title: README | |
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CIEMPIESS-UNAM PROJECT aims to create and share free open-source tools for speech processing in the Spanish language in order to contribute to the growth and development of language technologies mainly for Mexico and Latin America. | |
CIEMPIESS is an acronym in Spanish for: | |
**"Corpus de Investigación en Español de México del Posgrado de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Servicio Social"** | |
The beginning of this project dates from 2012 when we started the creation of the [CIEMPIESS Corpus](https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2015S07) but it was until 2014 that we decided to consolidate us as a group with larger goals than just the creation of one unique corpus. | |
The project was originally born at the ["Speech Technologies Laboratory"](https://labteclenguaje.wixsite.com/labteclenguaje/inicio) belonging to the ["Faculty of Engineering"](https://www.ingenieria.unam.mx/) of the ["National Autonomous University of Mexico"](https://www.unam.mx/) (FI-UNAM). Nowadays, CIEMPIESS-UNAM PROJECT is led by its founder [Dr. Carlos Daniel Hernández Mena](https://huggingface.co/carlosdanielhernandezmena) in collaboration with [Dr. Iván Vladimir Meza Ruiz](https://turing.iimas.unam.mx/~ivanvladimir/en/), researcher at the ["Instituto de Investigación en Matemáticas Aplicadas y Sistemas"](http://oferta.unam.mx/iimas.html) (IIMAS-UNAM). | |
IIMAS-UNAM is the current headquarter of the project and the official website is https://ciempiess.org/ |