# Copyright 2017 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | |
# | |
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |
# You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
# limitations under the License. | |
# ============================================================================== | |
"""Helper utilities for training and testing optimizers.""" | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
import random | |
import sys | |
import time | |
import numpy as np | |
from six.moves import xrange | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
from learned_optimizer.optimizer import trainable_optimizer | |
from learned_optimizer.optimizer import utils | |
from learned_optimizer.problems import datasets | |
from learned_optimizer.problems import problem_generator | |"ps_tasks", 0, | |
"""Number of tasks in the ps job. | |
If 0 no ps job is used.""") | |"nan_l2_reg", 1e-2, | |
"""Strength of l2-reg when NaNs are encountered.""") | |"l2_reg", 0., | |
"""Lambda value for parameter regularization.""") | |
# Default is 0.9 | |"rms_decay", 0.9, | |
"""Decay value for the RMSProp metaoptimizer.""") | |
# Default is 1e-10 | |"rms_epsilon", 1e-20, | |
"""Epsilon value for the RMSProp metaoptimizer.""") | |"set_profiling", False, | |
"""Enable memory usage and computation time """ | |
"""tracing for tensorflow nodes (available in """ | |
"""TensorBoard).""") | |"reset_rnn_params", True, | |
"""Reset the parameters of the optimizer | |
from one meta-iteration to the next.""") | |
FLAGS = | |
OPT_SUM_COLLECTION = "LOL_summaries" | |
def sigmoid_weights(n, slope=0.1, offset=5): | |
"""Generates a sigmoid, scaled to sum to 1. | |
This function is used to generate weights that serve to mask out | |
the early objective values of an optimization problem such that | |
initial variation in the objective is phased out (hence the sigmoid | |
starts at zero and ramps up to the maximum value, and the total | |
weight is normalized to sum to one) | |
Args: | |
n: the number of samples | |
slope: slope of the sigmoid (Default: 0.1) | |
offset: threshold of the sigmoid (Default: 5) | |
Returns: | |
No | |
""" | |
x = np.arange(n) | |
y = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-slope * (x-offset))) | |
y_normalized = y / np.sum(y) | |
return y_normalized | |
def sample_numiter(scale, min_steps=50): | |
"""Samples a number of iterations from an exponential distribution. | |
Args: | |
scale: parameter for the exponential distribution | |
min_steps: minimum number of steps to run (additive) | |
Returns: | |
num_steps: An integer equal to a rounded sample from the exponential | |
distribution + the value of min_steps. | |
""" | |
return int(np.round(np.random.exponential(scale=scale)) + min_steps) | |
def train_optimizer(logdir, | |
optimizer_spec, | |
problems_and_data, | |
num_problems, | |
num_meta_iterations, | |
num_unroll_func, | |
num_partial_unroll_itrs_func, | |
learning_rate=1e-4, | |
gradient_clip=5., | |
is_chief=False, | |
select_random_problems=True, | |
callbacks=None, | |
obj_train_max_multiplier=-1, | |
out=sys.stdout): | |
"""Trains the meta-parameters of this optimizer. | |
Args: | |
logdir: a directory filepath for storing model checkpoints (must exist) | |
optimizer_spec: specification for an Optimizer (see utils.Spec) | |
problems_and_data: a list of tuples containing three elements: a problem | |
specification (see utils.Spec), a dataset (see datasets.Dataset), and | |
a batch_size (int) for generating a problem and corresponding dataset. If | |
the problem doesn't have data, set dataset to None. | |
num_problems: the number of problems to sample during meta-training | |
num_meta_iterations: the number of iterations (steps) to run the | |
meta-optimizer for on each subproblem. | |
num_unroll_func: called once per meta iteration and returns the number of | |
unrolls to do for that meta iteration. | |
num_partial_unroll_itrs_func: called once per unroll and returns the number | |
of iterations to do for that unroll. | |
learning_rate: learning rate of the RMSProp meta-optimizer (Default: 1e-4) | |
gradient_clip: value to clip gradients at (Default: 5.0) | |
is_chief: whether this is the chief task (Default: False) | |
select_random_problems: whether to select training problems randomly | |
(Default: True) | |
callbacks: a list of callback functions that is run after every random | |
problem draw | |
obj_train_max_multiplier: the maximum increase in the objective value over | |
a single training run. Ignored if < 0. | |
out: where to write output to, e.g. a file handle (Default: sys.stdout) | |
Raises: | |
ValueError: If one of the subproblems has a negative objective value. | |
""" | |
if select_random_problems: | |
# iterate over random draws of problem / dataset pairs | |
sampler = (random.choice(problems_and_data) for _ in range(num_problems)) | |
else: | |
# iterate over a random shuffle of problems, looping if necessary | |
num_repeats = (num_problems / len(problems_and_data)) + 1 | |
random.shuffle(problems_and_data) | |
sampler = (problems_and_data * num_repeats)[:num_problems] | |
for problem_itr, (problem_spec, dataset, batch_size) in enumerate(sampler): | |
# timer used to time how long it takes to initialize a problem | |
problem_start_time = time.time() | |
# if dataset is None, use the EMPTY_DATASET | |
if dataset is None: | |
dataset = datasets.EMPTY_DATASET | |
batch_size = dataset.size | |
# build a new graph for this problem | |
graph = tf.Graph() | |
real_device_setter = tf.train.replica_device_setter(FLAGS.ps_tasks) | |
def custom_device_setter(op): | |
# Places the local variables onto the workers. | |
if trainable_optimizer.is_local_state_variable(op): | |
return "/job:worker" | |
else: | |
return real_device_setter(op) | |
if real_device_setter: | |
device_setter = custom_device_setter | |
else: | |
device_setter = None | |
with graph.as_default(), graph.device(device_setter): | |
# initialize a problem | |
problem = | |
# build the optimizer | |
opt = | |
# get the meta-objective for training the optimizer | |
train_output = opt.train(problem, dataset) | |
state_keys = opt.state_keys | |
for key, val in zip(state_keys, train_output.output_state[0]): | |
finite_val = utils.make_finite(val, replacement=tf.zeros_like(val)) | |
tf.summary.histogram("State/{}".format(key), finite_val, | |
collections=[OPT_SUM_COLLECTION]) | |
tf.summary.scalar("MetaObjective", train_output.metaobj, | |
collections=[OPT_SUM_COLLECTION]) | |
# Per-problem meta-objective | |
tf.summary.scalar(problem_spec.callable.__name__ + "_MetaObjective", | |
train_output.metaobj, | |
collections=[OPT_SUM_COLLECTION]) | |
# create the meta-train_op | |
global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False) | |
meta_parameters = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, | |
# parameter regularization | |
reg_l2 = FLAGS.l2_reg * sum([tf.reduce_sum(param ** 2) | |
for param in meta_parameters]) | |
# compute the meta-gradients | |
meta_opt = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate, decay=FLAGS.rms_decay, | |
use_locking=True, | |
epsilon=FLAGS.rms_epsilon) | |
grads_and_vars = meta_opt.compute_gradients(train_output.metaobj + reg_l2, | |
meta_parameters) | |
# clip the gradients | |
clipped_grads_and_vars = [] | |
for grad, var in grads_and_vars: | |
clipped_grad = tf.clip_by_value( | |
utils.make_finite(grad, replacement=tf.zeros_like(var)), | |
-gradient_clip, gradient_clip) | |
clipped_grads_and_vars.append((clipped_grad, var)) | |
# histogram summary of grads and vars | |
for grad, var in grads_and_vars: | |
tf.summary.histogram( | | + "_rawgrad", | |
utils.make_finite( | |
grad, replacement=tf.zeros_like(grad)), | |
collections=[OPT_SUM_COLLECTION]) | |
for grad, var in clipped_grads_and_vars: | |
tf.summary.histogram( + "_var", var, | |
collections=[OPT_SUM_COLLECTION]) | |
tf.summary.histogram( + "_grad", grad, | |
collections=[OPT_SUM_COLLECTION]) | |
# builds the train and summary operations | |
train_op = meta_opt.apply_gradients(clipped_grads_and_vars, | |
global_step=global_step) | |
# only grab summaries defined for LOL, not inside the problem | |
summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=OPT_SUM_COLLECTION) | |
# make sure the state gets propagated after the gradients and summaries | |
# were computed. | |
with tf.control_dependencies([train_op, summary_op]): | |
propagate_loop_state_ops = [] | |
for dest, src in zip( | |
train_output.init_loop_vars, train_output.output_loop_vars): | |
propagate_loop_state_ops.append(dest.assign(src)) | |
propagate_loop_state_op =*propagate_loop_state_ops) | |
# create the supervisor | |
sv = tf.train.Supervisor( | |
graph=graph, | |
is_chief=is_chief, | |
logdir=logdir, | |
summary_op=None, | |
save_model_secs=0, # we save checkpoints manually | |
global_step=global_step, | |
) | |
with sv.managed_session() as sess: | |
init_time = time.time() - problem_start_time | |
out.write("--------- Problem #{} ---------\n".format(problem_itr)) | |
out.write("{callable.__name__}{args}{kwargs}\n".format( | |
**problem_spec.__dict__)) | |
out.write("Took {} seconds to initialize.\n".format(init_time)) | |
out.flush() | |
# For profiling summaries | |
if FLAGS.set_profiling: | |
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir, graph=sess.graph) | |
# used to store information during training | |
metadata = defaultdict(list) | |
for k in range(num_meta_iterations): | |
if sv.should_stop(): | |
break | |
problem.init_fn(sess) | |
# set run options (for profiling) | |
full_trace_opt = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) | |
run_options = full_trace_opt if FLAGS.set_profiling else None | |
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() if FLAGS.set_profiling else None | |
num_unrolls = num_unroll_func() | |
partial_unroll_iters = [ | |
num_partial_unroll_itrs_func() for _ in xrange(num_unrolls) | |
] | |
total_num_iter = sum(partial_unroll_iters) | |
objective_weights = [np.ones(num) / float(num) | |
for num in partial_unroll_iters] | |
db = dataset.batch_indices(total_num_iter, batch_size) | |
dataset_batches = [] | |
last_index = 0 | |
for num in partial_unroll_iters: | |
dataset_batches.append(db[last_index:last_index + num]) | |
last_index += num | |
train_start_time = time.time() | |
unroll_itr = 0 | |
additional_log_info = "" | |
for unroll_itr in range(num_unrolls): | |
first_unroll = unroll_itr == 0 | |
if FLAGS.reset_rnn_params: | |
reset_state = first_unroll and k == 0 | |
else: | |
reset_state = first_unroll | |
feed = { | |
train_output.obj_weights: objective_weights[unroll_itr], | |
train_output.batches: dataset_batches[unroll_itr], | |
train_output.first_unroll: first_unroll, | |
train_output.reset_state: reset_state, | |
} | |
# run the train and summary ops | |
# when a "save_diagnostics" flag is turned on | |
fetches_list = [ | |
train_output.metaobj, | |
train_output.problem_objectives, | |
train_output.initial_obj, | |
summary_op, | |
clipped_grads_and_vars, | |
train_op | |
] | |
if unroll_itr + 1 < num_unrolls: | |
fetches_list += [propagate_loop_state_op] | |
fetched =, feed_dict=feed, | |
options=run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata) | |
meta_obj = fetched[0] | |
sub_obj = fetched[1] | |
init_obj = fetched[2] | |
summ = fetched[3] | |
meta_grads_and_params = fetched[4] | |
# assert that the subproblem objectives are non-negative | |
# (this is so that we can rescale the objective by the initial value | |
# and not worry about rescaling by a negative value) | |
if np.any(sub_obj < 0): | |
raise ValueError( | |
"Training problem objectives must be nonnegative.") | |
# If the objective has increased more than we want, exit this | |
# training run and start over on another meta iteration. | |
if obj_train_max_multiplier > 0 and ( | |
sub_obj[-1] > (init_obj + | |
abs(init_obj) * (obj_train_max_multiplier - 1))): | |
msg = " Broke early at {} out of {} unrolls. ".format( | |
unroll_itr + 1, num_unrolls) | |
additional_log_info += msg | |
break | |
# only the chief task is allowed to write the summary | |
if is_chief: | |
sv.summary_computed(sess, summ) | |
metadata["subproblem_objs"].append(sub_obj) | |
# store training metadata to pass to the callback | |
metadata["meta_objs"].append(meta_obj) | |
metadata["meta_grads_and_params"].append(meta_grads_and_params) | |
optimization_time = time.time() - train_start_time | |
if FLAGS.set_profiling: | |
summary_name = "%02d_iter%04d_%02d" % (FLAGS.task, problem_itr, k) | |
summary_writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, summary_name) | |
metadata["global_step"].append( | |
metadata["runtimes"].append(optimization_time) | |
# write a diagnostic message to the output | |
args = (k, meta_obj, optimization_time, | |
sum(partial_unroll_iters[:unroll_itr+1])) | |
out.write(" [{:02}] {}, {} seconds, {} iters ".format(*args)) | |
out.write("(unrolled {} steps)".format( | |
", ".join([str(s) for s in partial_unroll_iters[:unroll_itr+1]]))) | |
out.write("{}\n".format(additional_log_info)) | |
out.flush() | |
if FLAGS.set_profiling: | |
summary_writer.close() | |
# force a checkpoint save before we load a new problem | |
# only the chief task has the save_path and can write the checkpoint | |
if is_chief: | |, sv.save_path, global_step=global_step) | |
# run the callbacks on the chief | |
if is_chief and callbacks is not None: | |
for callback in callbacks: | |
if hasattr(callback, "__call__"): | |
problem_name = problem_spec.callable.__name__ | |
callback(problem_name, problem_itr, logdir, metadata) | |
def test_optimizer(optimizer, | |
problem, | |
num_iter, | |
dataset=datasets.EMPTY_DATASET, | |
batch_size=None, | |
seed=None, | |
graph=None, | |
logdir=None, | |
record_every=None): | |
"""Tests an optimization algorithm on a given problem. | |
Args: | |
optimizer: Either a tf.train.Optimizer instance, or an Optimizer instance | |
inheriting from | |
problem: A Problem instance that defines an optimization problem to solve | |
num_iter: The number of iterations of the optimizer to run | |
dataset: The dataset to train the problem against | |
batch_size: The number of samples per batch. If None (default), the | |
batch size is set to the full batch (dataset.size) | |
seed: A random seed used for drawing the initial parameters, or a list of | |
numpy arrays used to explicitly initialize the parameters. | |
graph: The tensorflow graph to execute (if None, uses the default graph) | |
logdir: A directory containing model checkpoints. If given, then the | |
parameters of the optimizer are loaded from the latest checkpoint | |
in this folder. | |
record_every: if an integer, stores the parameters, objective, and gradient | |
every recored_every iterations. If None, nothing is stored | |
Returns: | |
objective_values: A list of the objective values during optimization | |
parameters: The parameters obtained after training | |
records: A dictionary containing lists of the parameters and gradients | |
during optimization saved every record_every iterations (empty if | |
record_every is set to None) | |
""" | |
if dataset is None: | |
dataset = datasets.EMPTY_DATASET | |
batch_size = dataset.size | |
else: | |
# default batch size is the entire dataset | |
batch_size = dataset.size if batch_size is None else batch_size | |
graph = tf.get_default_graph() if graph is None else graph | |
with graph.as_default(): | |
# define the parameters of the optimization problem | |
if isinstance(seed, (list, tuple)): | |
# seed is a list of arrays | |
params = problem_generator.init_fixed_variables(seed) | |
else: | |
# seed is an int or None | |
params = problem.init_variables(seed) | |
data_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) | |
labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32) | |
# get the problem objective and gradient(s) | |
obj = problem.objective(params, data_placeholder, labels_placeholder) | |
gradients = problem.gradients(obj, params) | |
vars_to_preinitialize = params | |
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: | |
# initialize the parameter scope variables; necessary for apply_gradients | | | |
coord = tf.train.Coordinator() | |
threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) | |
# create the train operation and training variables | |
try: | |
train_op, real_params = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, params)) | |
obj = problem.objective(real_params, data_placeholder, labels_placeholder) | |
except TypeError: | |
# If all goes well, this exception should only be thrown when we are using | |
# a non-hrnn optimizer. | |
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, params)) | |
vars_to_restore = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, | |
vars_to_initialize = list( | |
set(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)) - | |
set(vars_to_restore) - set(vars_to_preinitialize)) | |
# load or initialize optimizer variables | |
if logdir is not None: | |
restorer = tf.Saver(var_list=vars_to_restore) | |
ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(logdir) | |
restorer.restore(sess, ckpt) | |
else: | | | |
# initialize all the other variables | | | |
problem.init_fn(sess) | |
# generate the minibatch indices | |
batch_inds = dataset.batch_indices(num_iter, batch_size) | |
# run the train operation for n iterations and save the objectives | |
records = defaultdict(list) | |
objective_values = [] | |
for itr, batch in enumerate(batch_inds): | |
# data to feed in | |
feed = {data_placeholder:[batch], | |
labels_placeholder: dataset.labels[batch]} | |
full_feed = {data_placeholder:, | |
labels_placeholder: dataset.labels} | |
# record stuff | |
if record_every is not None and (itr % record_every) == 0: | |
def grad_value(g): | |
if isinstance(g, tf.IndexedSlices): | |
return g.values | |
else: | |
return g | |
records_fetch = {} | |
for p in params: | |
for key in optimizer.get_slot_names(): | |
v = optimizer.get_slot(p, key) | |
records_fetch[ + "_" + key] = v | |
gav_fetch = [(grad_value(g), v) for g, v in zip(gradients, params)] | |
_, gav_eval, records_eval = | |
(obj, gav_fetch, records_fetch), feed_dict=feed) | |
full_obj_eval =[obj], feed_dict=full_feed) | |
records["objective"].append(full_obj_eval) | |
records["grad_norm"].append([np.linalg.norm(g.ravel()) | |
for g, _ in gav_eval]) | |
records["param_norm"].append([np.linalg.norm(v.ravel()) | |
for _, v in gav_eval]) | |
records["grad"].append([g for g, _ in gav_eval]) | |
records["param"].append([v for _, v in gav_eval]) | |
records["iter"].append(itr) | |
for k, v in records_eval.iteritems(): | |
records[k].append(v) | |
# run the optimization train operation | |
objective_values.append([train_op, obj], feed_dict=feed)[1]) | |
# final parameters | |
parameters = [ for p in params] | |
coord.request_stop() | |
coord.join(threads) | |
return objective_values, parameters, records | |
def run_wall_clock_test(optimizer, | |
problem, | |
num_steps, | |
dataset=datasets.EMPTY_DATASET, | |
seed=None, | |
logdir=None, | |
batch_size=None): | |
"""Runs optimization with the given parameters and return average iter time. | |
Args: | |
optimizer: The tf.train.Optimizer instance | |
problem: The problem to optimize (a problem_generator.Problem) | |
num_steps: The number of steps to run optimization for | |
dataset: The dataset to train the problem against | |
seed: The seed used for drawing the initial parameters, or a list of | |
numpy arrays used to explicitly initialize the parameters | |
logdir: A directory containing model checkpoints. If given, then the | |
parameters of the optimizer are loaded from the latest checkpoint | |
in this folder. | |
batch_size: The number of samples per batch. | |
Returns: | |
The average time in seconds for a single optimization iteration. | |
""" | |
if dataset is None: | |
dataset = datasets.EMPTY_DATASET | |
batch_size = dataset.size | |
else: | |
# default batch size is the entire dataset | |
batch_size = dataset.size if batch_size is None else batch_size | |
# define the parameters of the optimization problem | |
if isinstance(seed, (list, tuple)): | |
# seed is a list of arrays | |
params = problem_generator.init_fixed_variables(seed) | |
else: | |
# seed is an int or None | |
params = problem.init_variables(seed) | |
data_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) | |
labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32) | |
obj = problem.objective(params, data_placeholder, labels_placeholder) | |
gradients = problem.gradients(obj, params) | |
vars_to_preinitialize = params | |
with tf.Session(graph=tf.get_default_graph()) as sess: | |
# initialize the parameter scope variables; necessary for apply_gradients | | | |
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, params)) | |
if isinstance(train_op, tuple) or isinstance(train_op, list): | |
# LOL apply_gradients returns a tuple. Regular optimizers do not. | |
train_op = train_op[0] | |
vars_to_restore = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, | |
vars_to_initialize = list( | |
set(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)) - | |
set(vars_to_restore) - set(vars_to_preinitialize)) | |
# load or initialize optimizer variables | |
if logdir is not None: | |
restorer = tf.Saver(var_list=vars_to_restore) | |
ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(logdir) | |
restorer.restore(sess, ckpt) | |
else: | | | |
# initialize all the other variables | | | |
problem.init_fn(sess) | |
# generate the minibatch indices | |
batch_inds = dataset.batch_indices(num_steps, batch_size) | |
avg_iter_time = [] | |
for batch in batch_inds: | |
# data to feed in | |
feed = {data_placeholder:[batch], | |
labels_placeholder: dataset.labels[batch]} | |
# run the optimization train operation | |
start = time.time() | |[train_op], feed_dict=feed) | |
avg_iter_time.append(time.time() - start) | |
return np.median(np.array(avg_iter_time)) | |