VLM Demo
VLM Demo: Lightweight repo for chatting with models loaded into VLM Bench.
This repository can be installed as follows:
git clone git@github.com:TRI-ML/vlm-demo.git
cd vlm-demo
pip install -e .
This repository also requires that the vlm-bench
package (vlbench
) and
package (prisma
) are installed in the current environment.
These can both be installed from source from the following git repos:
: https://github.com/TRI-ML/vlm-bench
: https://github.com/TRI-ML/prismatic-vlms
Start Gradio Controller: serve/gradio_controller.py
Start Gradio Web Server: serve/gradio_web_server.py
Run interactive demo: interactive_demo.py
To run the demo, run the following commands:
Start Gradio Controller: python -m serve.controller --host --port 10000
Start Gradio Web Server: python -m serve.gradio_web_server --controller http://localhost:10000 --model-list-mode reload --share
Run interactive demo: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m interactive_demo --port 40000 --model_dir <PATH TO MODEL CKPT>
Before committing to the repository, make sure to set up your dev environment!
Here are the basic development environment setup guidelines:
Fork/clone the repository, performing an editable installation. Make sure to install with the development dependencies (e.g.,
pip install -e ".[dev]"
); this will installblack
, andpre-commit
hooks (pre-commit install
).Branch for the specific feature/issue, issuing PR against the upstream repository for review.