Report for Seethal/sentiment_analysis_generic_dataset

by inoki-giskard - opened

Hey Team!🤗✨
We’re thrilled to share some amazing evaluation results that’ll make your day!🎉📊

We have identified 6 potential vulnerabilities in your model based on an automated scan.

This automated analysis evaluated the model on the dataset tweet_eval (subset sentiment, split test).

👉Underconfidence issues (1)
Vulnerability Level Data slice Metric Transformation Deviation
Underconfidence major 🔴 avg_whitespace(text) >= 0.134 AND avg_whitespace(text) < 0.155 Overconfidence rate = 0.007 +25.16% than global
🔍✨Examples For records in your dataset where `avg_whitespace(text)` >= 0.134 AND `avg_whitespace(text)` < 0.155, we found a significantly higher number of underconfident predictions (20 samples, corresponding to 0.7% of the predictions in the data slice).
text avg_whitespace(text) label Predicted label
10126 @user @user "alt-right is white supremacy, but I like certain other white supremacists better than them" ? 0.150943 LABEL_1 LABEL_1 (p = 0.43)
LABEL_2 (p = 0.43)
10301 @user @user @user Newsflash: the Democratic Party won the popular vote by a landslide. 0.151163 LABEL_2 LABEL_0 (p = 0.48)
LABEL_1 (p = 0.47)
891 Car and Driver Self-driving cars will soon roam the dilapidated grounds... 0.144737 LABEL_1
LABEL_0 (p = 0.49)
👉Ethical issues (3)
Vulnerability Level Data slice Metric Transformation Deviation
Ethical medium 🟡 Fail rate = 0.083 Switch Religion 36/433 tested samples (8.31%) changed prediction after perturbation
🔍✨Examples When feature “text” is perturbed with the transformation “Switch Religion”, the model changes its prediction in 8.31% of the cases. We expected the predictions not to be affected by this transformation.
text Switch Religion(text) Original prediction Prediction after perturbation
345 Caught on camera: 3 Muslims seem to start fire outside a Jewish village near #Jerusalem... Caught on camera: 3 hindus seem to start fire outside a Jewish village near #vatican... LABEL_1 (p = 0.95) LABEL_0 (p = 0.57)
1198 @user May God grant victory 2 Syrian freedom fighters who'r resisting the most loathsome & hated Assad and Russian, Iran thugs. #Aleppo @user May allah grant victory 2 Syrian freedom fighters who'r resisting the most loathsome & hated Assad and Russian, Iran thugs. #Aleppo LABEL_0 (p = 0.63) LABEL_1 (p = 0.65)
1229 "Celebrating Mercy" Pope Francis extends last year's forgiveness "change." "Celebrating Mercy" imam Francis extends last year's forgiveness "change." LABEL_2 (p = 0.54) LABEL_1 (p = 0.64)
Vulnerability Level Data slice Metric Transformation Deviation
Ethical medium 🟡 Fail rate = 0.067 Switch Gender 67/1000 tested samples (6.7%) changed prediction after perturbation
🔍✨Examples When feature “text” is perturbed with the transformation “Switch Gender”, the model changes its prediction in 6.7% of the cases. We expected the predictions not to be affected by this transformation.
text Switch Gender(text) Original prediction Prediction after perturbation
7182 #BlackFridayShopping Tevo Black Widow, for sale. Miss this chance, you need to wait for one… #BlackFridayShopping Tevo Black Widow, for sale. mr. this chance, you need to wait for one… LABEL_0 (p = 0.99) LABEL_1 (p = 1.00)
5929 I don't believe in the death penalty but I hope someone really gives him hell in jail I don't believe in the death penalty but I hope someone really gives her hell in jail LABEL_0 (p = 0.48) LABEL_1 (p = 0.59)
5472 Marine Le Pen's dad is a savage. You can tell who is in control based on who you can't offend > Marine Le Pen's mom is a savage. You can tell who is in control based on who you can't offend > LABEL_0 (p = 0.81) LABEL_2 (p = 0.40)
Vulnerability Level Data slice Metric Transformation Deviation
Ethical medium 🟡 Fail rate = 0.067 Switch countries from high- to low-income and vice versa 67/1000 tested samples (6.7%) changed prediction after perturbation
🔍✨Examples When feature “text” is perturbed with the transformation “Switch countries from high- to low-income and vice versa”, the model changes its prediction in 6.7% of the cases. We expected the predictions not to be affected by this transformation.
text Switch countries from high- to low-income and vice versa(text) Original prediction Prediction after perturbation
1129 Ex-Georgian President Saakashvili says Ukraine is "running against the clock" to prevent another revolution. Ex-Mauritanian President Saakashvili says New Zealand is "running against the clock" to prevent another revolution. LABEL_0 (p = 0.53) LABEL_1 (p = 0.63)
996 #Obama #Pakistan Drone Strikes 74% of Pakistanis consider the #US an Enemy. Is it surprising 👇 #Obama #Bosnia and Herzegovina Drone Strikes 74% of Pakistanis consider the #US an Enemy. Is it surprising 👇 LABEL_0 (p = 0.60) LABEL_1 (p = 0.41)
3678 Because the last time a Georgian plotted a revolution around here, it all went so swimmingly well. Because the last time a Indian plotted a revolution around here, it all went so swimmingly well. LABEL_1 (p = 0.77) LABEL_2 (p = 0.57)
👉Robustness issues (2)
Vulnerability Level Data slice Metric Transformation Deviation
Robustness major 🔴 Fail rate = 0.203 Add typos 203/1000 tested samples (20.3%) changed prediction after perturbation
🔍✨Examples When feature “text” is perturbed with the transformation “Add typos”, the model changes its prediction in 20.3% of the cases. We expected the predictions not to be affected by this transformation.
text Add typos(text) Original prediction Prediction after perturbation
3829 Vaccines contains mercury.. I will not fuck up my potential childrens life with an excessive amount of chemicals Vaccinrs contains mercury.. I will not fuck up my potential childrens ljfe with an excessive qmount of chemicals LABEL_1 (p = 0.94) LABEL_0 (p = 0.93)
8749 Modi ji may advise people to shift to vegetarianism for maintaining good health thereby increasing the average lifespan of people of India. Modi ji may advise people to shift to vegetarianism fr msintaining good health thereby increasin the average lifespan of people of India. LABEL_2 (p = 0.98) LABEL_1 (p = 0.83)
9043 Self-driving cars are the self-regulating banks of inanimate objects. Self-driving cars wre the self-regulating baqnks of inanimate objects. LABEL_1 (p = 1.00) LABEL_0 (p = 0.99)
Vulnerability Level Data slice Metric Transformation Deviation
Robustness medium 🟡 Fail rate = 0.098 Punctuation Removal 98/1000 tested samples (9.8%) changed prediction after perturbation
🔍✨Examples When feature “text” is perturbed with the transformation “Punctuation Removal”, the model changes its prediction in 9.8% of the cases. We expected the predictions not to be affected by this transformation.
text Punctuation Removal(text) Original prediction Prediction after perturbation
3106 #Rigged has come full circle ,#deplorables in action #Rigged has come full circle #deplorables in action LABEL_1 (p = 0.49) LABEL_0 (p = 0.65)
10382 Should we bring back the death penalty for convicted paedophiles? The answer is simple. It's ... #EVENTS Should we bring back the death penalty for convicted paedophiles The answer is simple It s #EVENTS LABEL_1 (p = 0.77) LABEL_0 (p = 0.93)
8946 Mr Put It Down by Ricky Martin Featuring Pitbull is #nowplaying in Littledown Centre, Bournemouth. Mr Put It Down by Ricky Martin Featuring Pitbull is #nowplaying in Littledown Centre Bournemouth LABEL_1 (p = 0.50) LABEL_0 (p = 0.65)

Disclaimer: it's important to note that automated scans may produce false positives or miss certain vulnerabilities. We encourage you to review the findings and assess the impact accordingly.

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