[Features Request] Export chat to JSON, HTML or plain text

by deleted - opened

Why: It goes without need saying.

Well, seriously, allowing exporting transcripts is very helpful for archiving locally. It would be better to package all transcripts into zip before clearing the history.

deleted changed discussion title from [Features Request] Export chat to json or plain text to [Features Request] Export chat to JSON, HTML or plain text
Hugging Chat org

Is there a community standard for exporting chats so far or not yet ? I think it'd be very easy to do, just wondering if there's a specific format we can support.


Is there a community standard for exporting chats so far or not yet ? I think it'd be very easy to do, just wondering if there's a specific format we can support.

Obviously - no. Even the prompt template is not unified.🤣

Hugging Chat org

haha then I think we can do a simple JSON for now

@nsarrazin that would be really great. i had requested it a while back at #358 but the thread didn't get much traction so here we are..

  1. Export chats (to json?): if we chat in other spaces using chat-ui or even this, and space faces any sort of
    error such as build errors, we would lose the chats until who knows when, if ever! This shall ensure that
    users don't lose their valuable interactions.
Tragedy of Losing Chats

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