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Demo Ideas
We could also try to create an AI influencer run by a swarm, let it create a whole identity and generate images, memes, and other content for Twitter, Reddit, etc.
had a thought that we should have either a more general one of these or a swarm or both -- need something connecting all the calendars, events, and initiatives of all the AI communities, langchain, laion, eluther, lesswrong, gato, rob miles, chatgpt hackers, etc etc
Swarm of AI influencers to spread marketing
Delegation System to better organize teams: Start with a team of passionate humans and let them self-report their skills/strengths so the agent has a concept of who to delegate to, then feed the agent a huge task list (like the bullet list a few messages above) that it breaks down into actionable steps and "prompts" specific team members to complete tasks. Could even suggest breakout teams of a few people with complementary skills to tackle more complex tasks. There can also be a live board that updates each time a team member completes something, to encourage momentum and keep track of progress