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title: Agronomy
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Combining the search power of Elasticsearch with the Question Answering power of GPT
title: {{title}} emoji: {{emoji}} colorFrom: {{colorFrom}} colorTo: {{colorTo}} sdk: {{sdk}} sdk_version: {{sdkVersion}} app_file: pinned: false
Blog - ChatGPT and Elasticsearch: OpenAI meets private data
- Python interface accepts user questions
- Generate a hybrid search request for Elasticsearch
- BM25 match on the title field
- kNN search on the title-vector field
- Boost kNN search results to align scores
- Set size=1 to return only the top scored document
- Search request is sent to Elasticsearch
- Documentation body and original url are returned to python
- API call is made to OpenAI ChatCompletion
- Prompt: "answer this question using only this document "
- Generated response is returned to python
- Python adds on original documentation source url to generated response and prints it to the screen for the user