local variable 'readme_text' referenced before assignment

by ABX-AI - opened

Any idea why I keep getting this error when trying to submit? I had a couple models evaluated but I can't submit due to this :/


Hi @ABX-AI ,

Can you give me the model names so I can reproduce the issue?

Thanks :)

Hey, thanks for the response - I was able to make it work after trying again. I think I just tried it too early after the results were published in the LB ^^


Hey, thanks for the response - I was able to make it work after trying again. I think I just tried it too early after the results were published in the LB ^^

Happy it worked well after trying again. The error could be related to code as well so feel free to open a issue if same thing happens again :)

Weyaxi changed discussion status to closed

Hey, thanks for the response - I was able to make it work after trying again. I think I just tried it too early after the results were published in the LB ^^

Happy it worked well after trying again. The error could be related to code as well so feel free to open a issue if same thing happens again :)

Absolutely, I'll be on the lookout, but it was probably too early, I could instantly get the output when trying a few hours later. I have a few models that finished hours ago I'm going to use it for, so if anything comes up I'll let you know. For the moment it just seems that it's good to wait a bit more before having the results up.

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