import torch.nn as nn |
import torch |
import numpy as np |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import math |
from torchlibrosa.stft import magphase |
def init_layer(layer): |
"""Initialize a Linear or Convolutional layer. """ |
nn.init.xavier_uniform_(layer.weight) |
if hasattr(layer, "bias"): |
if layer.bias is not None: |
layer.bias.data.fill_(0.0) |
def init_bn(bn): |
"""Initialize a Batchnorm layer. """ |
bn.bias.data.fill_(0.0) |
bn.weight.data.fill_(1.0) |
def init_embedding(layer): |
"""Initialize a Linear or Convolutional layer. """ |
nn.init.uniform_(layer.weight, -1., 1.) |
if hasattr(layer, 'bias'): |
if layer.bias is not None: |
layer.bias.data.fill_(0.) |
def init_gru(rnn): |
"""Initialize a GRU layer. """ |
def _concat_init(tensor, init_funcs): |
(length, fan_out) = tensor.shape |
fan_in = length // len(init_funcs) |
for (i, init_func) in enumerate(init_funcs): |
init_func(tensor[i * fan_in : (i + 1) * fan_in, :]) |
def _inner_uniform(tensor): |
fan_in = nn.init._calculate_correct_fan(tensor, "fan_in") |
nn.init.uniform_(tensor, -math.sqrt(3 / fan_in), math.sqrt(3 / fan_in)) |
for i in range(rnn.num_layers): |
_concat_init( |
getattr(rnn, "weight_ih_l{}".format(i)), |
[_inner_uniform, _inner_uniform, _inner_uniform], |
) |
torch.nn.init.constant_(getattr(rnn, "bias_ih_l{}".format(i)), 0) |
_concat_init( |
getattr(rnn, "weight_hh_l{}".format(i)), |
[_inner_uniform, _inner_uniform, nn.init.orthogonal_], |
) |
torch.nn.init.constant_(getattr(rnn, "bias_hh_l{}".format(i)), 0) |
def act(x, activation): |
if activation == "relu": |
return F.relu_(x) |
elif activation == "leaky_relu": |
return F.leaky_relu_(x, negative_slope=0.01) |
elif activation == "swish": |
return x * torch.sigmoid(x) |
else: |
raise Exception("Incorrect activation!") |
class Base: |
def __init__(self): |
pass |
def spectrogram(self, input, eps=0.): |
(real, imag) = self.stft(input) |
return torch.clamp(real ** 2 + imag ** 2, eps, np.inf) ** 0.5 |
def spectrogram_phase(self, input, eps=0.): |
(real, imag) = self.stft(input) |
mag = torch.clamp(real ** 2 + imag ** 2, eps, np.inf) ** 0.5 |
cos = real / mag |
sin = imag / mag |
return mag, cos, sin |
def wav_to_spectrogram_phase(self, input, eps=1e-10): |
"""Waveform to spectrogram. |
Args: |
input: (batch_size, segment_samples, channels_num) |
Outputs: |
output: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) |
""" |
sp_list = [] |
cos_list = [] |
sin_list = [] |
channels_num = input.shape[1] |
for channel in range(channels_num): |
mag, cos, sin = self.spectrogram_phase(input[:, channel, :], eps=eps) |
sp_list.append(mag) |
cos_list.append(cos) |
sin_list.append(sin) |
sps = torch.cat(sp_list, dim=1) |
coss = torch.cat(cos_list, dim=1) |
sins = torch.cat(sin_list, dim=1) |
return sps, coss, sins |
def wav_to_spectrogram(self, input, eps=0.): |
"""Waveform to spectrogram. |
Args: |
input: (batch_size, segment_samples, channels_num) |
Outputs: |
output: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) |
""" |
sp_list = [] |
channels_num = input.shape[1] |
for channel in range(channels_num): |
sp_list.append(self.spectrogram(input[:, channel, :], eps=eps)) |
output = torch.cat(sp_list, dim=1) |
return output |
def spectrogram_to_wav(self, input, spectrogram, length=None): |
"""Spectrogram to waveform. |
Args: |
input: (batch_size, segment_samples, channels_num) |
spectrogram: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) |
Outputs: |
output: (batch_size, segment_samples, channels_num) |
""" |
channels_num = input.shape[1] |
wav_list = [] |
for channel in range(channels_num): |
(real, imag) = self.stft(input[:, channel, :]) |
(_, cos, sin) = magphase(real, imag) |
wav_list.append(self.istft(spectrogram[:, channel : channel + 1, :, :] * cos, |
spectrogram[:, channel : channel + 1, :, :] * sin, length)) |
output = torch.stack(wav_list, dim=1) |
return output |