๐Ÿšฉ Report: Legal issue(s)

by jbecart - opened

Cross content issue. Users reported NSFW images from other users. Bug or leaks, who knows. It seems that users can see source and/or target images from others.

Issue open with space owner:

edited Oct 23

Cross content issue. Users reported NSFW images from other users. Bug or leaks, who knows. It seems that users can see source and/or target images from others.

Issue open with space owner:

Anything NSFW is strictly prohibited and blurred out on FaceFusion, as you can see in my app.py, all it does is git clone and install the program.
I haven't modified any of it's code to allow NSFW nor to break into anyone's privacy, you can also see the Open Source code of the program itself at https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion (This HuggingFace Space is not a of fork, it's just an Unofficial Online Port). What might seem here is an issue with HuggingFace memory, as after just factory rebuilding the space, I seen myself not having this issue. I don't know if this might be some troll who tried to uploads tons of NSFW (to clarify, it shows blurried out, before I factory rebuilded it I seen this issue happening to me too) trying to break something, as before yesterday I never got reported or seen myself this issue, as this space is up since 1st april 2024 (which you can see in the initial commit).

I will ask HuggingFace for help about this, as this is weird bug isn't my intention. I would highly suggest to duplicate the space for personal use (also because you don't have any type of queue as you will be the only one using it).

EDIT: This seems to be an issue only when you give it only 1 input, if you give it both inputs, it works all fine, not sure if this could be related to the 3.0.0 facefusion update, it came out 3 weeks ago and didn't get reports before yesterday..

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