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Swarm Agent is a powerful autonomous agent framework designed to connect Language Models (LLMs) with various tools and long-term memory. This class provides the ability to ingest and process various types of documents such as PDFs, text files, Markdown files, JSON files, and more. The Agent structure offers a wide range of features to enhance the capabilities of LLMs and facilitate efficient task execution.


The Agent class establishes a conversational loop with a language model, allowing for interactive task execution, feedback collection, and dynamic response generation. It includes features such as:

  1. Conversational Loop: Enables back-and-forth interaction with the model.
  2. Feedback Collection: Allows users to provide feedback on generated responses.
  3. Stoppable Conversation: Supports custom stopping conditions for the conversation.
  4. Retry Mechanism: Implements a retry system for handling issues in response generation.
  5. Tool Integration: Supports the integration of various tools for enhanced capabilities.
  6. Long-term Memory Management: Incorporates vector databases for efficient information retrieval.
  7. Document Ingestion: Processes various document types for information extraction.
  8. Interactive Mode: Allows real-time communication with the agent.
  9. Sentiment Analysis: Evaluates the sentiment of generated responses.
  10. Output Filtering and Cleaning: Ensures generated responses meet specific criteria.
  11. Asynchronous and Concurrent Execution: Supports efficient parallelization of tasks.
  12. Planning and Reasoning: Implements techniques like algorithm of thoughts for enhanced decision-making.


graph TD
    A[Task Initiation] -->|Receives Task| B[Initial LLM Processing]
    B -->|Interprets Task| C[Tool Usage]
    C -->|Calls Tools| D[Function 1]
    C -->|Calls Tools| E[Function 2]
    D -->|Returns Data| C
    E -->|Returns Data| C
    C -->|Provides Data| F[Memory Interaction]
    F -->|Stores and Retrieves Data| G[RAG System]
    G -->|ChromaDB/Pinecone| H[Enhanced Data]
    F -->|Provides Enhanced Data| I[Final LLM Processing]
    I -->|Generates Final Response| J[Output]
    C -->|No Tools Available| K[Skip Tool Usage]
    K -->|Proceeds to Memory Interaction| F
    F -->|No Memory Available| L[Skip Memory Interaction]
    L -->|Proceeds to Final LLM Processing| I

Agent Attributes

Attribute Description
id Unique identifier for the agent instance.
llm Language model instance used by the agent.
template Template used for formatting responses.
max_loops Maximum number of loops the agent can run.
stopping_condition Callable function determining when to stop looping.
loop_interval Interval (in seconds) between loops.
retry_attempts Number of retry attempts for failed LLM calls.
retry_interval Interval (in seconds) between retry attempts.
return_history Boolean indicating whether to return conversation history.
stopping_token Token that stops the agent from looping when present in the response.
dynamic_loops Boolean indicating whether to dynamically determine the number of loops.
interactive Boolean indicating whether to run in interactive mode.
dashboard Boolean indicating whether to display a dashboard.
agent_name Name of the agent instance.
agent_description Description of the agent instance.
system_prompt System prompt used to initialize the conversation.
tools List of callable functions representing tools the agent can use.
dynamic_temperature_enabled Boolean indicating whether to dynamically adjust the LLM's temperature.
sop Standard operating procedure for the agent.
sop_list List of strings representing the standard operating procedure.
saved_state_path File path for saving and loading the agent's state.
autosave Boolean indicating whether to automatically save the agent's state.
context_length Maximum length of the context window (in tokens) for the LLM.
user_name Name used to represent the user in the conversation.
self_healing_enabled Boolean indicating whether to attempt self-healing in case of errors.
code_interpreter Boolean indicating whether to interpret and execute code snippets.
multi_modal Boolean indicating whether to support multimodal inputs.
pdf_path File path of a PDF document to be ingested.
list_of_pdf List of file paths for PDF documents to be ingested.
tokenizer Instance of a tokenizer used for token counting and management.
long_term_memory Instance of a BaseVectorDatabase implementation for long-term memory management.
preset_stopping_token Boolean indicating whether to use a preset stopping token.
traceback Object used for traceback handling.
traceback_handlers List of traceback handlers.
streaming_on Boolean indicating whether to stream responses.
docs List of document paths or contents to be ingested.
docs_folder Path to a folder containing documents to be ingested.
verbose Boolean indicating whether to print verbose output.
parser Callable function used for parsing input data.
best_of_n Integer indicating the number of best responses to generate.
callback Callable function to be called after each agent loop.
metadata Dictionary containing metadata for the agent.
callbacks List of callable functions to be called during execution.
logger_handler Handler for logging messages.
search_algorithm Callable function for long-term memory retrieval.
logs_to_filename File path for logging agent activities.
evaluator Callable function for evaluating the agent's responses.
stopping_func Callable function used as a stopping condition.
custom_loop_condition Callable function used as a custom loop condition.
sentiment_threshold Float value representing the sentiment threshold for evaluating responses.
custom_exit_command String representing a custom command for exiting the agent's loop.
sentiment_analyzer Callable function for sentiment analysis on outputs.
limit_tokens_from_string Callable function for limiting the number of tokens in a string.
custom_tools_prompt Callable function for generating a custom prompt for tool usage.
tool_schema Data structure representing the schema for the agent's tools.
output_type Type representing the expected output type of responses.
function_calling_type String representing the type of function calling.
output_cleaner Callable function for cleaning the agent's output.
function_calling_format_type String representing the format type for function calling.
list_base_models List of base models used for generating tool schemas.
metadata_output_type String representing the output type for metadata.
state_save_file_type String representing the file type for saving the agent's state.
chain_of_thoughts Boolean indicating whether to use the chain of thoughts technique.
algorithm_of_thoughts Boolean indicating whether to use the algorithm of thoughts technique.
tree_of_thoughts Boolean indicating whether to use the tree of thoughts technique.
tool_choice String representing the method for tool selection.
execute_tool Boolean indicating whether to execute tools.
rules String representing the rules for the agent's behavior.
planning Boolean indicating whether to perform planning.
planning_prompt String representing the prompt for planning.
device String representing the device on which the agent should run.
custom_planning_prompt String representing a custom prompt for planning.
memory_chunk_size Integer representing the maximum size of memory chunks for long-term memory retrieval.
agent_ops_on Boolean indicating whether agent operations should be enabled.
return_step_meta Boolean indicating whether to return JSON of all steps and additional metadata.
output_type Literal type indicating whether to output "string", "str", "list", "json", "dict", or "yaml".
time_created Float representing the time the agent was created.
tags Optional list of strings for tagging the agent.
use_cases Optional list of dictionaries describing use cases for the agent.
step_pool List of Step objects representing the agent's execution steps.
print_every_step Boolean indicating whether to print every step of execution.
agent_output ManySteps object containing the agent's output and metadata.
executor_workers Integer representing the number of executor workers for concurrent operations.
data_memory Optional callable for data memory operations.
load_yaml_path String representing the path to a YAML file for loading configurations.
auto_generate_prompt Boolean indicating whether to automatically generate prompts.
rag_every_loop Boolean indicating whether to query RAG database for context on every loop
plan_enabled Boolean indicating whether planning functionality is enabled
artifacts_on Boolean indicating whether to save artifacts from agent execution
artifacts_output_path File path where artifacts should be saved
artifacts_file_extension File extension to use for saved artifacts
device Device to run computations on ("cpu" or "gpu")
all_cores Boolean indicating whether to use all CPU cores
device_id ID of the GPU device to use if running on GPU
scheduled_run_date Optional datetime for scheduling future agent runs

Agent Methods

Method Description Inputs Usage Example
run(task, img=None, is_last=False, device="cpu", device_id=0, all_cores=True, *args, **kwargs) Runs the autonomous agent loop to complete the given task. task (str): The task to be performed.
img (str, optional): Path to an image file.
is_last (bool): Whether this is the last task.
device (str): Device to run on ("cpu" or "gpu").
device_id (int): ID of the GPU to use.
all_cores (bool): Whether to use all CPU cores.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
response = agent.run("Generate a report on financial performance.")
__call__(task, img=None, *args, **kwargs) Alternative way to call the run method. Same as run. response = agent("Generate a report on financial performance.")
parse_and_execute_tools(response, *args, **kwargs) Parses the agent's response and executes any tools mentioned in it. response (str): The agent's response to be parsed.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
add_memory(message) Adds a message to the agent's memory. message (str): The message to add. agent.add_memory("Important information")
plan(task, *args, **kwargs) Plans the execution of a task. task (str): The task to plan.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
agent.plan("Analyze market trends")
run_concurrent(task, *args, **kwargs) Runs a task concurrently. task (str): The task to run.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
response = await agent.run_concurrent("Concurrent task")
run_concurrent_tasks(tasks, *args, **kwargs) Runs multiple tasks concurrently. tasks (List[str]): List of tasks to run.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
responses = agent.run_concurrent_tasks(["Task 1", "Task 2"])
bulk_run(inputs) Generates responses for multiple input sets. inputs (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of input dictionaries. responses = agent.bulk_run([{"task": "Task 1"}, {"task": "Task 2"}])
save() Saves the agent's history to a file. None agent.save()
load(file_path) Loads the agent's history from a file. file_path (str): Path to the file. agent.load("agent_history.json")
graceful_shutdown() Gracefully shuts down the system, saving the state. None agent.graceful_shutdown()
analyze_feedback() Analyzes the feedback for issues. None agent.analyze_feedback()
undo_last() Undoes the last response and returns the previous state. None previous_state, message = agent.undo_last()
add_response_filter(filter_word) Adds a response filter to filter out certain words. filter_word (str): Word to filter. agent.add_response_filter("sensitive")
apply_response_filters(response) Applies response filters to the given response. response (str): Response to filter. filtered_response = agent.apply_response_filters(response)
filtered_run(task) Runs a task with response filtering applied. task (str): Task to run. response = agent.filtered_run("Generate a report")
save_to_yaml(file_path) Saves the agent to a YAML file. file_path (str): Path to save the YAML file. agent.save_to_yaml("agent_config.yaml")
get_llm_parameters() Returns the parameters of the language model. None llm_params = agent.get_llm_parameters()
save_state(file_path, *args, **kwargs) Saves the current state of the agent to a JSON file. file_path (str): Path to save the JSON file.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
update_system_prompt(system_prompt) Updates the system prompt. system_prompt (str): New system prompt. agent.update_system_prompt("New system instructions")
update_max_loops(max_loops) Updates the maximum number of loops. max_loops (int): New maximum number of loops. agent.update_max_loops(5)
update_loop_interval(loop_interval) Updates the loop interval. loop_interval (int): New loop interval. agent.update_loop_interval(2)
update_retry_attempts(retry_attempts) Updates the number of retry attempts. retry_attempts (int): New number of retry attempts. agent.update_retry_attempts(3)
update_retry_interval(retry_interval) Updates the retry interval. retry_interval (int): New retry interval. agent.update_retry_interval(5)
reset() Resets the agent's memory. None agent.reset()
ingest_docs(docs, *args, **kwargs) Ingests documents into the agent's memory. docs (List[str]): List of document paths.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
agent.ingest_docs(["doc1.pdf", "doc2.txt"])
ingest_pdf(pdf) Ingests a PDF document into the agent's memory. pdf (str): Path to the PDF file. agent.ingest_pdf("document.pdf")
receive_message(name, message) Receives a message and adds it to the agent's memory. name (str): Name of the sender.
message (str): Content of the message.
agent.receive_message("User", "Hello, agent!")
send_agent_message(agent_name, message, *args, **kwargs) Sends a message from the agent to a user. agent_name (str): Name of the agent.
message (str): Message to send.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
response = agent.send_agent_message("AgentX", "Task completed")
add_tool(tool) Adds a tool to the agent's toolset. tool (Callable): Tool to add. agent.add_tool(my_custom_tool)
add_tools(tools) Adds multiple tools to the agent's toolset. tools (List[Callable]): List of tools to add. agent.add_tools([tool1, tool2])
remove_tool(tool) Removes a tool from the agent's toolset. Method
-------- ------------- -------- ----------------
remove_tool(tool) Removes a tool from the agent's toolset. tool (Callable): Tool to remove. agent.remove_tool(my_custom_tool)
remove_tools(tools) Removes multiple tools from the agent's toolset. tools (List[Callable]): List of tools to remove. agent.remove_tools([tool1, tool2])
get_docs_from_doc_folders() Retrieves and processes documents from the specified folder. None agent.get_docs_from_doc_folders()
check_end_session_agentops() Checks and ends the AgentOps session if enabled. None agent.check_end_session_agentops()
memory_query(task, *args, **kwargs) Queries the long-term memory for relevant information. task (str): The task or query.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
result = agent.memory_query("Find information about X")
sentiment_analysis_handler(response) Performs sentiment analysis on the given response. response (str): The response to analyze. agent.sentiment_analysis_handler("Great job!")
count_and_shorten_context_window(history, *args, **kwargs) Counts tokens and shortens the context window if necessary. history (str): The conversation history.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
shortened_history = agent.count_and_shorten_context_window(history)
output_cleaner_and_output_type(response, *args, **kwargs) Cleans and formats the output based on specified type. response (str): The response to clean and format.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
cleaned_response = agent.output_cleaner_and_output_type(response)
stream_response(response, delay=0.001) Streams the response token by token. response (str): The response to stream.
delay (float): Delay between tokens.
agent.stream_response("This is a streamed response")
dynamic_context_window() Dynamically adjusts the context window. None agent.dynamic_context_window()
check_available_tokens() Checks and returns the number of available tokens. None available_tokens = agent.check_available_tokens()
tokens_checks() Performs token checks and returns available tokens. None token_info = agent.tokens_checks()
truncate_string_by_tokens(input_string, limit) Truncates a string to fit within a token limit. input_string (str): String to truncate.
limit (int): Token limit.
truncated_string = agent.truncate_string_by_tokens("Long string", 100)
tokens_operations(input_string) Performs various token-related operations on the input string. input_string (str): String to process. processed_string = agent.tokens_operations("Input string")
parse_function_call_and_execute(response) Parses a function call from the response and executes it. response (str): Response containing the function call. result = agent.parse_function_call_and_execute(response)
activate_agentops() Activates AgentOps functionality. None agent.activate_agentops()
llm_output_parser(response) Parses the output from the language model. response (Any): Response from the LLM. parsed_response = agent.llm_output_parser(llm_output)
log_step_metadata(loop, task, response) Logs metadata for each step of the agent's execution. loop (int): Current loop number.
task (str): Current task.
response (str): Agent's response.
agent.log_step_metadata(1, "Analyze data", "Analysis complete")
to_dict() Converts the agent's attributes to a dictionary. None agent_dict = agent.to_dict()
to_json(indent=4, *args, **kwargs) Converts the agent's attributes to a JSON string. indent (int): Indentation for JSON.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
agent_json = agent.to_json()
to_yaml(indent=4, *args, **kwargs) Converts the agent's attributes to a YAML string. indent (int): Indentation for YAML.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
agent_yaml = agent.to_yaml()
to_toml(*args, **kwargs) Converts the agent's attributes to a TOML string. *args, **kwargs: Additional arguments. agent_toml = agent.to_toml()
model_dump_json() Saves the agent model to a JSON file in the workspace directory. None agent.model_dump_json()
model_dump_yaml() Saves the agent model to a YAML file in the workspace directory. None agent.model_dump_yaml()
log_agent_data() Logs the agent's data to an external API. None agent.log_agent_data()
handle_tool_schema_ops() Handles operations related to tool schemas. None agent.handle_tool_schema_ops()
call_llm(task, *args, **kwargs) Calls the appropriate method on the language model. task (str): Task for the LLM.
*args, **kwargs: Additional arguments.
response = agent.call_llm("Generate text")
handle_sop_ops() Handles operations related to standard operating procedures. None agent.handle_sop_ops()
agent_output_type(responses) Processes and returns the agent's output based on the specified output type. responses (list): List of responses. formatted_output = agent.agent_output_type(responses)
check_if_no_prompt_then_autogenerate(task) Checks if a system prompt is not set and auto-generates one if needed. task (str): The task to use for generating a prompt. agent.check_if_no_prompt_then_autogenerate("Analyze data")
check_if_no_prompt_then_autogenerate(task) Checks if auto_generate_prompt is enabled and generates a prompt by combining agent name, description and system prompt task (str, optional): Task to use as fallback agent.check_if_no_prompt_then_autogenerate("Analyze data")
handle_artifacts(response, output_path, extension) Handles saving artifacts from agent execution response (str): Agent response
output_path (str): Output path
extension (str): File extension
agent.handle_artifacts(response, "outputs/", ".txt")

Updated Run Method

Update the run method documentation to include new parameters:

Method Description Inputs Usage Example
run(task, img=None, is_last=False, device="cpu", device_id=0, all_cores=True, scheduled_run_date=None) Runs the agent with specified parameters task (str): Task to run
img (str, optional): Image path
is_last (bool): If this is last task
device (str): Device to use
device_id (int): GPU ID
all_cores (bool): Use all CPU cores
scheduled_run_date (datetime, optional): Future run date
agent.run("Analyze data", device="gpu", device_id=0)

Getting Started

To use the Swarm Agent, first install the required dependencies:

pip3 install -U swarms

Then, you can initialize and use the agent as follows:

import os
from swarms import Agent
from swarm_models import OpenAIChat
from swarms.prompts.finance_agent_sys_prompt import FINANCIAL_AGENT_SYS_PROMPT

# Get the OpenAI API key from the environment variable
api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

# Create an instance of the OpenAIChat class
model = OpenAIChat(
    api_key=api_key, model_name="gpt-4-0613", temperature=0.1

# Initialize the agent
agent = Agent(

# Run the agent
response = agent.run(
    "How can I establish a ROTH IRA to buy stocks and get a tax break? What are the criteria?"

Advanced Usage

Tool Integration

To integrate tools with the Swarm Agent, you can pass a list of callable functions with types and doc strings to the tools parameter when initializing the Agent instance. The agent will automatically convert these functions into an OpenAI function calling schema and make them available for use during task execution.

Requirements for a tool

  • Function
    • With types
    • with doc strings
from swarms import Agent
from swarm_models import OpenAIChat
import subprocess

def terminal(code: str):
    Run code in the terminal.

        code (str): The code to run in the terminal.

        str: The output of the code.
    out = subprocess.run(code, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
    return str(out)

# Initialize the agent with a tool
agent = Agent(
    system_prompt="You are an agent that can execute terminal commands. Use the tools provided to assist the user.",

# Run the agent
response = agent.run("List the contents of the current directory")

Long-term Memory Management

The Swarm Agent supports integration with vector databases for long-term memory management. Here's an example using ChromaDB:

from swarms import Agent
from swarm_models import Anthropic
from swarms_memory import ChromaDB

# Initialize ChromaDB
chromadb = ChromaDB(

# Initialize the agent with long-term memory
agent = Agent(
    system_prompt="You are a financial analysis agent with access to long-term memory.",

# Run the agent
response = agent.run("What are the components of a startup's stock incentive equity plan?")

Interactive Mode

To enable interactive mode, set the interactive parameter to True when initializing the Agent:

agent = Agent(
    system_prompt="You are an interactive agent. Engage in a conversation with the user.",

# Run the agent in interactive mode
agent.run("Let's start a conversation")

Sentiment Analysis

To perform sentiment analysis on the agent's outputs, you can provide a sentiment analyzer function:

from textblob import TextBlob

def sentiment_analyzer(text):
    analysis = TextBlob(text)
    return analysis.sentiment.polarity

agent = Agent(
    system_prompt="You are an agent that generates responses with sentiment analysis.",

response = agent.run("Generate a positive statement about AI")

Undo Functionality

# Feature 2: Undo functionality
response = agent.run("Another task")
print(f"Response: {response}")
previous_state, message = agent.undo_last()

Response Filtering

# Feature 3: Response filtering
response = agent.filtered_run("Generate a report on finance")

Saving and Loading State

# Save the agent state

# Load the agent state
agent = Agent(llm=llm_instance, max_loops=5)
agent.run("Continue with the task")

Async and Concurrent Execution

# Run a task concurrently
response = await agent.run_concurrent("Concurrent task")

# Run multiple tasks concurrently
tasks = [
    {"task": "Task 1"},
    {"task": "Task 2", "img": "path/to/image.jpg"},
    {"task": "Task 3", "custom_param": 42}
responses = agent.bulk_run(tasks)

Various other settings

# # Convert the agent object to a dictionary

# Ingest documents into the agent's knowledge base

# Receive a message from a user and process it
agent.receive_message(name="agent_name", message="message")

# Send a message from the agent to a user
agent.send_agent_message(agent_name="agent_name", message="message")

# Ingest multiple documents into the agent's knowledge base
agent.ingest_docs("your_pdf_path.pdf", "your_csv_path.csv")

# Run the agent with a filtered system prompt
    "How can I establish a ROTH IRA to buy stocks and get a tax break? What are the criteria?"

# Run the agent with multiple system prompts
        "How can I establish a ROTH IRA to buy stocks and get a tax break? What are the criteria?",
        "Another system prompt",

# Add a memory to the agent
agent.add_memory("Add a memory to the agent")

# Check the number of available tokens for the agent

# Perform token checks for the agent

# Print the dashboard of the agent

# Fetch all the documents from the doc folders

# Activate agent ops

# Dump the model to a JSON file

Auto Generate Prompt + CPU Execution

import os
from swarms import Agent
from swarm_models import OpenAIChat

from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables

# Retrieve the OpenAI API key from the environment variable
api_key = os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY")

# Initialize the model for OpenAI Chat
model = OpenAIChat(

# Initialize the agent with automated prompt engineering enabled
agent = Agent(
    system_prompt=None,  # System prompt is dynamically generated
    auto_generate_prompt=True,  # Enable automated prompt engineering

# Run the agent with a task description and specify the device
    "How can I establish a ROTH IRA to buy stocks and get a tax break? What are the criteria",
    ## Will design a system prompt based on the task if description and system prompt are None

# Print the dynamically generated system prompt

Best Practices

  1. Always provide a clear and concise system_prompt to guide the agent's behavior.
  2. Use tools to extend the agent's capabilities for specific tasks.
  3. Implement error handling and utilize the retry_attempts feature for robust execution.
  4. Leverage long_term_memory for tasks that require persistent information.
  5. Use interactive mode for real-time conversations and dashboard for monitoring.
  6. Implement sentiment_analysis for applications requiring tone management.
  7. Utilize autosave and save/load methods for continuity across sessions.
  8. Optimize token usage with dynamic_context_window and tokens_checks methods.
  9. Use concurrent and async methods for performance-critical applications.
  10. Regularly review and analyze feedback using the analyze_feedback method.
  11. Use artifacts_on to save important outputs from agent execution
  12. Configure device and device_id appropriately for optimal performance
  13. Enable rag_every_loop when continuous context from long-term memory is needed
  14. Use scheduled_run_date for automated task scheduling

By following these guidelines and leveraging the Swarm Agent's extensive features, you can create powerful, flexible, and efficient autonomous agents for a wide range of applications.