Swarms / docs /swarms /structs /forest_swarm.md
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Forest Swarm

This documentation describes the ForestSwarm that organizes agents into trees. Each agent specializes in processing specific tasks. Trees are collections of agents, each assigned based on their relevance to a task through keyword extraction and embedding-based similarity.

The architecture allows for efficient task assignment by selecting the most relevant agent from a set of trees. Tasks are processed asynchronously, with agents selected based on task relevance, calculated by the similarity of system prompts and task keywords.

Module Path: swarms.structs.tree_swarm

Class: TreeAgent

TreeAgent represents an individual agent responsible for handling a specific task. Agents are initialized with a system prompt and are responsible for dynamically determining their relevance to a given task.


Attribute Type Description
system_prompt str A string that defines the agent's area of expertise and task-handling capability.
llm callable The language model (LLM) used to process tasks (e.g., GPT-4).
agent_name str The name of the agent.
system_prompt_embedding tensor Embedding of the system prompt for similarity-based task matching.
relevant_keywords List[str] Keywords dynamically extracted from the system prompt to assist in task matching.
distance Optional[float] The computed distance between agents based on embedding similarity.


Method Input Output Description
calculate_distance(other_agent: TreeAgent) other_agent: TreeAgent float Calculates the cosine similarity between this agent and another agent.
run_task(task: str) task: str Any Executes the task, logs the input/output, and returns the result.
is_relevant_for_task(task: str, threshold: float = 0.7) task: str, threshold: float bool Checks if the agent is relevant for the task using keyword matching or embedding similarity.

Class: Tree

Tree organizes multiple agents into a hierarchical structure, where agents are sorted based on their relevance to tasks.


Attribute Type Description
tree_name str The name of the tree (represents a domain of agents, e.g., "Financial Tree").
agents List[TreeAgent] List of agents belonging to this tree.


Method Input Output Description
calculate_agent_distances() None None Calculates and assigns distances between agents based on similarity of prompts.
find_relevant_agent(task: str) task: str Optional[TreeAgent] Finds the most relevant agent for a task based on keyword and embedding similarity.
log_tree_execution(task: str, selected_agent: TreeAgent, result: Any) task: str, selected_agent: TreeAgent, result: Any None Logs details of the task execution by the selected agent.

Class: ForestSwarm

ForestSwarm is the main class responsible for managing multiple trees. It oversees task delegation by finding the most relevant tree and agent for a given task.


Attribute Type Description
trees List[Tree] List of trees containing agents organized by domain.


Method Input Output Description
find_relevant_tree(task: str) task: str Optional[Tree] Searches across all trees to find the most relevant tree based on task requirements.
run(task: str) task: str Any Executes the task by finding the most relevant agent from the relevant tree.

Full Code Example

from swarms.structs.tree_swarm import TreeAgent, Tree, ForestSwarm
# Example Usage:

# Create agents with varying system prompts and dynamically generated distances/keywords
agents_tree1 = [
        system_prompt="Stock Analysis Agent",
        agent_name="Stock Analysis Agent",
        system_prompt="Financial Planning Agent",
        agent_name="Financial Planning Agent",
        agent_name="Retirement Strategy Agent",
        system_prompt="Retirement Strategy Agent",

agents_tree2 = [
        system_prompt="Tax Filing Agent",
        agent_name="Tax Filing Agent",
        system_prompt="Investment Strategy Agent",
        agent_name="Investment Strategy Agent",
        system_prompt="ROTH IRA Agent", agent_name="ROTH IRA Agent"

# Create trees
tree1 = Tree(tree_name="Financial Tree", agents=agents_tree1)
tree2 = Tree(tree_name="Investment Tree", agents=agents_tree2)

# Create the ForestSwarm
multi_agent_structure = ForestSwarm(trees=[tree1, tree2])

# Run a task
task = "Our company is incorporated in delaware, how do we do our taxes for free?"
output = multi_agent_structure.run(task)

Example Workflow

  1. Create Agents: Agents are initialized with varying system prompts, representing different areas of expertise (e.g., stock analysis, tax filing).
  2. Create Trees: Agents are grouped into trees, with each tree representing a domain (e.g., "Financial Tree", "Investment Tree").
  3. Run Task: When a task is submitted, the system traverses through all trees and finds the most relevant agent to handle the task.
  4. Task Execution: The selected agent processes the task, and the result is returned.
Task: "Our company is incorporated in Delaware, how do we do our taxes for free?"


  • The system searches through the Financial Tree and Investment Tree.
  • The most relevant agent (likely the "Tax Filing Agent") is selected based on keyword matching and prompt similarity.
  • The task is processed, and the result is logged and returned.

Analysis of the Swarm Architecture

The Swarm Architecture leverages a hierarchical structure (forest) composed of individual trees, each containing agents specialized in specific domains. This design allows for:

  • Modular and Scalable Organization: By separating agents into trees, it is easy to expand or contract the system by adding or removing trees or agents.
  • Task Specialization: Each agent is specialized, which ensures that tasks are matched with the most appropriate agent based on relevance and expertise.
  • Dynamic Matching: The architecture uses both keyword-based and embedding-based matching to assign tasks, ensuring a high level of accuracy in agent selection.
  • Logging and Accountability: Each task execution is logged in detail, providing transparency and an audit trail of which agent handled which task and the results produced.
  • Asynchronous Task Execution: The architecture can be adapted for asynchronous task processing, making it scalable and suitable for large-scale task handling in real-time systems.

Mermaid Diagram of the Swarm Architecture

graph TD
    A[ForestSwarm] --> B[Financial Tree]
    A --> C[Investment Tree]
    B --> D[Stock Analysis Agent]
    B --> E[Financial Planning Agent]
    B --> F[Retirement Strategy Agent]
    C --> G[Tax Filing Agent]
    C --> H[Investment Strategy Agent]
    C --> I[ROTH IRA Agent]

    subgraph Tree Agents
        D[Stock Analysis Agent]
        E[Financial Planning Agent]
        F[Retirement Strategy Agent]
        G[Tax Filing Agent]
        H[Investment Strategy Agent]
        I[ROTH IRA Agent]

Explanation of the Diagram

  • ForestSwarm: Represents the top-level structure managing multiple trees.
  • Trees: In the example, two trees exist—Financial Tree and Investment Tree—each containing agents related to specific domains.
  • Agents: Each agent within the tree is responsible for handling tasks in its area of expertise. Agents within a tree are organized based on their prompt similarity (distance).


This Multi-Agent Tree Structure provides an efficient, scalable, and accurate architecture for delegating and executing tasks based on domain-specific expertise. The combination of hierarchical organization, dynamic task matching, and logging ensures reliability, performance, and transparency in task execution.