# Contributing to H2O LLM STUDIO |
H2O LLM Studio is an open source project released under the Apache Software Licence v2. Open Source projects live by |
their user and developer communities. We welcome and encourage your contributions of any kind! |
## Bug Reports and Feature Requests |
Found a bug or have an idea for a new feature? Your feedback is invaluable! To ensure a smooth and collaborative |
process, please follow these steps: |
1. Provide the full error message and stack trace, if applicable. |
2. Attach the model configuration yaml file if the error is related to model training. |
3. Specify the commit hash of the version you are using (running `git rev-parse HEAD`) in your report. If you are |
pasting the UI error message, the commit hash will also be included in the error message. |
4. If the error is reproducible, kindly include the steps to reproduce it. |
5. If possible, attempt to reproduce the error using the default dataset. |
6. Please mention any other details that might be useful, e.g. if you are using LLM Studio in a Docker container, etc. |
## Pull Requests |
You can contribute to the project by fixing bugs, adding new features, refactoring code, or enhancing documentation. |
To ensure a smooth and collaborative process for everyone, please follow these guidelines: |
1. Check if the issue you plan to address is already [reported](https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-llmstudio/issues). If not, |
please open a new issue |
to discuss your proposed changes. |
2. Avoid duplicating work by commenting on the issue you're working on and feel free to seek assistance or ask |
questions; our team is happy to help. |
3. Fork the repository and create a new branch from `main`. To develop, please follow the setup instructions below. |
4. Implement your changes and commit them to your branch. |
5. When you feel ready, open a pull request with your changes. You can also open the PR as a draft to receive early |
feedback. To facilitate the review process, we have provided a PR checklist below. |
6. Our team will review your pull request and provide feedback. Once everything looks good, we will proceed to merge |
your contribution. |
## Setting up your development environment |
Follow the instructions in [README](https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-llmstudio/blob/main/README.md) to set up your |
environment. Run `make setup-dev` instead of `make setup` to install the development dependencies. |
## Running linters and tests |
Before submitting your pull request, ensure that your code passes the linters and tests. |
To format your code, run `make format`. You can check for any style issues by running `make style`. To run the tests, |
run `make test`. |
## PR checklist |
Please make sure your pull request fulfills the following checklist: |
β The PR title should provide a clear summary of your contribution. |
β Link the related issue (e.g., closes #123) in your PR description. |
β If your contribution is still a work in progress, change the PR to draft mode. |
β Ensure that the existing tests pass by running `make test`. |
β Make sure `make style` passes to maintain consistent code style. |
## Installing custom packages |
If you need to install additional Python packages into the environment, you can do so using pip after activating your virtual environment via ```make shell```. For example, to install flash-attention, you would use the following commands: |
```bash |
make shell |
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation |
pip install git+https://github.com/HazyResearch/flash-attention.git#subdirectory=csrc/rotary |
``` |
For a PR, update the Pipfile and the Pipfile.lock via ```pipenv install package_name```. |