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7.32 kB
from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, T5TokenizerFast
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import torch
import os
# # Let us define the main page
st.markdown("Translation page 🔠")
# # Dropdown for the translation type
# translation_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Translation Type", options=["French ➡️ Wolof", "Wolof ➡️ French"])
# # define a dictionary of versions
# models = {
# "Version ✌️": {
# "French ➡️ Wolof": {
# "checkpoints": "wolof_translate/checkpoints/t5_small_custom_train_results_fw_v4",
# "tokenizer": "wolof_translate/tokenizers/t5_tokenizers/tokenizer_v4.json",
# "max_len": None
# }
# },
# "Version ☝️": {
# "French ➡️ Wolof": {
# "checkpoints": "wolof_translate/checkpoints/t5_small_custom_train_results_fw_v3",
# "tokenizer": "wolof_translate/tokenizers/t5_tokenizers/tokenizer_v3.json",
# "max_len": 51
# },
# "Wolof ➡️ French": {
# "checkpoints": "wolof_translate/checkpoints/t5_small_custom_train_results_wf_v3",
# "tokenizer": "wolof_translate/trokenizers/t5_tokenizers/tokenizer_v3.json",
# "max_len": 51
# }
# }
# }
# # add special characters from Wolof
# sp_wolof_chars = pd.read_csv('wolof_translate/data/wolof_writing/wolof_special_chars.csv')
# # add definitions
# sp_wolof_words = pd.read_csv('wolof_translate/data/wolof_writing/definitions.csv')
# # let us add a callback functions to change the input text
# def add_symbol_to_text():
# st.session_state.input_text += st.session_state.symbol
# def add_word_to_text():
# word = st.session_state.word.split('/')[0].strip()
# st.session_state.input_text += word
# # Dropdown for introducing wolof special characters
# if translation_type == "Wolof ➡️ French":
# symbol = st.sidebar.selectbox("Wolof characters", key="symbol", options = sp_wolof_chars['wolof_special_chars'], on_change=add_symbol_to_text)
# word = st.sidebar.selectbox("Wolof words/Definitions", key="word", options = [sp_wolof_words.loc[i, 'wolof']+" / "+sp_wolof_words.loc[i, 'french'] for i in range(sp_wolof_words.shape[0])], on_change=add_word_to_text)
# # Dropdown for the model version
# version = st.sidebar.selectbox("Model version", options=["Version ☝️", "Version ✌️"])
# # Recuperate the number of sentences to provide
# temperature = st.sidebar.slider("How randomly need you the translated sentences to be from 0% to 100%", min_value = 0,
# max_value = 100)
# # make the process
# try:
# # recuperate the max length
# max_len = models[version][translation_type]['max_len']
# # let us get the best model
# @st.cache_resource
# def get_modelfw_v3():
# # recuperate checkpoints
# checkpoints = torch.load(os.path.join('wolof_translate/checkpoints/t5_small_custom_train_results_fw_v3', "best_checkpoints.pth"), map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
# # recuperate the tokenizer
# tokenizer_file = "wolof_translate/tokenizers/t5_tokenizers/tokenizer_v3.json"
# # initialize the tokenizer
# tokenizer = T5TokenizerFast(tokenizer_file=tokenizer_file)
# model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('t5-small')
# # resize the token embeddings
# model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer))
# model.load_state_dict(checkpoints['model_state_dict'])
# return model, tokenizer
# # @st.cache_resource
# def get_modelwf_v3():
# # recuperate checkpoints
# checkpoints = torch.load(os.path.join('wolof_translate/checkpoints/t5_small_custom_train_results_wf_v3', "best_checkpoints.pth"), map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
# # recuperate the tokenizer
# tokenizer_file = "wolof_translate/tokenizers/t5_tokenizers/tokenizer_v3.json"
# # initialize the tokenizer
# tokenizer = T5TokenizerFast(tokenizer_file=tokenizer_file)
# model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('t5-small')
# # resize the token embeddings
# model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer))
# model.load_state_dict(checkpoints['model_state_dict'])
# return model, tokenizer
# if version == "Version ☝️":
# if translation_type == "French ➡️ Wolof":
# model, tokenizer = get_modelfw_v3()
# elif translation_type == "Wolof ➡️ French":
# model, tokenizer = get_modelwf_v3()
# # set the model to eval mode
# _ = model.eval()
# language = "Wolof" if translation_type == "French ➡️ Wolof" else "French"
# # Add a title
# st.header(f"Translate French sentences to {language} 👌")
# # Recuperate two columns
# left, right = st.columns(2)
# if translation_type == "French ➡️ Wolof":
# # recuperate sentences
# left.subheader('Give me some sentences in French: ')
# else:
# # recuperate sentences
# left.subheader('Give me some sentences in Wolof: ')
# # for i in range(number):
# left.text_input(f"- Sentence", key = f"input_text")
# # run model inference on all test data
# original_translations, predicted_translations, original_texts, scores = [], [], [], {}
# if translation_type == "French ➡️ Wolof":
# # print a sentence recuperated from the session
# right.subheader("Translation to Wolof:")
# else:
# # print a sentence recuperated from the session
# right.subheader("Translation to French:")
# # for i in range(number):
# sentence = st.session_state[f"input_text"] + tokenizer.eos_token
# if not sentence == tokenizer.eos_token:
# # Let us encode the sentences
# encoding = tokenizer([sentence], return_tensors='pt', max_length=max_len, padding='max_length', truncation=True)
# # Let us recuperate the input ids
# input_ids = encoding.input_ids
# # Let us recuperate the mask
# mask = encoding.attention_mask
# # Let us recuperate the pad token id
# pad_token_id = tokenizer.pad_token_id
# # perform prediction
# predictions = model.generate(input_ids, do_sample = False, top_k = 50, max_length = max_len, top_p = 0.90,
# temperature = temperature/100, num_return_sequences = 0, attention_mask = mask, pad_token_id = pad_token_id)
# # decode the predictions
# predicted_sentence = tokenizer.batch_decode(predictions, skip_special_tokens = True)
# # provide the prediction
# right.write(f"Translation: {predicted_sentence[0]}")
# else:
# # provide the prediction
# right.write(f"Translation: ")
# except Exception as e:
# st.warning("The chosen model is not available yet !", icon = "⚠️")
# st.write(e)