Swarms / docs /swarms /structs /agent_rearrange.md
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AgentRearrange Class

The AgentRearrange class represents a swarm of agents for rearranging tasks. It allows you to create a swarm of agents, add or remove agents from the swarm, and run the swarm to process tasks based on a specified flow pattern.


Attribute Type Description
id str Unique identifier for the swarm
name str Name of the swarm
description str Description of the swarm's purpose
agents dict Dictionary mapping agent names to Agent objects
flow str Flow pattern defining task execution order
max_loops int Maximum number of execution loops
verbose bool Whether to enable verbose logging
memory_system BaseVectorDatabase Memory system for storing agent interactions
human_in_the_loop bool Whether human intervention is enabled
custom_human_in_the_loop Callable Custom function for human intervention
return_json bool Whether to return output in JSON format
output_type OutputType Format of output ("all", "final", "list", or "dict")
docs List[str] List of document paths to add to agent prompts
doc_folder str Folder path containing documents to add to agent prompts
swarm_history dict History of agent interactions


__init__(self, agents: List[Agent] = None, flow: str = None, max_loops: int = 1, verbose: bool = True)

Initializes the AgentRearrange object.

Parameter Type Description
agents List[Agent] (optional) A list of Agent objects. Defaults to None.
flow str (optional) The flow pattern of the tasks. Defaults to None.
max_loops int (optional) The maximum number of loops for the agents to run. Defaults to 1.
verbose bool (optional) Whether to enable verbose logging or not. Defaults to True.

add_agent(self, agent: Agent)

Adds an agent to the swarm.

Parameter Type Description
agent Agent The agent to be added.

remove_agent(self, agent_name: str)

Removes an agent from the swarm.

Parameter Type Description
agent_name str The name of the agent to be removed.

add_agents(self, agents: List[Agent])

Adds multiple agents to the swarm.

Parameter Type Description
agents List[Agent] A list of Agent objects.


Validates the flow pattern.


  • ValueError: If the flow pattern is incorrectly formatted or contains duplicate agent names.


  • bool: True if the flow pattern is valid.

run(self, task: str = None, img: str = None, device: str = "cpu", device_id: int = 1, all_cores: bool = True, all_gpus: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)

Executes the agent rearrangement task with specified compute resources.

Parameter Type Description
task str The task to execute
img str Path to input image if required
device str Computing device to use ('cpu' or 'gpu')
device_id int ID of specific device to use
all_cores bool Whether to use all CPU cores
all_gpus bool Whether to use all available GPUs


  • str: The final processed task.

batch_run(self, tasks: List[str], img: Optional[List[str]] = None, batch_size: int = 10, device: str = "cpu", device_id: int = None, all_cores: bool = True, all_gpus: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)

Process multiple tasks in batches.

Parameter Type Description
tasks List[str] List of tasks to process
img List[str] Optional list of images corresponding to tasks
batch_size int Number of tasks to process simultaneously
device str Computing device to use
device_id int Specific device ID if applicable
all_cores bool Whether to use all CPU cores
all_gpus bool Whether to use all available GPUs

concurrent_run(self, tasks: List[str], img: Optional[List[str]] = None, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, device: str = "cpu", device_id: int = None, all_cores: bool = True, all_gpus: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)

Process multiple tasks concurrently using ThreadPoolExecutor.

Parameter Type Description
tasks List[str] List of tasks to process
img List[str] Optional list of images corresponding to tasks
max_workers int Maximum number of worker threads
device str Computing device to use
device_id int Specific device ID if applicable
all_cores bool Whether to use all CPU cores
all_gpus bool Whether to use all available GPUs

Documentation for rearrange Function


The rearrange function is a helper function that rearranges the given list of agents based on the specified flow.


Parameter Type Description
agents List[Agent] The list of agents to be rearranged.
flow str The flow used for rearranging the agents.
task str (optional) The task to be performed during rearrangement. Defaults to None.
*args - Additional positional arguments.
**kwargs - Additional keyword arguments.


The result of running the agent system with the specified task.


agents = [agent1, agent2, agent3]
flow = "agent1 -> agent2, agent3"
task = "Perform a task"
rearrange(agents, flow, task)

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the AgentRearrange class and the rearrange function:

from swarms import Agent, AgentRearrange
from typing import List

# Initialize the director agent
director = Agent(
    agent_name="Accounting Director",
    system_prompt="Directs the accounting tasks for the workers",

# Initialize worker 1
worker1 = Agent(
    agent_name="Accountant 1",
    system_prompt="Processes financial transactions and prepares financial statements",

# Initialize worker 2
worker2 = Agent(
    agent_name="Accountant 2",
    system_prompt="Performs audits and ensures compliance with financial regulations",

# Create a list of agents
agents = [director, worker1, worker2]

# Define the flow pattern
flow = "Accounting Director -> Accountant 1 -> Accountant 2"

# Using AgentRearrange class
agent_system = AgentRearrange(agents=agents, flow=flow)
output = agent_system.run("Process monthly financial statements")

In this example, we first initialize three agents: director, worker1, and worker2. Then, we create a list of these agents and define the flow pattern "Director -> Worker1 -> Worker2".

We can use the AgentRearrange class by creating an instance of it with the list of agents and the flow pattern. We then call the run method with the initial task, and it will execute the agents in the specified order, passing the output of one agent as the input to the next agent.

Alternatively, we can use the rearrange function by passing the list of agents, the flow pattern, and the initial task as arguments.

Both the AgentRearrange class and the rearrange function will return the final output after processing the task through the agents according to the specified flow pattern.

Error Handling

The AgentRearrange class includes error handling mechanisms to validate the flow pattern. If the flow pattern is incorrectly formatted or contains duplicate agent names, a ValueError will be raised with an appropriate error message.


# Invalid flow pattern
invalid_flow = "Director->Worker1,Worker2->Worker3"
agent_system = AgentRearrange(agents=agents, flow=invalid_flow)
output = agent_system.run("Some task")`

This will raise a ValueError with the message "Agent 'Worker3' is not registered.".

Parallel and Sequential Processing

The AgentRearrange class supports both parallel and sequential processing of tasks based on the specified flow pattern. If the flow pattern includes multiple agents separated by commas (e.g., "agent1, agent2"), the agents will be executed in parallel, and their outputs will be concatenated with a semicolon (;). If the flow pattern includes a single agent, it will be executed sequentially.

Parallel processing

parallel_flow = "Worker1, Worker2 -> Director"

Sequential processing

sequential_flow = "Worker1 -> Worker2 -> Director"

In the parallel_flow example, Worker1 and Worker2 will be executed in parallel, and their outputs will be concatenated and passed to Director. In the sequential_flow example, Worker1 will be executed first, and its output will be passed to Worker2, and then the output of Worker2 will be passed to Director.


The AgentRearrange class includes logging capabilities using the loguru library. If verbose is set to True during initialization, a log file named agent_rearrange.log will be created, and log messages will be written to it. You can use this log file to track the execution of the agents and any potential issues or errors that may occur.

2023-05-08 10:30:15.456 | INFO     | agent_rearrange:__init__:34 - Adding agent Director to the swarm.
2023-05-08 10:30:15.457 | INFO     | agent_rearrange:__init__:34 - Adding agent Worker1 to the swarm.
2023-05-08 10:30:15.457 | INFO     | agent_rearrange:__init__:34 - Adding agent Worker2 to the swarm.
2023-05-08 10:30:15.458 | INFO     | agent_rearrange:run:118 - Running agents in parallel: ['Worker1', 'Worker2']
2023-05-08 10:30:15.459 | INFO     | agent_rearrange:run:121 - Running agents sequentially: ['Director']`

Additional Parameters

The AgentRearrange class also accepts additional parameters that can be passed to the run method using *args and **kwargs. These parameters will be forwarded to the individual agents during execution.

agent_system = AgentRearrange(agents=agents, flow=flow) output = agent_system.run("Some task", max_tokens=200, temperature=0.7)

In this example, the max_tokens and temperature parameters will be passed to each agent during execution.


The AgentRearrange class and the rearrange function can be customized and extended to suit specific use cases. For example, you can create custom agents by inheriting from the Agent class and implementing custom logic for task processing. You can then add these custom agents to the swarm and define the flow pattern accordingly.

Additionally, you can modify the run method of the AgentRearrange class to implement custom logic for task processing and agent interaction.


It's important to note that the AgentRearrange class and the rearrange function rely on the individual agents to process tasks correctly. The quality of the output will depend on the capabilities and configurations of the agents used in the swarm. Additionally, the AgentRearrange class does not provide any mechanisms for task prioritization or load balancing among the agents.


The AgentRearrange class and the rearrange function provide a flexible and extensible framework for orchestrating swarms of agents to process tasks based on a specified flow pattern. By combining the capabilities of individual agents, you can create complex workflows and leverage the strengths of different agents to tackle various tasks efficiently.

While the current implementation offers basic functionality for agent rearrangement, there is room for future improvements and customizations to enhance the system's capabilities and cater to more specific use cases.

Whether you're working on natural language processing tasks, data analysis, or any other domain where agent-based systems can be beneficial, the AgentRearrange class and the rearrange function provide a solid foundation for building and experimenting with swarm-based solutions.