# Implementing a Model | |
1. Implement layers. | |
You can either implement the layers under `TTS/tts/layers/` or in the model file `TTS/tts/model/`. | |
You can also reuse layers already implemented. | |
2. Test layers. | |
We keep tests under `tests` folder. You can add `tts` layers tests under `tts_tests` folder. | |
Basic tests are checking input-output tensor shapes and output values for a given input. Consider testing extreme cases that are more likely to cause problems like `zero` tensors. | |
3. Implement a loss function. | |
We keep loss functions under `TTS/tts/layers/`. You can also mix-and-match implemented loss functions as you like. | |
A loss function returns a dictionary in a format ```{’loss’: loss, ‘loss1’:loss1 ...}``` and the dictionary must at least define the `loss` key which is the actual value used by the optimizer. All the items in the dictionary are automatically logged on the terminal and the Tensorboard. | |
4. Test the loss function. | |
As we do for the layers, you need to test the loss functions too. You need to check input/output tensor shapes, | |
expected output values for a given input tensor. For instance, certain loss functions have upper and lower limits and | |
it is a wise practice to test with the inputs that should produce these limits. | |
5. Implement `MyModel`. | |
In 🐸TTS, a model class is a self-sufficient implementation of a model directing all the interactions with the other | |
components. It is enough to implement the API provided by the `BaseModel` class to comply. | |
A model interacts with the `Trainer API` for training, `Synthesizer API` for inference and testing. | |
A 🐸TTS model must return a dictionary by the `forward()` and `inference()` functions. This dictionary must `model_outputs` key that is considered as the main model output by the `Trainer` and `Synthesizer`. | |
You can place your `tts` model implementation under `TTS/tts/models/` then inherit and implement the `BaseTTS`. | |
There is also the `callback` interface by which you can manipulate both the model and the `Trainer` states. Callbacks give you | |
an infinite flexibility to add custom behaviours for your model and training routines. | |
For more details, see {ref}`BaseTTS <Base tts Model>` and :obj:`TTS.utils.callbacks`. | |
6. Optionally, define `MyModelArgs`. | |
`MyModelArgs` is a 👨✈️Coqpit class that sets all the class arguments of the `MyModel`. `MyModelArgs` must have | |
all the fields neccessary to instantiate the `MyModel`. However, for training, you need to pass `MyModelConfig` to | |
the model. | |
7. Test `MyModel`. | |
As the layers and the loss functions, it is recommended to test your model. One smart way for testing is that you | |
create two models with the exact same weights. Then we run a training loop with one of these models and | |
compare the weights with the other model. All the weights need to be different in a passing test. Otherwise, it | |
is likely that a part of the model is malfunctioning or not even attached to the model's computational graph. | |
8. Define `MyModelConfig`. | |
Place `MyModelConfig` file under `TTS/models/configs`. It is enough to inherit the `BaseTTSConfig` to make your | |
config compatible with the `Trainer`. You should also include `MyModelArgs` as a field if defined. The rest of the fields should define the model | |
specific values and parameters. | |
9. Write Docstrings. | |
We love you more when you document your code. ❤️ | |
# Template 🐸TTS Model implementation | |
You can start implementing your model by copying the following base class. | |
```python | |
from TTS.tts.models.base_tts import BaseTTS | |
class MyModel(BaseTTS): | |
""" | |
Notes on input/output tensor shapes: | |
Any input or output tensor of the model must be shaped as | |
- 3D tensors `batch x time x channels` | |
- 2D tensors `batch x channels` | |
- 1D tensors `batch x 1` | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, config: Coqpit): | |
super().__init__() | |
self._set_model_args(config) | |
def _set_model_args(self, config: Coqpit): | |
"""Set model arguments from the config. Override this.""" | |
pass | |
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, *args, aux_input={}, **kwargs) -> Dict: | |
"""Forward pass for the model mainly used in training. | |
You can be flexible here and use different number of arguments and argument names since it is intended to be | |
used by `train_step()` without exposing it out of the model. | |
Args: | |
input (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. | |
aux_input (Dict): Auxiliary model inputs like embeddings, durations or any other sorts of inputs. | |
Returns: | |
Dict: Model outputs. Main model output must be named as "model_outputs". | |
""" | |
outputs_dict = {"model_outputs": None} | |
... | |
return outputs_dict | |
def inference(self, input: torch.Tensor, aux_input={}) -> Dict: | |
"""Forward pass for inference. | |
We don't use `*kwargs` since it is problematic with the TorchScript API. | |
Args: | |
input (torch.Tensor): [description] | |
aux_input (Dict): Auxiliary inputs like speaker embeddings, durations etc. | |
Returns: | |
Dict: [description] | |
""" | |
outputs_dict = {"model_outputs": None} | |
... | |
return outputs_dict | |
def train_step(self, batch: Dict, criterion: nn.Module) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: | |
"""Perform a single training step. Run the model forward pass and compute losses. | |
Args: | |
batch (Dict): Input tensors. | |
criterion (nn.Module): Loss layer designed for the model. | |
Returns: | |
Tuple[Dict, Dict]: Model ouputs and computed losses. | |
""" | |
outputs_dict = {} | |
loss_dict = {} # this returns from the criterion | |
... | |
return outputs_dict, loss_dict | |
def train_log(self, batch: Dict, outputs: Dict, logger: "Logger", assets:Dict, steps:int) -> None: | |
"""Create visualizations and waveform examples for training. | |
For example, here you can plot spectrograms and generate sample sample waveforms from these spectrograms to | |
be projected onto Tensorboard. | |
Args: | |
ap (AudioProcessor): audio processor used at training. | |
batch (Dict): Model inputs used at the previous training step. | |
outputs (Dict): Model outputs generated at the previoud training step. | |
Returns: | |
Tuple[Dict, np.ndarray]: training plots and output waveform. | |
""" | |
pass | |
def eval_step(self, batch: Dict, criterion: nn.Module) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: | |
"""Perform a single evaluation step. Run the model forward pass and compute losses. In most cases, you can | |
call `train_step()` with no changes. | |
Args: | |
batch (Dict): Input tensors. | |
criterion (nn.Module): Loss layer designed for the model. | |
Returns: | |
Tuple[Dict, Dict]: Model ouputs and computed losses. | |
""" | |
outputs_dict = {} | |
loss_dict = {} # this returns from the criterion | |
... | |
return outputs_dict, loss_dict | |
def eval_log(self, batch: Dict, outputs: Dict, logger: "Logger", assets:Dict, steps:int) -> None: | |
"""The same as `train_log()`""" | |
pass | |
def load_checkpoint(self, config: Coqpit, checkpoint_path: str, eval: bool = False) -> None: | |
"""Load a checkpoint and get ready for training or inference. | |
Args: | |
config (Coqpit): Model configuration. | |
checkpoint_path (str): Path to the model checkpoint file. | |
eval (bool, optional): If true, init model for inference else for training. Defaults to False. | |
""" | |
... | |
def get_optimizer(self) -> Union["Optimizer", List["Optimizer"]]: | |
"""Setup an return optimizer or optimizers.""" | |
pass | |
def get_lr(self) -> Union[float, List[float]]: | |
"""Return learning rate(s). | |
Returns: | |
Union[float, List[float]]: Model's initial learning rates. | |
""" | |
pass | |
def get_scheduler(self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer): | |
pass | |
def get_criterion(self): | |
pass | |
def format_batch(self): | |
pass | |
``` | |