2  Multiply

8kyu Tantangan #2/366 - 16 Feb 2024


2.1 Instruction

This code does not execute properly. Try to figure out why.

mul <- function(a, b) {
  a * c # try to figure out why it doesn't work!

2.2 YouTube Video

2.3 Solution Code

Karena argumen dari function mul() adalah a dan b sedangkan operasi perkalian di dalamnya menggunakan c yang belum diketahui dan tidak ada objek tersebut.

mul <- function(a, b) {
  a * c # try to figure out why it doesn't work!

Solusi: ganti objek c di dalam function mul() dengan b dari argumen function tersebut.

mul <- function(a, b) {
  a * b 

2.4 Test


test_that("test for associativity of multiplication", {
  a <- runif(1, 0, 10000)
  b <- runif(1, 0, 10000)
  c <- runif(1, 0, 10000)
  expect_equal(mul(a, b), a * b)
  expect_equal(mul(mul(a, b), c), a * b * c)
  expect_equal(mul(a, mul(b, c)), a * b * c)
Test passed 😸

2.5 Supported by

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