Dropdown mapped to wrong model

by phoenixlives - opened

Just an FYI.

The stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 model in the dropdown here:
calls the nerijs/pixel-art-xl model instead.

Thanks for all your work - keep it up!

Thanks for reporting! That's so weird, because I have no way to name the models in the dropdown, I have to use what they're mapped to, so it must be a bug in the model fetching code of huggingface. I have reordered the models to see if it fixes it.

Also, if you know of any XL models that you'd want to see featured in this space you can request them, I haven't really gone to search which ones are worth featuring so the current list is too small, but it would be great to have all the best XL models available here.

You're welcome. I appreciate the effort you've put into these pages and don't mind helping where I can. I have no XL model recommendations, but will keep an eye out. If I had one wish it would be that all the photorealistic and pseudo-photorealistic models in your big list were grouped together, but that's not a complaint.

Thanks again!

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