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Mount dataset in Docker container

When using Docker to run Amphion, mount the dataset to the container first is needed. It is recommend to mounte dataset to /mnt/<dataset_name> in the container, where <dataset_name> is the name of the dataset.

When configuring the dataset in exp_config.json, you should use the path /mnt/<dataset_name> as the dataset path instead of the actual path on your host machine. Otherwise, the dataset will not be found in the container.

Mount Example

docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus all -it -v .:/app -v <dataset_path1>:/mnt/<dataset_name1> -v <dataset_path2>:/mnt/<dataset_name2> amphion

For example, if you want to use the LJSpeech dataset, you can mount the dataset to /mnt/LJSpeech in the container.

docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus all -it -v .:/app -v /home/username/datasets/LJSpeech:/mnt/LJSpeech amphion

If you want to use multiple datasets, you can mount them to different directories in the container by adding more -v options.