// These protos contain the calibration parameters necessary for transforming | |
// a model's original detection scores or logits. The parameters result from | |
// fitting a calibration function on the model's outputs. | |
syntax = "proto2"; | |
package object_detection.protos; | |
// Message wrapper for various calibration configurations. | |
message CalibrationConfig { | |
oneof calibrator { | |
// Class-agnostic calibration via linear interpolation (usually output from | |
// isotonic regression). | |
FunctionApproximation function_approximation = 1; | |
// Per-class calibration via linear interpolation. | |
ClassIdFunctionApproximations class_id_function_approximations = 2; | |
// Class-agnostic sigmoid calibration. | |
SigmoidCalibration sigmoid_calibration = 3; | |
// Per-class sigmoid calibration. | |
ClassIdSigmoidCalibrations class_id_sigmoid_calibrations = 4; | |
// Temperature scaling calibration. | |
TemperatureScalingCalibration temperature_scaling_calibration = 5; | |
} | |
} | |
// Message for class-agnostic domain/range mapping for function | |
// approximations. | |
message FunctionApproximation { | |
// Message mapping class labels to indices | |
optional XYPairs x_y_pairs = 1; | |
} | |
// Message for class-specific domain/range mapping for function | |
// approximations. | |
message ClassIdFunctionApproximations { | |
// Message mapping class ids to indices. | |
map<int32, XYPairs> class_id_xy_pairs_map = 1; | |
} | |
// Message for class-agnostic Sigmoid Calibration. | |
message SigmoidCalibration { | |
// Message mapping class index to Sigmoid Parameters | |
optional SigmoidParameters sigmoid_parameters = 1; | |
} | |
// Message for class-specific Sigmoid Calibration. | |
message ClassIdSigmoidCalibrations { | |
// Message mapping class index to Sigmoid Parameters. | |
map<int32, SigmoidParameters> class_id_sigmoid_parameters_map = 1; | |
} | |
// Message for Temperature Scaling Calibration. | |
message TemperatureScalingCalibration { | |
optional float scaler = 1; | |
} | |
// Description of data used to fit the calibration model. CLASS_SPECIFIC | |
// indicates that the calibration parameters are derived from detections | |
// pertaining to a single class. ALL_CLASSES indicates that parameters were | |
// obtained by fitting a model on detections from all classes (including the | |
// background class). | |
enum TrainingDataType { | |
ALL_CLASSES = 1; | |
} | |
// Message to store a domain/range pair for function to be approximated. | |
message XYPairs { | |
message XYPair { | |
optional float x = 1; | |
optional float y = 2; | |
} | |
// Sequence of x/y pairs for function approximation. | |
repeated XYPair x_y_pair = 1; | |
// Description of data used to fit the calibration model. | |
optional TrainingDataType training_data_type = 2; | |
} | |
// Message defining parameters for sigmoid calibration. | |
message SigmoidParameters { | |
optional float a = 1 [default = -1.0]; | |
optional float b = 2 [default = 0.0]; | |
} | |