# Launches tuning jobs. | |
# Modify this file to launch workers with your prefered cloud API. | |
# The following implementation runs each worker as a subprocess on the local | |
# machine. | |
MODELS_DIR="/tmp/models" | |
# Get command line options. | |
OPTS=$(getopt -n "$0" -o "" --long "job_name:,config:,num_tuners:,num_workers_per_tuner:,num_ps_per_tuner:,max_npe:,num_repetitions:,stop_on_success:,fixed_hparams:,hparam_space_type:" -- "$@") | |
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Failed parsing options." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi | |
eval set -- "$OPTS" | |
JOB_NAME="" # Name of the process and the logs directory. | |
CONFIG="" # Model and environment hparams. | |
# NUM_TUNERS: Number of tuning jobs to launch. Each tuning job can train a | |
# hparam combination. So more tuners means more hparams tried in parallel. | |
# NUM_WORKERS_PER_TUNER: Number of workers to launch for each tuning job. If | |
# using neural networks, each worker will be 1 replica. | |
# NUM_PS_PER_TUNER: Number of parameter servers to launch for this tuning job. | |
# Only set this if using neural networks. For 1 worker per tuner, no parameter | |
# servers are needed. For more than 1 worker per tuner, at least 1 parameter | |
# server per tuner is needed to store the global model for each tuner. | |
# MAX_NPE: Maximum number of programs executed. Training will quit once this | |
# threshold is reached. If 0, the threshold is infinite. | |
MAX_NPE=0 | |
NUM_REPETITIONS=25 # How many times to run this experiment. | |
STOP_ON_SUCCESS=true # Whether to halt training when a solution is found. | |
# FIXED_HPARAMS: Hold hparams fixed in the grid search. This reduces the search | |
# space. | |
# HPARAM_SPACE_TYPE: Specifies the hparam search space. See | |
# `define_tuner_hparam_space` functions defined in and | |
# Parse options into variables. | |
while true; do | |
case "$1" in | |
--job_name ) JOB_NAME="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--config ) CONFIG="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--num_tuners ) NUM_TUNERS="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--num_workers_per_tuner ) NUM_WORKERS_PER_TUNER="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--num_ps_per_tuner ) NUM_PS_PER_TUNER="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--max_npe ) MAX_NPE="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--num_repetitions ) NUM_REPETITIONS="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--stop_on_success ) STOP_ON_SUCCESS="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--fixed_hparams ) FIXED_HPARAMS="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
--hparam_space_type ) HPARAM_SPACE_TYPE="$2"; shift; shift ;; | |
-- ) shift; break ;; | |
* ) break ;; | |
esac | |
done | |
# Launch jobs. | |
# TODO: multi-worker RL training | |
mkdir -p $LOGDIR | |
BIN_DIR="bazel-bin/single_task" | |
for ((tuner=0;tuner<NUM_TUNERS;tuner+=1)); do | |
for ((i=0;i<NUM_WORKERS_PER_TUNER;i++)); do | |
# Expecting tune.par to be built. | |
echo "$LOGDIR" | |
$BIN_DIR/tune.par \ | |
--alsologtostderr \ | |
--config="$CONFIG" \ | |
--logdir="$LOGDIR" \ | |
--max_npe="$MAX_NPE" \ | |
--num_repetitions="$NUM_REPETITIONS" \ | |
--stop_on_success="$STOP_ON_SUCCESS" \ | |
--summary_tasks=1 \ | |
--hparam_space="$HPARAM_SPACE_TYPE" \ | |
--fixed_hparams="$FIXED_HPARAMS" \ | |
--tuner_id=$tuner \ | |
--num_tuners=$NUM_TUNERS \ | |
2> "$LOGDIR/tuner_$tuner.task_$i.log" & # Run as subprocess | |
echo "Launched tuner $tuner, task $i. Logs: $LOGDIR/tuner_$tuner.task_$i.log" | |
done | |
done | |
# Use "pidof tune.par" to find jobs. | |
# Kill with "pkill tune.par" | |