[Errno 17] File exists: 'My Repo ID'

by Guizmus - opened

Following an error I did I think (using "/diffusers/CreatureChanStyle" as path instead of "diffusers/CreatureChanStyle"), I encounter this error every time I try to use the space on this specific repository : Guizmus/SD_DreamerCommunities_Collection

[Errno 17] File exists: 'Guizmus/SD_DreamerCommunities_Collection'

I tried reloading but it didn't help, conversion still fails on this error

edit : I made it work for myself by running the space on collab, but since I made that error it keeps on giving me the same Errno in your space on HF. Given the content of the error, I suppose it will work for any other repository though, just raising attention on the "bug" that makes this space blocking

Thanks for the report. Should be fixed now.

anzorq changed discussion status to closed

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