Competition Results and Working Notes instruction

by picekl - opened

Dear all,

Thank you for your interest in FungiCLEF2023, and congratulations to all teams that managed to submit the code submission. The final standing and achieved results are now publicly available on the private leaderboard. Considering all metrics, the final Top3 standing is as follows:

  1. meng18
  2. stefanwolf
  3. word2vector

Those three teams will be awarded 100$ worth of credits each to choose from the HuggingFace store.

Furthermore, I would like to remind you that to be eligible for prizes, you must submit a Working Notes paper by June 7, 2023. Keep in mind that everyone still has a chance to win a prize (the best paper award) and that your papers, if accepted in the review process, will be published in the workshop proceedings at CEUR-WS, and the best lab papers will be nominated for CLEF 2024 submission to LNCS proceedings.

Working Notes are submitted via EasyChair; all of the information needed to submit can be found HERE.
Please confirm to us if you have received this email and plan to submit the Working Notes paper as soon as possible. Remember that to be eligible for prizes; you also need to open-source the code that can be used to reproduce your results, as detailed in the competition rules. You should do this by June 7, but if you need more time, let us know.

For those teams that missed the competition deadline for the code submission but submitted CSV-like submissions for the public test set -- we still encourage you to resubmit your code and submit your working notes paper to qualify for the "best paper" awards. In this case, your submission (evaluated on the private test set) will be handled as post-competition; therefore, it will not interfere with official results.
In case you reconsider your participation, please let us know.
The deadlines are as follows:

  • Code submission deadline: 5th of June (sooner is always better).
  • Working notes paper deadline: 7th of June.

Last but not least, we allow additional post-competition evaluation over the private test set for all the teams. You can make these updates iteratively. However, remember that it might take a few hours for us just to make the predictions.

Kind regards
On behalf of the organizers
Lukas Picek

@meng007 @stefanwolf @word2vector @headacheIsHeadache @asdadasasd @rubengv1999 @masie @samuelise @transfrom @mrzave @processorprocess

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