[Comic] Creating a complete comic book with 30 comics here is not possible, but I can...

by wellington1109 - opened

Story prompt:

Creating a complete comic book with 30 comics here is not possible, but I can provide a detailed script that you can use to create your comic about renewable and non-renewable energy. Here is an example of how the story might be structured: ### Title: *The Battle of Energies* ### Main characters: 1. *Ecoman* - Hero who represents renewable energy. 2. *Fossila* - Villain who represents non-renewable energy. 3. *Dr. Green* - Scientist who creates sustainable technologies. 4. *Captain Carbon* - Fossila's ally who uses fossil fuels.




Drag & drop your comic image (converted to JPG) here!

El hombre bailarín de nombre briGhella, se dejo llevar por sus palabras dicie, Outside BriGhella's dance studio, Bertolino runs towards his mother with a smile, twirling and dancing. She looks surprised and pleased, her eyes following his movements. Depict her as a middle-aged woman with a gentle smile on her face. Use soft lines and warm hues of orange and yellow for the surrounding sunset. Use bold lines to show Bertolino's vibrant energy as he dances.

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