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[**Isaacus**](https://isaacus.com/) is a research company that builds highly accurate, highly efficient specialized legal AI solutions. | |
We operate the world’s first legal AI API — the [**Isaacus API**](https://isaacus.com/blog/the-worlds-first-legal-ai-api/), a direct, programmatic interface to best-in-class legal AI capabilities. | |
Our API features our flagship [**Kanon**](https://isaacus.com/blog/introducing-kanon/) models, currently ranking as the [**most accurate**](https://isaacus.com/blog/introducing-kanon/) legal AI classifiers of their size. | |
Our API also supports the [**Isaacus Query Language**](https://docs.isaacus.com/iql/introduction), **the world’s first legal AI query language**, that is, a query language designed specifically for analyzing legal documents with AI systems. | |
Next on our roadmap is an **API playground**, **text extraction** and **embedding** models, a **second generation** of Kanon models, and new **legal AI apps**. | |
You can get started with our API by reading our [**quickstart guide**](https://docs.isaacus.com/quickstart). You can also [**follow us on LinkedIn**](https://www.linkedin.com/company/isaacus/) to stay updated on our latest news. |