Runtime error
room-24 is complete! come take a look!
Hi there :) I had completed room-24 two days ago, with lots of beautiful cave mining and porcelain / terracotta animals on the bottom :) unfortunately, there seems to be a bug, so the bottom part and the left top corner got deleted. I made a screenshot of it two days ago, but I found no way to retrieve it :(
I preferred the absence of straight lines in the original :) Also, why is there some empty space in the middle? another bug?
Focus on joining things more :) If you always outpaint, you can avoid straight edges. Removing straight edges is best done by working from the edges, with inpainting over the edges. No need for very specific prompts then. You're just hinting at the algorithm to dream further using the existing image as the main prompt. Eg. "aquarell" might be enough to blur areas, or "tentacles" or so in this example.
Just so you know: the original masterplan for this picture was to have nature in the middle horizontal, futuristic above, and cave/ancient below. If I had more time, I'd remove the aquarell part (I had no masterplan at that point), to just have these three layers.
sorry to hear about the losses, I'm working on a HD timelapse video for all rooms. All the historical tiles are stored and I'll release as a dataset here, maybe with a script to set the time you want a snapshot of the full canvas
@radames is it easy for you to retrieve the screenshot of room-24 I made Sunday night, HK time? I have no idea how many are made :P As I mentioned somewhere else, I clicked on the "share with community" button, and it did work for a few minutes, so I'm pretty sure it created + saved a screenshot. but it did not provide me with an option to retrieve it (on chrome browser).
earlier today, I noticed the in-painting brush cannot completely reach the inner edge of the frame anymore, leaving a border of some pixels untouched.
yes, I've limit the masking leaving a small padding to help with the discontinuities, and maybe help with vandalism. I guess you still can still do the same as before, maybe on the edges you might not be able to mask the corners.
I'm not sure about the second problem, I can see the complete image here
ah, that's great, thanks :) another small usability idea: optionally have a beep whenever rendering is done. helps use the waiting time for other tasks.
yeah, weird … both other problems keep happening in my main account (logged into hugging face), but it's fine on the guest account. if I can do anything to help debug, let me know!
Okay, I finished room-24 for now :) still not perfect, and Ripley riding the blue xenomorph, and the shark got destroyed unfortunately… welcome to add/adapt, but would be nice to not completely break style.
@radames is there some FAQ / Beginner's Guide already? otherwise, some first ideas
- learn the ropes in one of the first rooms first
- practice joining things
- learn how to remove straight lines
- when you join a new canvas with existing art, don't go for the highlights. change some subtle stuff first, to get a feeling for the aesthetics
- if in doubt, you can communicate by sitting next to another user, and typing your short message in a prompt
- work together, learn from each other
- add and adapt, don't destroy
Speaking of messages, would be awesome to have a figma style mouse pointer chat, so you can prompt and chat at the same time :)
just checked the timelapse of room-24 , had no idea that the bottom originally looked like that!
@SireHastings yeah, that part got deleted by a bug, then somebody else filled it in, then I worked from that.