shark_detection /
piperod91's picture
Iterating predictions even when no shark is sighted. Improving messages for info
history blame
13.4 kB
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def mask_to_boxes(mask):
""" Convert a boolean (Height x Width) mask into a (N x 4) array of NON-OVERLAPPING bounding boxes
surrounding "islands of truth" in the mask. Boxes indicate the (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) bounds
of each island, with Right and Bottom being NON-INCLUSIVE (ie they point to the indices AFTER the island).
This algorithm (Downright Boxing) does not necessarily put separate connected components into
separate boxes.
You can "cut out" the island-masks with
boxes = mask_to_boxes(mask)
island_masks = [mask[t:b, l:r] for l, t, r, b in boxes]
max_ix = max(s+1 for s in mask.shape) # Use this to represent background
# These arrays will be used to carry the "box start" indices down and to the right.
x_ixs = np.full(mask.shape, fill_value=max_ix)
y_ixs = np.full(mask.shape, fill_value=max_ix)
# Propagate the earliest x-index in each segment to the bottom-right corner of the segment
for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
x_fill_ix = max_ix
for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
above_cell_ix = x_ixs[i-1, j] if i>0 else max_ix
still_active = mask[i, j] or ((x_fill_ix != max_ix) and (above_cell_ix != max_ix))
x_fill_ix = min(x_fill_ix, j, above_cell_ix) if still_active else max_ix
x_ixs[i, j] = x_fill_ix
# Propagate the earliest y-index in each segment to the bottom-right corner of the segment
for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
y_fill_ix = max_ix
for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
left_cell_ix = y_ixs[i, j-1] if j>0 else max_ix
still_active = mask[i, j] or ((y_fill_ix != max_ix) and (left_cell_ix != max_ix))
y_fill_ix = min(y_fill_ix, i, left_cell_ix) if still_active else max_ix
y_ixs[i, j] = y_fill_ix
# Find the bottom-right corners of each segment
new_xstops = np.diff((x_ixs != max_ix).astype(np.int32), axis=1, append=False)==-1
new_ystops = np.diff((y_ixs != max_ix).astype(np.int32), axis=0, append=False)==-1
corner_mask = new_xstops & new_ystops
y_stops, x_stops = np.array(np.nonzero(corner_mask))
# Extract the boxes, getting the top-right corners from the index arrays
x_starts = x_ixs[y_stops, x_stops]
y_starts = y_ixs[y_stops, x_stops]
ltrb_boxes = np.hstack([x_starts[:, None], y_starts[:, None], x_stops[:, None]+1, y_stops[:, None]+1])
return ltrb_boxes
def get_top_predictions(prediction = None, threshold = 0.8):
if prediction is None:
return None, None
sorted_scores_ids = prediction.pred_instances.scores.argsort()[::-1]
sorted_scores = prediction.pred_instances.scores[sorted_scores_ids]
sorted_predictions = prediction.pred_instances.labels[sorted_scores_ids]
return {'pred_above_thresh': sorted_predictions[sorted_scores > threshold],
'pred_above_thresh_id': sorted_scores_ids[sorted_scores > threshold],
'pred_above_thresh_scores': sorted_scores[sorted_scores > threshold],
'pred_above_thresh_bboxes': prediction.pred_instances['bboxes'][sorted_scores_ids][sorted_scores > threshold]}
def add_class_labels(top_pred = {}, class_labels = None):
if class_labels == None:
print('No class labels provided, returning original dictionary')
return top_pred
top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels'] = [class_labels[x].lower() for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh']]
top_pred['any_detection'] = len(top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']) > 0
if top_pred['any_detection']:
# Get shark / human / unknown vectors
top_pred['is_shark'] = np.array([1 if 'shark' in x and 'shadow' not in x else 0 for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']])
top_pred['is_human'] = np.array([1 if 'person' in x else 1 if 'surfer' in x else 0 for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']])
top_pred['is_unknown'] = np.array([1 if 'unidentifiable' in x else 0 for x in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']])
# Get shark / human / unknown numbers of detections
top_pred['shark_n'] = np.sum(top_pred['is_shark'])
top_pred['human_n'] = np.sum(top_pred['is_human'])
top_pred['unknown_n'] = np.sum(top_pred['is_unknown'])
# Get shark / human / unknown vectors
top_pred['is_shark'] = None
top_pred['is_human'] = None
top_pred['is_unknown'] = None
# Get shark / human / unknown numbers of detections
top_pred['shark_n'] = 0
top_pred['human_n'] = 0
top_pred['unknown_n'] = 0
return top_pred
def add_class_sizes(top_pred = {}, class_sizes = None):
size_list = []
shark_size_list = []
if top_pred['any_detection']:
for tmp_pred in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']:
tmp_class_sizes = class_sizes[tmp_pred.lower()]
if tmp_class_sizes == None:
if 'shark' in tmp_pred.lower() and 'shadow' not in tmp_pred.lower() :
top_pred['pred_above_thresh_sizes'] = size_list
if top_pred['shark_n'] > 0 and len(shark_size_list) > 0:
top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] = np.max(shark_size_list)
top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] = None
top_pred['pred_above_thresh_sizes'] = None
top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] = None
return top_pred
def add_class_weights(top_pred = {}, class_weights = None):
weight_list = []
shark_weight_list = []
if top_pred['any_detection']:
for tmp_pred in top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels']:
tmp_class_weights = class_weights[tmp_pred.lower()]
if tmp_class_weights == None:
if 'shark' in tmp_pred.lower():
top_pred['pred_above_thresh_weights'] = weight_list
if top_pred['shark_n'] > 0 and len(shark_weight_list) > 0:
top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] = np.max(shark_weight_list)
top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] = None
top_pred['pred_above_thresh_weights'] = None
top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] = None
return top_pred
# Sizes
def get_min_distance_shark_person(top_pred, class_sizes = None, dangerous_distance = 100):
min_dist = 99999
dist_calculated = False
# Calculate distance for every pairing of human and shark
# and accumulate the min distance
for i, tmp_shark in enumerate(top_pred['is_shark']):
for j, tmp_person in enumerate(top_pred['is_human']):
if tmp_shark == 1 and tmp_person == 1:
dist_calculated = True
tmp_dist_feed = _calculate_dist_estimate(top_pred['pred_above_thresh_bboxes'][i],
[top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels'][i], top_pred['pred_above_thresh_labels'][j]],
measurement = 'feet')
min_dist = min(min_dist, tmp_dist_feed)
return {'min_dist': str(round(min_dist,1)) + ' feet' if dist_calculated else '',
'any_dist_calculated': dist_calculated,
'dangerous_dist': min_dist < dangerous_distance}
def _calculate_dist_estimate(bbox1, bbox2, labels, class_sizes = None, measurement = 'feet'):
if class_sizes[labels[0]] == None or class_sizes[labels[1]] == None:
return 9999
class_feet_size_mean = np.array([class_sizes[labels[0]][measurement][0],
box_pixel_size_mean = np.array([np.linalg.norm(bbox1[[0, 1]] - bbox1[[2, 3]]),
np.linalg.norm(bbox2[[0, 1]] - bbox2[[2, 3]])]).mean()
# Calculate the max size of the two boxes
box_center_1 = np.array([(bbox1[2] - bbox1[0])/2 + bbox1[0],
(bbox1[3] - bbox1[1])/2 + bbox1[1]])
box_center_2 = np.array([(bbox2[2] - bbox2[0])/2 + bbox2[0],
(bbox2[3] - bbox2[1])/2 + bbox2[1]])
# Return ratio distance
return np.linalg.norm(box_center_1 - box_center_2) / box_pixel_size_mean * class_feet_size_mean
# bboxes info!
# 1 x1 (left, lower pixel number)
# 2 y1 (top , lower pixel number)
# 3 x2 (right, higher pixel number)
# 4 y2 (bottom, higher pixel number)
def process_results_for_plot(predictions = None, threshold = 0.5, classes = None,
class_sizes = None, dangerous_distance = 100):
# Attempt to create bounding boxes for humans(surfers) detected.
# mask = predictions.pred_panoptic_seg.sem_seg[0]
# print(np.unique(mask))
# mask = mask >2000
# bboxes = mask_to_boxes(mask)
# bboxes = [box for box in bboxes if box[2]*box[3]>100]
top_pred = get_top_predictions(predictions, threshold = threshold)
top_pred = add_class_labels(top_pred, class_labels = classes)
top_pred = add_class_sizes(top_pred, class_sizes = class_sizes)
top_pred = add_class_weights(top_pred, class_weights = class_sizes)
if len(top_pred['pred_above_thresh']) > 0:
min_dist = get_min_distance_shark_person(top_pred, class_sizes = class_sizes)
min_dist = {'any_dist_calculated': False,
'min_dist': '',
'dangerous_dist': False}
return {'min_dist_str': min_dist['min_dist'],
'shark_suspected': top_pred['shark_n'] > 0,
'human_suspected': top_pred['human_n'] > 0,
'shark_n': top_pred['shark_n'],
#'human_n': max(top_pred['human_n'],len(bboxes)-top_pred['shark_n']),
'human_n': top_pred['human_n'],
'human_and_shark': (top_pred['shark_n'] > 0) and (top_pred['human_n'] > 0),
'dangerous_dist': min_dist['dangerous_dist'],
'dist_calculated': min_dist['any_dist_calculated'],
'biggest_shark_size': '' if top_pred['biggest_shark_size'] == None else str(round(top_pred['biggest_shark_size'],1)) + ' feet',
'biggest_shark_weight': '' if top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'] == None else str(round(top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'],1)) + ' pounds',
def prediction_dashboard(top_pred = None):
# Bullet points:
if top_pred['shark_sighted'] > 0:
shark_suspected = 'Shark Sighted !'
elif top_pred['shark_suspected'] > 0:
shark_suspected = 'Shark Suspected !'
shark_suspected = 'No Sharks ...'
if top_pred['human_sighted'] > 0:
human_suspected = 'Human Sighted !'
elif top_pred['human_suspected'] > 0:
human_suspected = 'Human Suspected !'
human_suspected = 'No Humans ...'
shark_size_estimate = 'Biggest shark size: ' + str(top_pred['biggest_shark_size'])
shark_weight_estimate = 'Biggest shark weight: ' + str(top_pred['biggest_shark_weight'])
danger_level = 'Danger Level: '
danger_level += 'High' if top_pred['dangerous_dist_confirmed'] else 'Low'
danger_color = 'orangered' if top_pred['dangerous_dist_confirmed'] else 'yellowgreen'
# Create a list of strings to plot
strings = [shark_suspected, human_suspected, shark_size_estimate, shark_weight_estimate, danger_level]
# Create a figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Hide axes
# Position for starting to place text, starting from top
y_pos = 0.7
# Iterate through list and place each item as text on the plot
for s in strings:
if 'danger' in s.lower():
ax.text(0.05, y_pos, s, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16, color=danger_color)
ax.text(0.05, y_pos, s, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16, color=(0, 204/255, 153/255))
y_pos -= 0.1 # move down for next item
# plt.tight_layout()
# If we haven't already shown or saved the plot, then we need to
# draw the figure first...
# Now we can save it to a numpy array.
data = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8)
data = data.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,))
#plt.savefig('tmp.png', format='png')
return data