API is too slow

by Dr-Drunkenstein - opened

Hello Dev Team,

Hope you're all coding away brilliantly and enjoying some fine brews! I wanted to take a moment to appreciate the hard work you've put into creating this API. It's been a mostly pleasant journey navigating through it and integrating it into my projects.

However, I've hit a bit of a roadblock recently. I've noticed that the API response time is quite longer than I'd expected - on average it's been taking around 5 minutes to return the local path of the QR Code. While I totally understand that performance tuning is a complex and iterative process, a faster response time would make the API significantly more usable for real-time applications.

As someone who is actively using this in a live environment, a response time in the realm of 10-20 seconds would be much more practical. This would greatly improve the user experience and increase the overall efficiency of the applications that are integrated with your API.

On another note, I'm not alone in my thoughts! I was browsing through the Discussion forum and found that another user expressed similar sentiments. Their comments really hit the nail on the head, and I wholeheartedly agree with everything they said.

Also, it would be super helpful if the API documentation could include a more detailed guideline regarding what each parameter in the API does. It's a bit like piecing together a puzzle without a complete picture at the moment. With clear explanations and examples for each parameter, the API users, would be able to make more informed decisions when making calls and reduce potential issues, making our life so much sweeter!

I understand that these improvements may take some time to implement. It's clear you're all passionate about your work and striving to make the best product possible. I hope these suggestions help towards that goal!

Happy coding, and can't wait to see the improvements! :)


Huggingface Projects org

Hi there!

This is a free community Space with a paid/granted GPU by Hugging Face. It seems you want to use this tool in a production-setting. For those use cases, it's encouraged to duplicate the Space, assign a GPU on your account, and use it. It will provide you a Space entirely for you, and you can manage it/edit it directly as needed.

For API usage, https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/tree/main/client/python#basic-usage might be helpful!

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