# Engine.IO: the realtime engine |
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[![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/engine.io.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/engine.io) |
`Engine.IO` is the implementation of transport-based |
cross-browser/cross-device bi-directional communication layer for |
[Socket.IO](http://github.com/socketio/socket.io). |
## How to use |
### Server |
#### (A) Listening on a port |
```js |
const engine = require('engine.io'); |
const server = engine.listen(80); |
server.on('connection', socket => { |
socket.send('utf 8 string'); |
socket.send(Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); // binary data |
}); |
``` |
#### (B) Intercepting requests for a http.Server |
```js |
const engine = require('engine.io'); |
const http = require('http').createServer().listen(3000); |
const server = engine.attach(http); |
server.on('connection', socket => { |
socket.on('message', data => { }); |
socket.on('close', () => { }); |
}); |
``` |
#### (C) Passing in requests |
```js |
const engine = require('engine.io'); |
const server = new engine.Server(); |
server.on('connection', socket => { |
socket.send('hi'); |
}); |
// … |
httpServer.on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => { |
server.handleUpgrade(req, socket, head); |
}); |
httpServer.on('request', (req, res) => { |
server.handleRequest(req, res); |
}); |
``` |
### Client |
```html |
<script src="/path/to/engine.io.js"></script> |
<script> |
const socket = new eio.Socket('ws://localhost/'); |
socket.on('open', () => { |
socket.on('message', data => {}); |
socket.on('close', () => {}); |
}); |
</script> |
``` |
For more information on the client refer to the |
[engine-client](http://github.com/socketio/engine.io-client) repository. |
## What features does it have? |
- **Maximum reliability**. Connections are established even in the presence of: |
- proxies and load balancers. |
- personal firewall and antivirus software. |
- for more information refer to **Goals** and **Architecture** sections |
- **Minimal client size** aided by: |
- lazy loading of flash transports. |
- lack of redundant transports. |
- **Scalable** |
- load balancer friendly |
- **Future proof** |
- **100% Node.JS core style** |
- No API sugar (left for higher level projects) |
## API |
### Server |
<hr><br> |
#### Top-level |
These are exposed by `require('engine.io')`: |
##### Events |
- `flush` |
- Called when a socket buffer is being flushed. |
- **Arguments** |
- `Socket`: socket being flushed |
- `Array`: write buffer |
- `drain` |
- Called when a socket buffer is drained |
- **Arguments** |
- `Socket`: socket being flushed |
##### Properties |
- `protocol` _(Number)_: protocol revision number |
- `Server`: Server class constructor |
- `Socket`: Socket class constructor |
- `Transport` _(Function)_: transport constructor |
- `transports` _(Object)_: map of available transports |
##### Methods |
- `()` |
- Returns a new `Server` instance. If the first argument is an `http.Server` then the |
new `Server` instance will be attached to it. Otherwise, the arguments are passed |
directly to the `Server` constructor. |
- **Parameters** |
- `http.Server`: optional, server to attach to. |
- `Object`: optional, options object (see `Server#constructor` api docs below) |
The following are identical ways to instantiate a server and then attach it. |
```js |
const httpServer; // previously created with `http.createServer();` from node.js api. |
// create a server first, and then attach |
const eioServer = require('engine.io').Server(); |
eioServer.attach(httpServer); |
// or call the module as a function to get `Server` |
const eioServer = require('engine.io')(); |
eioServer.attach(httpServer); |
// immediately attach |
const eioServer = require('engine.io')(httpServer); |
// with custom options |
const eioServer = require('engine.io')(httpServer, { |
maxHttpBufferSize: 1e3 |
}); |
``` |
- `listen` |
- Creates an `http.Server` which listens on the given port and attaches WS |
to it. It returns `501 Not Implemented` for regular http requests. |
- **Parameters** |
- `Number`: port to listen on. |
- `Object`: optional, options object |
- `Function`: callback for `listen`. |
- **Options** |
- All options from `Server.attach` method, documented below. |
- **Additionally** See Server `constructor` below for options you can pass for creating the new Server |
- **Returns** `Server` |
```js |
const engine = require('engine.io'); |
const server = engine.listen(3000, { |
pingTimeout: 2000, |
pingInterval: 10000 |
}); |
server.on('connection', /* ... */); |
``` |
- `attach` |
- Captures `upgrade` requests for a `http.Server`. In other words, makes |
a regular http.Server WebSocket-compatible. |
- **Parameters** |
- `http.Server`: server to attach to. |
- `Object`: optional, options object |
- **Options** |
- All options from `Server.attach` method, documented below. |
- **Additionally** See Server `constructor` below for options you can pass for creating the new Server |
- **Returns** `Server` a new Server instance. |
```js |
const engine = require('engine.io'); |
const httpServer = require('http').createServer().listen(3000); |
const server = engine.attach(httpServer, { |
wsEngine: require('eiows').Server // requires having eiows as dependency |
}); |
server.on('connection', /* ... */); |
``` |
#### Server |
The main server/manager. _Inherits from EventEmitter_. |
##### Events |
- `connection` |
- Fired when a new connection is established. |
- **Arguments** |
- `Socket`: a Socket object |
- `initial_headers` |
- Fired on the first request of the connection, before writing the response headers |
- **Arguments** |
- `headers` (`Object`): a hash of headers |
- `req` (`http.IncomingMessage`): the request |
- `headers` |
- Fired on the all requests of the connection, before writing the response headers |
- **Arguments** |
- `headers` (`Object`): a hash of headers |
- `req` (`http.IncomingMessage`): the request |
- `connection_error` |
- Fired when an error occurs when establishing the connection. |
- **Arguments** |
- `error`: an object with following properties: |
- `req` (`http.IncomingMessage`): the request that was dropped |
- `code` (`Number`): one of `Server.errors` |
- `message` (`string`): one of `Server.errorMessages` |
- `context` (`Object`): extra info about the error |
| Code | Message | |
| ---- | ------- | |
| 0 | "Transport unknown" |
| 1 | "Session ID unknown" |
| 2 | "Bad handshake method" |
| 3 | "Bad request" |
| 4 | "Forbidden" |
| 5 | "Unsupported protocol version" |
##### Properties |
**Important**: if you plan to use Engine.IO in a scalable way, please |
keep in mind the properties below will only reflect the clients connected |
to a single process. |
- `clients` _(Object)_: hash of connected clients by id. |
- `clientsCount` _(Number)_: number of connected clients. |
##### Methods |
- **constructor** |
- Initializes the server |
- **Parameters** |
- `Object`: optional, options object |
- **Options** |
- `pingTimeout` (`Number`): how many ms without a pong packet to |
consider the connection closed (`20000`) |
- `pingInterval` (`Number`): how many ms before sending a new ping |
packet (`25000`) |
- `upgradeTimeout` (`Number`): how many ms before an uncompleted transport upgrade is cancelled (`10000`) |
- `maxHttpBufferSize` (`Number`): how many bytes or characters a message |
can be, before closing the session (to avoid DoS). Default |
value is `1E6`. |
- `allowRequest` (`Function`): A function that receives a given handshake |
or upgrade request as its first parameter, and can decide whether to |
continue or not. The second argument is a function that needs to be |
called with the decided information: `fn(err, success)`, where |
`success` is a boolean value where false means that the request is |
rejected, and err is an error code. |
- `transports` (`<Array> String`): transports to allow connections |
to (`['polling', 'websocket']`) |
- `allowUpgrades` (`Boolean`): whether to allow transport upgrades |
(`true`) |
- `perMessageDeflate` (`Object|Boolean`): parameters of the WebSocket permessage-deflate extension |
(see [ws module](https://github.com/einaros/ws) api docs). Set to `true` to enable. (defaults to `false`) |
- `threshold` (`Number`): data is compressed only if the byte size is above this value (`1024`) |
- `httpCompression` (`Object|Boolean`): parameters of the http compression for the polling transports |
(see [zlib](http://nodejs.org/api/zlib.html#zlib_options) api docs). Set to `false` to disable. (`true`) |
- `threshold` (`Number`): data is compressed only if the byte size is above this value (`1024`) |
- `cookie` (`Object|Boolean`): configuration of the cookie that |
contains the client sid to send as part of handshake response |
headers. This cookie might be used for sticky-session. Defaults to not sending any cookie (`false`). |
See [here](https://github.com/jshttp/cookie#options-1) for all supported options. |
- `wsEngine` (`Function`): what WebSocket server implementation to use. Specified module must conform to the `ws` interface (see [ws module api docs](https://github.com/websockets/ws/blob/master/doc/ws.md)). Default value is `ws`. An alternative c++ addon is also available by installing `eiows` module. |
- `cors` (`Object`): the options that will be forwarded to the cors module. See [there](https://github.com/expressjs/cors#configuration-options) for all available options. Defaults to no CORS allowed. |
- `initialPacket` (`Object`): an optional packet which will be concatenated to the handshake packet emitted by Engine.IO. |
- `allowEIO3` (`Boolean`): whether to support v3 Engine.IO clients (defaults to `false`) |
- `close` |
- Closes all clients |
- **Returns** `Server` for chaining |
- `handleRequest` |
- Called internally when a `Engine` request is intercepted. |
- **Parameters** |
- `http.IncomingMessage`: a node request object |
- `http.ServerResponse`: a node response object |
- **Returns** `Server` for chaining |
- `handleUpgrade` |
- Called internally when a `Engine` ws upgrade is intercepted. |
- **Parameters** (same as `upgrade` event) |
- `http.IncomingMessage`: a node request object |
- `net.Stream`: TCP socket for the request |
- `Buffer`: legacy tail bytes |
- **Returns** `Server` for chaining |
- `attach` |
- Attach this Server instance to an `http.Server` |
- Captures `upgrade` requests for a `http.Server`. In other words, makes |
a regular http.Server WebSocket-compatible. |
- **Parameters** |
- `http.Server`: server to attach to. |
- `Object`: optional, options object |
- **Options** |
- `path` (`String`): name of the path to capture (`/engine.io`). |
- `destroyUpgrade` (`Boolean`): destroy unhandled upgrade requests (`true`) |
- `destroyUpgradeTimeout` (`Number`): milliseconds after which unhandled requests are ended (`1000`) |
- `generateId` |
- Generate a socket id. |
- Overwrite this method to generate your custom socket id. |
- **Parameters** |
- `http.IncomingMessage`: a node request object |
- **Returns** A socket id for connected client. |
<hr><br> |
#### Socket |
A representation of a client. _Inherits from EventEmitter_. |
##### Events |
- `close` |
- Fired when the client is disconnected. |
- **Arguments** |
- `String`: reason for closing |
- `Object`: description object (optional) |
- `message` |
- Fired when the client sends a message. |
- **Arguments** |
- `String` or `Buffer`: Unicode string or Buffer with binary contents |
- `error` |
- Fired when an error occurs. |
- **Arguments** |
- `Error`: error object |
- `upgrading` |
- Fired when the client starts the upgrade to a better transport like WebSocket. |
- **Arguments** |
- `Object`: the transport |
- `upgrade` |
- Fired when the client completes the upgrade to a better transport like WebSocket. |
- **Arguments** |
- `Object`: the transport |
- `flush` |
- Called when the write buffer is being flushed. |
- **Arguments** |
- `Array`: write buffer |
- `drain` |
- Called when the write buffer is drained |
- `packet` |
- Called when a socket received a packet (`message`, `ping`) |
- **Arguments** |
- `type`: packet type |
- `data`: packet data (if type is message) |
- `packetCreate` |
- Called before a socket sends a packet (`message`, `ping`) |
- **Arguments** |
- `type`: packet type |
- `data`: packet data (if type is message) |
- `heartbeat` |
- Called when `ping` or `pong` packed is received (depends of client version) |
##### Properties |
- `id` _(String)_: unique identifier |
- `server` _(Server)_: engine parent reference |
- `request` _(http.IncomingMessage)_: request that originated the Socket |
- `upgraded` _(Boolean)_: whether the transport has been upgraded |
- `readyState` _(String)_: opening|open|closing|closed |
- `transport` _(Transport)_: transport reference |
##### Methods |
- `send`: |
- Sends a message, performing `message = toString(arguments[0])` unless |
sending binary data, which is sent as is. |
- **Parameters** |
- `String` | `Buffer` | `ArrayBuffer` | `ArrayBufferView`: a string or any object implementing `toString()`, with outgoing data, or a Buffer or ArrayBuffer with binary data. Also any ArrayBufferView can be sent as is. |
- `Object`: optional, options object |
- `Function`: optional, a callback executed when the message gets flushed out by the transport |
- **Options** |
- `compress` (`Boolean`): whether to compress sending data. This option might be ignored and forced to be `true` when using polling. (`true`) |
- **Returns** `Socket` for chaining |
- `close` |
- Disconnects the client |
- **Returns** `Socket` for chaining |
### Client |
<hr><br> |
Exposed in the `eio` global namespace (in the browser), or by |
`require('engine.io-client')` (in Node.JS). |
For the client API refer to the |
[engine-client](http://github.com/learnboost/engine.io-client) repository. |
## Debug / logging |
Engine.IO is powered by [debug](http://github.com/visionmedia/debug). |
In order to see all the debug output, run your app with the environment variable |
`DEBUG` including the desired scope. |
To see the output from all of Engine.IO's debugging scopes you can use: |
``` |
DEBUG=engine* node myapp |
``` |
## Transports |
- `polling`: XHR / JSONP polling transport. |
- `websocket`: WebSocket transport. |
## Plugins |
- [engine.io-conflation](https://github.com/EugenDueck/engine.io-conflation): Makes **conflation and aggregation** of messages straightforward. |
## Support |
The support channels for `engine.io` are the same as `socket.io`: |
- irc.freenode.net **#socket.io** |
- [Google Groups](http://groups.google.com/group/socket_io) |
- [Website](http://socket.io) |
## Development |
To contribute patches, run tests or benchmarks, make sure to clone the |
repository: |
``` |
git clone git://github.com/LearnBoost/engine.io.git |
``` |
Then: |
``` |
cd engine.io |
npm install |
``` |
## Tests |
Tests run with `npm test`. It runs the server tests that are aided by |
the usage of `engine.io-client`. |
Make sure `npm install` is run first. |
## Goals |
The main goal of `Engine` is ensuring the most reliable realtime communication. |
Unlike the previous Socket.IO core, it always establishes a long-polling |
connection first, then tries to upgrade to better transports that are "tested" on |
the side. |
During the lifetime of the Socket.IO projects, we've found countless drawbacks |
to relying on `HTML5 WebSocket` or `Flash Socket` as the first connection |
mechanisms. |
Both are clearly the _right way_ of establishing a bidirectional communication, |
with HTML5 WebSocket being the way of the future. However, to answer most business |
needs, alternative traditional HTTP 1.1 mechanisms are just as good as delivering |
the same solution. |
WebSocket based connections have two fundamental benefits: |
1. **Better server performance** |
- _A: Load balancers_<br> |
Load balancing a long polling connection poses a serious architectural nightmare |
since requests can come from any number of open sockets by the user agent, but |
they all need to be routed to the process and computer that owns the `Engine` |
connection. This negatively impacts RAM and CPU usage. |
- _B: Network traffic_<br> |
WebSocket is designed around the premise that each message frame has to be |
surrounded by the least amount of data. In HTTP 1.1 transports, each message |
frame is surrounded by HTTP headers and chunked encoding frames. If you try to |
send the message _"Hello world"_ with xhr-polling, the message ultimately |
becomes larger than if you were to send it with WebSocket. |
- _C: Lightweight parser_<br> |
As an effect of **B**, the server has to do a lot more work to parse the network |
data and figure out the message when traditional HTTP requests are used |
(as in long polling). This means that another advantage of WebSocket is |
less server CPU usage. |
2. **Better user experience** |
Due to the reasons stated in point **1**, the most important effect of being able |
to establish a WebSocket connection is raw data transfer speed, which translates |
in _some_ cases in better user experience. |
Applications with heavy realtime interaction (such as games) will benefit greatly, |
whereas applications like realtime chat (Gmail/Facebook), newsfeeds (Facebook) or |
timelines (Twitter) will have negligible user experience improvements. |
Having said this, attempting to establish a WebSocket connection directly so far has |
proven problematic: |
1. **Proxies**<br> |
Many corporate proxies block WebSocket traffic. |
2. **Personal firewall and antivirus software**<br> |
As a result of our research, we've found that at least 3 personal security |
applications block WebSocket traffic. |
3. **Cloud application platforms**<br> |
Platforms like Heroku or No.de have had trouble keeping up with the fast-paced |
nature of the evolution of the WebSocket protocol. Applications therefore end up |
inevitably using long polling, but the seamless installation experience of |
Socket.IO we strive for (_"require() it and it just works"_) disappears. |
Some of these problems have solutions. In the case of proxies and personal programs, |
however, the solutions many times involve upgrading software. Experience has shown |
that relying on client software upgrades to deliver a business solution is |
fruitless: the very existence of this project has to do with a fragmented panorama |
of user agent distribution, with clients connecting with latest versions of the most |
modern user agents (Chrome, Firefox and Safari), but others with versions as low as |
IE 5.5. |
From the user perspective, an unsuccessful WebSocket connection can translate in |
up to at least 10 seconds of waiting for the realtime application to begin |
exchanging data. This **perceptively** hurts user experience. |
To summarize, **Engine** focuses on reliability and user experience first, marginal |
potential UX improvements and increased server performance second. `Engine` is the |
result of all the lessons learned with WebSocket in the wild. |
## Architecture |
The main premise of `Engine`, and the core of its existence, is the ability to |
swap transports on the fly. A connection starts as xhr-polling, but it can |
switch to WebSocket. |
The central problem this poses is: how do we switch transports without losing |
messages? |
`Engine` only switches from polling to another transport in between polling |
cycles. Since the server closes the connection after a certain timeout when |
there's no activity, and the polling transport implementation buffers messages |
in between connections, this ensures no message loss and optimal performance. |
Another benefit of this design is that we workaround almost all the limitations |
of **Flash Socket**, such as slow connection times, increased file size (we can |
safely lazy load it without hurting user experience), etc. |
## FAQ |
### Can I use engine without Socket.IO ? |
Absolutely. Although the recommended framework for building realtime applications |
is Socket.IO, since it provides fundamental features for real-world applications |
such as multiplexing, reconnection support, etc. |
`Engine` is to Socket.IO what Connect is to Express. An essential piece for building |
realtime frameworks, but something you _probably_ won't be using for building |
actual applications. |
### Does the server serve the client? |
No. The main reason is that `Engine` is meant to be bundled with frameworks. |
Socket.IO includes `Engine`, therefore serving two clients is not necessary. If |
you use Socket.IO, including |
```html |
<script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"> |
``` |
has you covered. |
### Can I implement `Engine` in other languages? |
Absolutely. The [engine.io-protocol](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-protocol) |
repository contains the most up-to-date description of the specification |
at all times. |
## License |
(The MIT License) |
Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Rauch <guillermo@learnboost.com> |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining |
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the |
'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including |
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, |
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to |
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to |
the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be |
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. |