trained 1 billion word language model.
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange
import tensorflow as tf
from google.protobuf import text_format
import data_utils
FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS
# General flags.
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('mode', 'eval',
'One of [sample, eval, dump_emb, dump_lstm_emb]. '
'"sample" mode samples future word predictions, using '
'FLAGS.prefix as prefix (prefix could be left empty). '
'"eval" mode calculates perplexity of the '
'FLAGS.input_data. '
'"dump_emb" mode dumps word and softmax embeddings to '
'FLAGS.save_dir. embeddings are dumped in the same '
'order as words in vocabulary. All words in vocabulary '
'are dumped.'
'dump_lstm_emb dumps lstm embeddings of FLAGS.sentence '
'to FLAGS.save_dir.')
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('pbtxt', '',
'GraphDef proto text file used to construct model '
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('ckpt', '',
'Checkpoint directory used to fill model values.')
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('vocab_file', '', 'Vocabulary file.')
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('save_dir', '',
'Used for "dump_emb" mode to save word embeddings.')
# sample mode flags.
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('prefix', '',
'Used for "sample" mode to predict next words.')
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer('max_sample_words', 100,
'Sampling stops either when </S> is met or this number '
'of steps has passed.')
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer('num_samples', 3,
'Number of samples to generate for the prefix.')
# dump_lstm_emb mode flags.
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('sentence', '',
'Used as input for "dump_lstm_emb" mode.')
# eval mode flags.
tf.flags.DEFINE_string('input_data', '',
'Input data files for eval model.')
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer('max_eval_steps', 1000000,
'Maximum mumber of steps to run "eval" mode.')
# For saving demo resources, use batch size 1 and step 1.
def _LoadModel(gd_file, ckpt_file):
"""Load the model from GraphDef and Checkpoint.
gd_file: GraphDef proto text file.
ckpt_file: TensorFlow Checkpoint file.
TensorFlow session and tensors dict.
with tf.Graph().as_default():
sys.stderr.write('Recovering graph.\n')
with tf.gfile.FastGFile(gd_file, 'r') as f:
s =
gd = tf.GraphDef()
text_format.Merge(s, gd)'Recovering Graph %s', gd_file)
t = {}
[t['states_init'], t['lstm/lstm_0/control_dependency'],
t['lstm/lstm_1/control_dependency'], t['softmax_out'], t['class_ids_out'],
t['class_weights_out'], t['log_perplexity_out'], t['inputs_in'],
t['targets_in'], t['target_weights_in'], t['char_inputs_in'],
t['all_embs'], t['softmax_weights'], t['global_step']
] = tf.import_graph_def(gd, {}, ['states_init',
'global_step:0'], name='')
sys.stderr.write('Recovering checkpoint %s\n' % ckpt_file)
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True))'save/restore_all', {'save/Const:0': ckpt_file})['states_init'])
return sess, t
def _EvalModel(dataset):
"""Evaluate model perplexity using provided dataset.
dataset: LM1BDataset object.
sess, t = _LoadModel(FLAGS.pbtxt, FLAGS.ckpt)
current_step = t['global_step'].eval(session=sess)
sys.stderr.write('Loaded step %d.\n' % current_step)
data_gen = dataset.get_batch(BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS, forever=False)
sum_num = 0.0
sum_den = 0.0
perplexity = 0.0
for i, (inputs, char_inputs, _, targets, weights) in enumerate(data_gen):
input_dict = {t['inputs_in']: inputs,
t['targets_in']: targets,
t['target_weights_in']: weights}
if 'char_inputs_in' in t:
input_dict[t['char_inputs_in']] = char_inputs
log_perp =['log_perplexity_out'], feed_dict=input_dict)
if np.isnan(log_perp):
sys.stderr.error('log_perplexity is Nan.\n')
sum_num += log_perp * weights.mean()
sum_den += weights.mean()
if sum_den > 0:
perplexity = np.exp(sum_num / sum_den)
sys.stderr.write('Eval Step: %d, Average Perplexity: %f.\n' %
(i, perplexity))
if i > FLAGS.max_eval_steps:
def _SampleSoftmax(softmax):
return min(np.sum(np.cumsum(softmax) < np.random.rand()), len(softmax) - 1)
def _SampleModel(prefix_words, vocab):
"""Predict next words using the given prefix words.
prefix_words: Prefix words.
vocab: Vocabulary. Contains max word chard id length and converts between
words and ids.
targets = np.zeros([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.int32)
weights = np.ones([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.float32)
sess, t = _LoadModel(FLAGS.pbtxt, FLAGS.ckpt)
if prefix_words.find('<S>') != 0:
prefix_words = '<S> ' + prefix_words
prefix = [vocab.word_to_id(w) for w in prefix_words.split()]
prefix_char_ids = [vocab.word_to_char_ids(w) for w in prefix_words.split()]
for _ in xrange(FLAGS.num_samples):
inputs = np.zeros([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.int32)
char_ids_inputs = np.zeros(
[BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS, vocab.max_word_length], np.int32)
samples = prefix[:]
char_ids_samples = prefix_char_ids[:]
sent = ''
while True:
inputs[0, 0] = samples[0]
char_ids_inputs[0, 0, :] = char_ids_samples[0]
samples = samples[1:]
char_ids_samples = char_ids_samples[1:]
softmax =['softmax_out'],
feed_dict={t['char_inputs_in']: char_ids_inputs,
t['inputs_in']: inputs,
t['targets_in']: targets,
t['target_weights_in']: weights})
sample = _SampleSoftmax(softmax[0])
sample_char_ids = vocab.word_to_char_ids(vocab.id_to_word(sample))
if not samples:
samples = [sample]
char_ids_samples = [sample_char_ids]
sent += vocab.id_to_word(samples[0]) + ' '
sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % sent)
if (vocab.id_to_word(samples[0]) == '</S>' or
len(sent) > FLAGS.max_sample_words):
def _DumpEmb(vocab):
"""Dump the softmax weights and word embeddings to files.
vocab: Vocabulary. Contains vocabulary size and converts word to ids.
assert FLAGS.save_dir, 'Must specify FLAGS.save_dir for dump_emb.'
inputs = np.zeros([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.int32)
targets = np.zeros([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.int32)
weights = np.ones([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.float32)
sess, t = _LoadModel(FLAGS.pbtxt, FLAGS.ckpt)
softmax_weights =['softmax_weights'])
fname = FLAGS.save_dir + '/embeddings_softmax.npy'
with tf.gfile.Open(fname, mode='w') as f:, softmax_weights)
sys.stderr.write('Finished softmax weights\n')
all_embs = np.zeros([vocab.size, 1024])
for i in xrange(vocab.size):
input_dict = {t['inputs_in']: inputs,
t['targets_in']: targets,
t['target_weights_in']: weights}
if 'char_inputs_in' in t:
input_dict[t['char_inputs_in']] = (
vocab.word_char_ids[i].reshape([-1, 1, MAX_WORD_LEN]))
embs =['all_embs'], input_dict)
all_embs[i, :] = embs
sys.stderr.write('Finished word embedding %d/%d\n' % (i, vocab.size))
fname = FLAGS.save_dir + '/embeddings_char_cnn.npy'
with tf.gfile.Open(fname, mode='w') as f:, all_embs)
sys.stderr.write('Embedding file saved\n')
def _DumpSentenceEmbedding(sentence, vocab):
"""Predict next words using the given prefix words.
sentence: Sentence words.
vocab: Vocabulary. Contains max word chard id length and converts between
words and ids.
targets = np.zeros([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.int32)
weights = np.ones([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.float32)
sess, t = _LoadModel(FLAGS.pbtxt, FLAGS.ckpt)
if sentence.find('<S>') != 0:
sentence = '<S> ' + sentence
word_ids = [vocab.word_to_id(w) for w in sentence.split()]
char_ids = [vocab.word_to_char_ids(w) for w in sentence.split()]
inputs = np.zeros([BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS], np.int32)
char_ids_inputs = np.zeros(
[BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS, vocab.max_word_length], np.int32)
for i in xrange(len(word_ids)):
inputs[0, 0] = word_ids[i]
char_ids_inputs[0, 0, :] = char_ids[i]
# Add 'lstm/lstm_0/control_dependency' if you want to dump previous layer
lstm_emb =['lstm/lstm_1/control_dependency'],
feed_dict={t['char_inputs_in']: char_ids_inputs,
t['inputs_in']: inputs,
t['targets_in']: targets,
t['target_weights_in']: weights})
fname = os.path.join(FLAGS.save_dir, 'lstm_emb_step_%d.npy' % i)
with tf.gfile.Open(fname, mode='w') as f:, lstm_emb)
sys.stderr.write('LSTM embedding step %d file saved\n' % i)
def main(unused_argv):
vocab = data_utils.CharsVocabulary(FLAGS.vocab_file, MAX_WORD_LEN)
if FLAGS.mode == 'eval':
dataset = data_utils.LM1BDataset(FLAGS.input_data, vocab)
elif FLAGS.mode == 'sample':
_SampleModel(FLAGS.prefix, vocab)
elif FLAGS.mode == 'dump_emb':
elif FLAGS.mode == 'dump_lstm_emb':
_DumpSentenceEmbedding(FLAGS.sentence, vocab)
raise Exception('Mode not supported.')
if __name__ == '__main__':