crewai-groq-llama3 /
dromerosm's picture
2b06018 verified
title: Crewai, Groq, Llama3 and Cohere for Research
emoji: πŸ“ˆ
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: blue
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.28.3
pinned: false
license: cc-by-nc-nd-4.0
# CrewAI Research Tool
Welcome to the CrewAI Research Tool on Hugging Face Spaces! This tool employs a combination of Gradio, Cohere, CrewAI, and LangChain technologies to automate and streamline the process of online research, compiling reports, and extracting data through web scraping.
## Description
The CrewAI Research Tool leverages advanced AI capabilities to gather, analyze, and compile information on a wide range of topics, delivering comprehensive and structured reports. It automates the entire research process from web searching to report generation.
## Features
- **Web Search Automation**: Utilizes the DuckDuckGo search engine to perform web searches and gather detailed results related to specified topics.
- **Data Extraction and Summarization**: Employs web scraping tools and Cohere's language models to extract and summarize web content.
- **Detailed Report Generation**: Automated agents, defined as 'Researcher' and 'Editor', work sequentially to craft detailed and polished reports based on web findings.
- **Interactive Gradio Interface**: Users can input their research topic directly into the Gradio interface and initiate the research process with a simple button click.
## Tools and Technologies
- **CrewAI**: Integrates agents with specific roles and tasks to automate complex workflows.
- **LangChain and Groq**: Employs large language models for deep understanding and generation of content.
- **Cohere**: Uses advanced NLP models for generating summaries and text analysis.
- **Gradio**: Provides an interactive web interface to facilitate easy user interaction with the CrewAI system.
## How to Use
1. **Enter a Topic**: Start by entering a research topic into the provided textbox on the Gradio interface.
2. **Initiate Research**: Click the 'Start Research' button to kick off the automated research process.
3. **View Results**: The result, a detailed and structured report, will be displayed directly in the Gradio interface.
## Contributions and Feedback
Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to duplicate the Space, make improvements, and submit a pull request. For feedback and issues, please open an issue in the project's Community tab.
## License
This project is licensed under the cc-by-nc-nd-4.0.
## Acknowledgments
Special thanks to the open-source projects and APIs that made this tool possible: Gradio, CrewAI, LangChain, Cohere, and DuckDuckGo.