Trained by OpenAI??? And other "hallucinations".

by zhekas - opened

I have asked the chatbot to tell about it's capability. The very first response was quite surprising:


Trained by OpenAI? Is that true? Or it was trained on ChatGPT responses? This seems quite problematic.

Then I proceeded by asking the chatbot about it's coding capabilities. It claimed that it can code in every language that exists:


So I asked it to create a Verilog 2-bit adder. It did produce a chunk of code which was quite wrong, won't paste it here. It was also unformatted. I did ask it to format it as a pretty code block and it did. But then I asked it to format all the code blocks in the future like this, and asked to generate a testbench code for the adder. It generated some more wrong code and it was unformatted.

Overall, it looks fun, but probably needs a lot of work before it can be considered an actual ChatGPT rival.

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