from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import ( |
fixedToFloat as fi2fl, |
floatToFixed as fl2fi, |
floatToFixedToStr as fl2str, |
strToFixedToFloat as str2fl, |
otRound, |
) |
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval |
import array |
from collections import Counter, defaultdict |
import io |
import logging |
import struct |
import sys |
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
class TupleVariation(object): |
def __init__(self, axes, coordinates): |
self.axes = axes.copy() |
self.coordinates = list(coordinates) |
def __repr__(self): |
axes = ",".join( |
sorted(["%s=%s" % (name, value) for (name, value) in self.axes.items()]) |
) |
return "<TupleVariation %s %s>" % (axes, self.coordinates) |
def __eq__(self, other): |
return self.coordinates == other.coordinates and self.axes == other.axes |
def getUsedPoints(self): |
if None not in self.coordinates: |
return frozenset() |
used = frozenset([i for i, p in enumerate(self.coordinates) if p is not None]) |
return used if used else None |
def hasImpact(self): |
"""Returns True if this TupleVariation has any visible impact. |
If the result is False, the TupleVariation can be omitted from the font |
without making any visible difference. |
""" |
return any(c is not None for c in self.coordinates) |
def toXML(self, writer, axisTags): |
writer.begintag("tuple") |
writer.newline() |
for axis in axisTags: |
value = self.axes.get(axis) |
if value is not None: |
minValue, value, maxValue = value |
defaultMinValue = min(value, 0.0) |
defaultMaxValue = max(value, 0.0) |
if minValue == defaultMinValue and maxValue == defaultMaxValue: |
writer.simpletag("coord", axis=axis, value=fl2str(value, 14)) |
else: |
attrs = [ |
("axis", axis), |
("min", fl2str(minValue, 14)), |
("value", fl2str(value, 14)), |
("max", fl2str(maxValue, 14)), |
] |
writer.simpletag("coord", attrs) |
writer.newline() |
wrote_any_deltas = False |
for i, delta in enumerate(self.coordinates): |
if type(delta) == tuple and len(delta) == 2: |
writer.simpletag("delta", pt=i, x=delta[0], y=delta[1]) |
writer.newline() |
wrote_any_deltas = True |
elif type(delta) == int: |
writer.simpletag("delta", cvt=i, value=delta) |
writer.newline() |
wrote_any_deltas = True |
elif delta is not None: |
log.error("bad delta format") |
writer.comment("bad delta #%d" % i) |
writer.newline() |
wrote_any_deltas = True |
if not wrote_any_deltas: |
writer.comment("no deltas") |
writer.newline() |
writer.endtag("tuple") |
writer.newline() |
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, _content): |
if name == "coord": |
axis = attrs["axis"] |
value = str2fl(attrs["value"], 14) |
defaultMinValue = min(value, 0.0) |
defaultMaxValue = max(value, 0.0) |
minValue = str2fl(attrs.get("min", defaultMinValue), 14) |
maxValue = str2fl(attrs.get("max", defaultMaxValue), 14) |
self.axes[axis] = (minValue, value, maxValue) |
elif name == "delta": |
if "pt" in attrs: |
point = safeEval(attrs["pt"]) |
x = safeEval(attrs["x"]) |
y = safeEval(attrs["y"]) |
self.coordinates[point] = (x, y) |
elif "cvt" in attrs: |
cvt = safeEval(attrs["cvt"]) |
value = safeEval(attrs["value"]) |
self.coordinates[cvt] = value |
else: |
log.warning("bad delta format: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(attrs.keys()))) |
def compile(self, axisTags, sharedCoordIndices={}, pointData=None): |
assert set(self.axes.keys()) <= set(axisTags), ( |
"Unknown axis tag found.", |
self.axes.keys(), |
axisTags, |
) |
tupleData = [] |
auxData = [] |
if pointData is None: |
usedPoints = self.getUsedPoints() |
if usedPoints is None: |
return b"", b"" |
pointData = self.compilePoints(usedPoints) |
coord = self.compileCoord(axisTags) |
flags = sharedCoordIndices.get(coord) |
if flags is None: |
tupleData.append(coord) |
intermediateCoord = self.compileIntermediateCoord(axisTags) |
if intermediateCoord is not None: |
tupleData.append(intermediateCoord) |
if pointData: |
auxData.append(pointData) |
auxData.append(self.compileDeltas()) |
auxData = b"".join(auxData) |
tupleData.insert(0, struct.pack(">HH", len(auxData), flags)) |
return b"".join(tupleData), auxData |
def compileCoord(self, axisTags): |
result = [] |
axes = self.axes |
for axis in axisTags: |
triple = axes.get(axis) |
if triple is None: |
result.append(b"\0\0") |
else: |
result.append(struct.pack(">h", fl2fi(triple[1], 14))) |
return b"".join(result) |
def compileIntermediateCoord(self, axisTags): |
needed = False |
for axis in axisTags: |
minValue, value, maxValue = self.axes.get(axis, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) |
defaultMinValue = min(value, 0.0) |
defaultMaxValue = max(value, 0.0) |
if (minValue != defaultMinValue) or (maxValue != defaultMaxValue): |
needed = True |
break |
if not needed: |
return None |
minCoords = [] |
maxCoords = [] |
for axis in axisTags: |
minValue, value, maxValue = self.axes.get(axis, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) |
minCoords.append(struct.pack(">h", fl2fi(minValue, 14))) |
maxCoords.append(struct.pack(">h", fl2fi(maxValue, 14))) |
return b"".join(minCoords + maxCoords) |
@staticmethod |
def decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, offset): |
coord = {} |
pos = offset |
for axis in axisTags: |
coord[axis] = fi2fl(struct.unpack(">h", data[pos : pos + 2])[0], 14) |
pos += 2 |
return coord, pos |
@staticmethod |
def compilePoints(points): |
if not points: |
return b"\0" |
points = list(points) |
points.sort() |
numPoints = len(points) |
result = bytearray() |
if numPoints < 0x80: |
result.append(numPoints) |
else: |
result.append((numPoints >> 8) | 0x80) |
result.append(numPoints & 0xFF) |
pos = 0 |
lastValue = 0 |
while pos < numPoints: |
runLength = 0 |
headerPos = len(result) |
result.append(0) |
useByteEncoding = None |
while pos < numPoints and runLength <= MAX_RUN_LENGTH: |
curValue = points[pos] |
delta = curValue - lastValue |
if useByteEncoding is None: |
useByteEncoding = 0 <= delta <= 0xFF |
if useByteEncoding and (delta > 0xFF or delta < 0): |
break |
if useByteEncoding: |
result.append(delta) |
else: |
result.append(delta >> 8) |
result.append(delta & 0xFF) |
lastValue = curValue |
pos += 1 |
runLength += 1 |
if useByteEncoding: |
result[headerPos] = runLength - 1 |
else: |
result[headerPos] = (runLength - 1) | POINTS_ARE_WORDS |
return result |
@staticmethod |
def decompilePoints_(numPoints, data, offset, tableTag): |
"""(numPoints, data, offset, tableTag) --> ([point1, point2, ...], newOffset)""" |
assert tableTag in ("cvar", "gvar") |
pos = offset |
numPointsInData = data[pos] |
pos += 1 |
if (numPointsInData & POINTS_ARE_WORDS) != 0: |
numPointsInData = (numPointsInData & POINT_RUN_COUNT_MASK) << 8 | data[pos] |
pos += 1 |
if numPointsInData == 0: |
return (range(numPoints), pos) |
result = [] |
while len(result) < numPointsInData: |
runHeader = data[pos] |
pos += 1 |
numPointsInRun = (runHeader & POINT_RUN_COUNT_MASK) + 1 |
point = 0 |
if (runHeader & POINTS_ARE_WORDS) != 0: |
points = array.array("H") |
pointsSize = numPointsInRun * 2 |
else: |
points = array.array("B") |
pointsSize = numPointsInRun |
points.frombytes(data[pos : pos + pointsSize]) |
if sys.byteorder != "big": |
points.byteswap() |
assert len(points) == numPointsInRun |
pos += pointsSize |
result.extend(points) |
absolute = [] |
current = 0 |
for delta in result: |
current += delta |
absolute.append(current) |
result = absolute |
del absolute |
badPoints = {str(p) for p in result if p < 0 or p >= numPoints} |
if badPoints: |
log.warning( |
"point %s out of range in '%s' table" |
% (",".join(sorted(badPoints)), tableTag) |
) |
return (result, pos) |
def compileDeltas(self): |
deltaX = [] |
deltaY = [] |
if self.getCoordWidth() == 2: |
for c in self.coordinates: |
if c is None: |
continue |
deltaX.append(c[0]) |
deltaY.append(c[1]) |
else: |
for c in self.coordinates: |
if c is None: |
continue |
deltaX.append(c) |
bytearr = bytearray() |
self.compileDeltaValues_(deltaX, bytearr) |
self.compileDeltaValues_(deltaY, bytearr) |
return bytearr |
@staticmethod |
def compileDeltaValues_(deltas, bytearr=None): |
"""[value1, value2, value3, ...] --> bytearray |
Emits a sequence of runs. Each run starts with a |
byte-sized header whose 6 least significant bits |
(header & 0x3F) indicate how many values are encoded |
in this run. The stored length is the actual length |
minus one; run lengths are thus in the range [1..64]. |
If the header byte has its most significant bit (0x80) |
set, all values in this run are zero, and no data |
follows. Otherwise, the header byte is followed by |
((header & 0x3F) + 1) signed values. If (header & |
0x40) is clear, the delta values are stored as signed |
bytes; if (header & 0x40) is set, the delta values are |
signed 16-bit integers. |
""" |
if bytearr is None: |
bytearr = bytearray() |
pos = 0 |
numDeltas = len(deltas) |
while pos < numDeltas: |
value = deltas[pos] |
if value == 0: |
pos = TupleVariation.encodeDeltaRunAsZeroes_(deltas, pos, bytearr) |
elif -128 <= value <= 127: |
pos = TupleVariation.encodeDeltaRunAsBytes_(deltas, pos, bytearr) |
else: |
pos = TupleVariation.encodeDeltaRunAsWords_(deltas, pos, bytearr) |
return bytearr |
@staticmethod |
def encodeDeltaRunAsZeroes_(deltas, offset, bytearr): |
pos = offset |
numDeltas = len(deltas) |
while pos < numDeltas and deltas[pos] == 0: |
pos += 1 |
runLength = pos - offset |
while runLength >= 64: |
bytearr.append(DELTAS_ARE_ZERO | 63) |
runLength -= 64 |
if runLength: |
bytearr.append(DELTAS_ARE_ZERO | (runLength - 1)) |
return pos |
@staticmethod |
def encodeDeltaRunAsBytes_(deltas, offset, bytearr): |
pos = offset |
numDeltas = len(deltas) |
while pos < numDeltas: |
value = deltas[pos] |
if not (-128 <= value <= 127): |
break |
if value == 0 and pos + 1 < numDeltas and deltas[pos + 1] == 0: |
break |
pos += 1 |
runLength = pos - offset |
while runLength >= 64: |
bytearr.append(63) |
bytearr.extend(array.array("b", deltas[offset : offset + 64])) |
offset += 64 |
runLength -= 64 |
if runLength: |
bytearr.append(runLength - 1) |
bytearr.extend(array.array("b", deltas[offset:pos])) |
return pos |
@staticmethod |
def encodeDeltaRunAsWords_(deltas, offset, bytearr): |
pos = offset |
numDeltas = len(deltas) |
while pos < numDeltas: |
value = deltas[pos] |
if value == 0: |
break |
if ( |
(-128 <= value <= 127) |
and pos + 1 < numDeltas |
and (-128 <= deltas[pos + 1] <= 127) |
): |
break |
pos += 1 |
runLength = pos - offset |
while runLength >= 64: |
bytearr.append(DELTAS_ARE_WORDS | 63) |
a = array.array("h", deltas[offset : offset + 64]) |
if sys.byteorder != "big": |
a.byteswap() |
bytearr.extend(a) |
offset += 64 |
runLength -= 64 |
if runLength: |
bytearr.append(DELTAS_ARE_WORDS | (runLength - 1)) |
a = array.array("h", deltas[offset:pos]) |
if sys.byteorder != "big": |
a.byteswap() |
bytearr.extend(a) |
return pos |
@staticmethod |
def decompileDeltas_(numDeltas, data, offset): |
"""(numDeltas, data, offset) --> ([delta, delta, ...], newOffset)""" |
result = [] |
pos = offset |
while len(result) < numDeltas: |
runHeader = data[pos] |
pos += 1 |
numDeltasInRun = (runHeader & DELTA_RUN_COUNT_MASK) + 1 |
if (runHeader & DELTAS_ARE_ZERO) != 0: |
result.extend([0] * numDeltasInRun) |
else: |
if (runHeader & DELTAS_ARE_WORDS) != 0: |
deltas = array.array("h") |
deltasSize = numDeltasInRun * 2 |
else: |
deltas = array.array("b") |
deltasSize = numDeltasInRun |
deltas.frombytes(data[pos : pos + deltasSize]) |
if sys.byteorder != "big": |
deltas.byteswap() |
assert len(deltas) == numDeltasInRun |
pos += deltasSize |
result.extend(deltas) |
assert len(result) == numDeltas |
return (result, pos) |
@staticmethod |
def getTupleSize_(flags, axisCount): |
size = 4 |
if (flags & EMBEDDED_PEAK_TUPLE) != 0: |
size += axisCount * 2 |
if (flags & INTERMEDIATE_REGION) != 0: |
size += axisCount * 4 |
return size |
def getCoordWidth(self): |
"""Return 2 if coordinates are (x, y) as in gvar, 1 if single values |
as in cvar, or 0 if empty. |
""" |
firstDelta = next((c for c in self.coordinates if c is not None), None) |
if firstDelta is None: |
return 0 |
if type(firstDelta) in (int, float): |
return 1 |
if type(firstDelta) is tuple and len(firstDelta) == 2: |
return 2 |
raise TypeError( |
"invalid type of delta; expected (int or float) number, or " |
"Tuple[number, number]: %r" % firstDelta |
) |
def scaleDeltas(self, scalar): |
if scalar == 1.0: |
return |
coordWidth = self.getCoordWidth() |
self.coordinates = [ |
( |
None |
if d is None |
else d * scalar if coordWidth == 1 else (d[0] * scalar, d[1] * scalar) |
) |
for d in self.coordinates |
] |
def roundDeltas(self): |
coordWidth = self.getCoordWidth() |
self.coordinates = [ |
( |
None |
if d is None |
else otRound(d) if coordWidth == 1 else (otRound(d[0]), otRound(d[1])) |
) |
for d in self.coordinates |
] |
def calcInferredDeltas(self, origCoords, endPts): |
from fontTools.varLib.iup import iup_delta |
if self.getCoordWidth() == 1: |
raise TypeError("Only 'gvar' TupleVariation can have inferred deltas") |
if None in self.coordinates: |
if len(self.coordinates) != len(origCoords): |
raise ValueError( |
"Expected len(origCoords) == %d; found %d" |
% (len(self.coordinates), len(origCoords)) |
) |
self.coordinates = iup_delta(self.coordinates, origCoords, endPts) |
def optimize(self, origCoords, endPts, tolerance=0.5, isComposite=False): |
from fontTools.varLib.iup import iup_delta_optimize |
if None in self.coordinates: |
return |
deltaOpt = iup_delta_optimize( |
self.coordinates, origCoords, endPts, tolerance=tolerance |
) |
if None in deltaOpt: |
if isComposite and all(d is None for d in deltaOpt): |
deltaOpt = [(0, 0)] + [None] * (len(deltaOpt) - 1) |
varOpt = TupleVariation(self.axes, deltaOpt) |
axisTags = sorted(self.axes.keys()) |
tupleData, auxData = self.compile(axisTags) |
unoptimizedLength = len(tupleData) + len(auxData) |
tupleData, auxData = varOpt.compile(axisTags) |
optimizedLength = len(tupleData) + len(auxData) |
if optimizedLength < unoptimizedLength: |
self.coordinates = varOpt.coordinates |
def __imul__(self, scalar): |
self.scaleDeltas(scalar) |
return self |
def __iadd__(self, other): |
if not isinstance(other, TupleVariation): |
return NotImplemented |
deltas1 = self.coordinates |
length = len(deltas1) |
deltas2 = other.coordinates |
if len(deltas2) != length: |
raise ValueError("cannot sum TupleVariation deltas with different lengths") |
if self.getCoordWidth() == 2: |
for i, d2 in zip(range(length), deltas2): |
d1 = deltas1[i] |
try: |
deltas1[i] = (d1[0] + d2[0], d1[1] + d2[1]) |
except TypeError: |
raise ValueError("cannot sum gvar deltas with inferred points") |
else: |
for i, d2 in zip(range(length), deltas2): |
d1 = deltas1[i] |
if d1 is not None and d2 is not None: |
deltas1[i] = d1 + d2 |
elif d1 is None and d2 is not None: |
deltas1[i] = d2 |
return self |
def decompileSharedTuples(axisTags, sharedTupleCount, data, offset): |
result = [] |
for _ in range(sharedTupleCount): |
t, offset = TupleVariation.decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, offset) |
result.append(t) |
return result |
def compileSharedTuples( |
axisTags, variations, MAX_NUM_SHARED_COORDS=TUPLE_INDEX_MASK + 1 |
): |
coordCount = Counter() |
for var in variations: |
coord = var.compileCoord(axisTags) |
coordCount[coord] += 1 |
sharedCoords = sorted( |
coordCount.most_common(MAX_NUM_SHARED_COORDS), |
key=lambda item: (-item[1], item[0]), |
) |
return [c[0] for c in sharedCoords if c[1] > 1] |
def compileTupleVariationStore( |
variations, pointCount, axisTags, sharedTupleIndices, useSharedPoints=True |
): |
del pointCount |
newVariations = [] |
pointDatas = [] |
sharedPoints = None |
pointSetCount = defaultdict(int) |
for v in variations: |
points = v.getUsedPoints() |
if points is None: |
continue |
pointSetCount[points] += 1 |
newVariations.append(v) |
pointDatas.append(points) |
variations = newVariations |
del newVariations |
if not variations: |
return (0, b"", b"") |
n = len(variations[0].coordinates) |
assert all( |
len(v.coordinates) == n for v in variations |
), "Variation sets have different sizes" |
compiledPoints = { |
pointSet: TupleVariation.compilePoints(pointSet) for pointSet in pointSetCount |
} |
tupleVariationCount = len(variations) |
tuples = [] |
data = [] |
if useSharedPoints: |
def key(pn): |
pointSet = pn[0] |
count = pn[1] |
return len(compiledPoints[pointSet]) * (count - 1) |
sharedPoints = max(pointSetCount.items(), key=key)[0] |
data.append(compiledPoints[sharedPoints]) |
tupleVariationCount |= TUPLES_SHARE_POINT_NUMBERS |
pointDatas = [ |
compiledPoints[points] if points != sharedPoints else b"" |
for points in pointDatas |
] |
for v, p in zip(variations, pointDatas): |
thisTuple, thisData = v.compile(axisTags, sharedTupleIndices, pointData=p) |
tuples.append(thisTuple) |
data.append(thisData) |
tuples = b"".join(tuples) |
data = b"".join(data) |
return tupleVariationCount, tuples, data |
def decompileTupleVariationStore( |
tableTag, |
axisTags, |
tupleVariationCount, |
pointCount, |
sharedTuples, |
data, |
pos, |
dataPos, |
): |
numAxes = len(axisTags) |
result = [] |
if (tupleVariationCount & TUPLES_SHARE_POINT_NUMBERS) != 0: |
sharedPoints, dataPos = TupleVariation.decompilePoints_( |
pointCount, data, dataPos, tableTag |
) |
else: |
sharedPoints = [] |
for _ in range(tupleVariationCount & TUPLE_COUNT_MASK): |
dataSize, flags = struct.unpack(">HH", data[pos : pos + 4]) |
tupleSize = TupleVariation.getTupleSize_(flags, numAxes) |
tupleData = data[pos : pos + tupleSize] |
pointDeltaData = data[dataPos : dataPos + dataSize] |
result.append( |
decompileTupleVariation_( |
pointCount, |
sharedTuples, |
sharedPoints, |
tableTag, |
axisTags, |
tupleData, |
pointDeltaData, |
) |
) |
pos += tupleSize |
dataPos += dataSize |
return result |
def decompileTupleVariation_( |
pointCount, sharedTuples, sharedPoints, tableTag, axisTags, data, tupleData |
): |
assert tableTag in ("cvar", "gvar"), tableTag |
flags = struct.unpack(">H", data[2:4])[0] |
pos = 4 |
if (flags & EMBEDDED_PEAK_TUPLE) == 0: |
peak = sharedTuples[flags & TUPLE_INDEX_MASK] |
else: |
peak, pos = TupleVariation.decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, pos) |
if (flags & INTERMEDIATE_REGION) != 0: |
start, pos = TupleVariation.decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, pos) |
end, pos = TupleVariation.decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, pos) |
else: |
start, end = inferRegion_(peak) |
axes = {} |
for axis in axisTags: |
region = start[axis], peak[axis], end[axis] |
if region != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): |
axes[axis] = region |
pos = 0 |
if (flags & PRIVATE_POINT_NUMBERS) != 0: |
points, pos = TupleVariation.decompilePoints_( |
pointCount, tupleData, pos, tableTag |
) |
else: |
points = sharedPoints |
deltas = [None] * pointCount |
if tableTag == "cvar": |
deltas_cvt, pos = TupleVariation.decompileDeltas_(len(points), tupleData, pos) |
for p, delta in zip(points, deltas_cvt): |
if 0 <= p < pointCount: |
deltas[p] = delta |
elif tableTag == "gvar": |
deltas_x, pos = TupleVariation.decompileDeltas_(len(points), tupleData, pos) |
deltas_y, pos = TupleVariation.decompileDeltas_(len(points), tupleData, pos) |
for p, x, y in zip(points, deltas_x, deltas_y): |
if 0 <= p < pointCount: |
deltas[p] = (x, y) |
return TupleVariation(axes, deltas) |
def inferRegion_(peak): |
"""Infer start and end for a (non-intermediate) region |
This helper function computes the applicability region for |
variation tuples whose INTERMEDIATE_REGION flag is not set in the |
TupleVariationHeader structure. Variation tuples apply only to |
certain regions of the variation space; outside that region, the |
tuple has no effect. To make the binary encoding more compact, |
TupleVariationHeaders can omit the intermediateStartTuple and |
intermediateEndTuple fields. |
""" |
start, end = {}, {} |
for axis, value in peak.items(): |
start[axis] = min(value, 0.0) |
end[axis] = max(value, 0.0) |
return (start, end) |