!! Problem with the application ?

by Kektex01 - opened

Hello, I tried with different photos and dozens of times but since yesterday, the application no longer offers any files: am I the only one to have noticed this malfunction?

I can confirm, that I am experiencing the same problem.

yeah,i have the same problem too

Looking into this

Mubert closed access to their API using their demo credentials

For access, please subscribe to Pro or Business Plan. https://mubert.com/render/pricing

I will fix this soon, stay tuned, follow me on twitter for update ;)

thanks,my hero

What i will do, is add an input for providing your own free mubert credentials 👌

I need to do some tests, but it’s the reasonable solution :)

Thank you!

Very addictive application : hard to live without !

is this thing ON ????? Im not getting any music.

Mubert closed access to their API. I was using their demo key 🔑 but it seems revoked now.

I’m working around a solution

It’s a real shame Mubert’s developers had to pull the plug on you with a subscription service; greed seems to be the main drive behind a lot of software these days, and its good that you’re standing up to it with a workaround. Hopefully we wont have to wait too much longer.

Well, I looked through Mubert’s community tab, and judging by the looks of things the project was made with evil intentions right from the start anyway; namely making money regardless of the function of their AI, which resulted in bugs lactating around and eventually resulting in the entire thing not functioning by some accounts.

The straw that broke the camels back, the nail in the coffin if you will, was when they decided to put in that user-retardant subscription service that caused everyone in their (abysmal compared to this one) small little community to get mad and run away. And now we have it where Filoni over here has to figure out how to get access to their API without paying. Maybe if they just hadnt made Mubert with money in mind, but we all know that’s a pipe-dream at this point.

Looks like we’ve hit another standstill, because they appear to have deleted their space and there’s absolutely zero indication that anyone has made a copy of it. If someone has then I would hope the individual in question is working on figuring out how to get rid of the subscription requirements, although I’m afraid this could completely kill this project, because if they’re deleting their space then it could mean they’re considering going defunct.

Their website is still up but the fact they removed their project could mean they’re planning on killing that too. Granted, there’s a chance that the Mubert space itself was little more than something designed to interface with the website and API by a bunch of hobbyists or something of that sort and thus is in no way, shape or form affiliated with Mubert themselves, but this is highly unlikely considering that when we look at the history, both of them have enforced the subscription policy. I know I might be starting to be saying too many things here, but this update was an urgent one because Mubert deleting their space can’t be a sign of anything good. Ill watch the website and update you if anything happens there.

FIY: i am discussing with mubert team to find a fair solution ;)

Hello again everyone, crazy to think its almost been a month, huh? Anyways, I recently discovered something that should probably raise an eyebrow or 2 that really puts even more shame on Mubert than there already was, as if more salt just needed to be rubbed into the wound. Apparently they use copyrighted material, which is a shame considering I had been using this space to generate tracks for a game, only to now find that they are likely completely useless due to copyright issues.

Now, I can get wanting to ensure that creators are not left out of the equation; I have sympathy there. But another user claims they got their video claimed by a company that wasn’t Mubert, and Mubert courtesy of their own TOS states that they’re usually the ones making the copyright claim. The fact that the claim isn’t from Mubert implies that they didn’t ask permission for the assets and didn’t notify the creators or ask to grant their API permission to allow people to use their assets in videos and whatnot.

This then implies that all these creators are making these copyright claims thinking someone made a mashup with their stems without asking the respective creators for permission when the reality is so much worse; Mubert is just using their stems all willy-nilly, rearranging them slightly and adding some effects/edits to them and then calling it a day, not expecting to get in trouble for it. The sad thing is that the songs I had generated are now completely useless to my game, which is a shame considering they were very accurate to the theme of each respective environment for which they were generated.

At this point I would advise pulling the plug on Mubert and looking for an alternative that respects copyright, and even uses some pre-generated material that otherwise would never have existed in conjunction with pre-made assets. And I would be extremely careful with who I pick if I were you, in the interest of ensuring that the same mistakes are not made twice. I know this likely isn’t going to happen, but after learning of this I had to make it known, because at this point the whole thing isn’t just a deal with the devil anymore; it’s an outright betrayal.

Aaaand we’re back 😇

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