**WARNING**: This document is a work in progress, just like JSONSelect itself. | |
View or contribute to the latest version [on github]( | |
# JSONSelect | |
1. [introduction](#introduction) | |
1. [levels](#levels) | |
1. [language overview](#overview) | |
1. [grouping](#grouping) | |
1. [selectors](#selectors) | |
1. [pseudo classes](#pseudo) | |
1. [expressions](#expressions) | |
1. [combinators](#combinators) | |
1. [grammar](#grammar) | |
1. [conformance tests](#tests) | |
1. [references](#references) | |
## Introduction<a name="introduction"></a> | |
JSONSelect defines a language very similar in syntax and structure to | |
[CSS3 Selectors]( JSONSelect | |
expressions are patterns which can be matched against JSON documents. | |
Potential applications of JSONSelect include: | |
* Simplified programmatic matching of nodes within JSON documents. | |
* Stream filtering, allowing efficient and incremental matching of documents. | |
* As a query language for a document database. | |
## Levels<a name="levels"></a> | |
The specification of JSONSelect is broken into three levels. Higher | |
levels include more powerful constructs, and are likewise more | |
complicated to implement and use. | |
**JSONSelect Level 1** is a small subset of CSS3. Every feature is | |
derived from a CSS construct that directly maps to JSON. A level 1 | |
implementation is not particularly complicated while providing basic | |
querying features. | |
**JSONSelect Level 2** builds upon Level 1 adapting more complex CSS | |
constructs which allow expressions to include constraints such as | |
patterns that match against values, and those which consider a node's | |
siblings. Level 2 is still a direct adaptation of CSS, but includes | |
constructs whose semantic meaning is significantly changed. | |
**JSONSelect Level 3** adds constructs which do not necessarily have a | |
direct analog in CSS, and are added to increase the power and convenience | |
of the selector language. These include aliases, wholly new pseudo | |
class functions, and more blue sky dreaming. | |
## Language Overview<a name="overview"></a> | |
<table> | |
<tr><th>pattern</th><th>meaning</th><th>level</th></tr> | |
<tr><td>*</td><td>Any node</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T</td><td>A node of type T, where T is one string, number, object, array, boolean, or null</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T.key</td><td>A node of type T which is the child of an object and is the value its parents key property</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T."complex key"</td><td>Same as previous, but with property name specified as a JSON string</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:root</td><td>A node of type T which is the root of the JSON document</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:nth-child(n)</td><td>A node of type T which is the nth child of an array parent</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:nth-last-child(n)</td><td>A node of type T which is the nth child of an array parent counting from the end</td><td>2</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:first-child</td><td>A node of type T which is the first child of an array parent (equivalent to T:nth-child(1)</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:last-child</td><td>A node of type T which is the last child of an array parent (equivalent to T:nth-last-child(1)</td><td>2</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:only-child</td><td>A node of type T which is the only child of an array parent</td><td>2</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:empty</td><td>A node of type T which is an array or object with no child</td><td>2</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T U</td><td>A node of type U with an ancestor of type T</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T > U</td><td>A node of type U with a parent of type T</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T ~ U</td><td>A node of type U with a sibling of type T</td><td>2</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>S1, S2</td><td>Any node which matches either selector S1 or S2</td><td>1</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:has(S)</td><td>A node of type T which has a child node satisfying the selector S</td><td>3</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:expr(E)</td><td>A node of type T with a value that satisfies the expression E</td><td>3</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:val(V)</td><td>A node of type T with a value that is equal to V</td><td>3</td></tr> | |
<tr><td>T:contains(S)</td><td>A node of type T with a string value contains the substring S</td><td>3</td></tr> | |
</table> | |
## Grouping<a name="grouping"></a> | |
## Selectors<a name="selectors"></a> | |
## Pseudo Classes<a name="pseudo"></a> | |
## Expressions<a name="expressions"></a> | |
## Combinators<a name="combinators"></a> | |
## Grammar<a name="grammar"></a> | |
(Adapted from [CSS3]( and | |
[]( | |
selectors_group | |
: selector [ `,` selector ]* | |
; | |
selector | |
: simple_selector_sequence [ combinator simple_selector_sequence ]* | |
; | |
combinator | |
: `>` | \s+ | |
; | |
simple_selector_sequence | |
/* why allow multiple HASH entities in the grammar? */ | |
: [ type_selector | universal ] | |
[ class | pseudo ]* | |
| [ class | pseudo ]+ | |
; | |
type_selector | |
: `object` | `array` | `number` | `string` | `boolean` | `null` | |
; | |
universal | |
: '*' | |
; | |
class | |
: `.` name | |
| `.` json_string | |
; | |
pseudo | |
/* Note that pseudo-elements are restricted to one per selector and */ | |
/* occur only in the last simple_selector_sequence. */ | |
: `:` pseudo_class_name | |
| `:` nth_function_name `(` nth_expression `)` | |
| `:has` `(` selectors_group `)` | |
| `:expr` `(` expr `)` | |
| `:contains` `(` json_string `)` | |
| `:val` `(` val `)` | |
; | |
pseudo_class_name | |
: `root` | `first-child` | `last-child` | `only-child` | |
nth_function_name | |
: `nth-child` | `nth-last-child` | |
nth_expression | |
/* expression is and of the form "an+b" */ | |
: TODO | |
; | |
expr | |
: expr binop expr | |
| '(' expr ')' | |
| val | |
; | |
binop | |
: '*' | '/' | '%' | '+' | '-' | '<=' | '>=' | '$=' | |
| '^=' | '*=' | '>' | '<' | '=' | '!=' | '&&' | '||' | |
; | |
val | |
: json_number | json_string | 'true' | 'false' | 'null' | 'x' | |
; | |
json_string | |
: `"` json_chars* `"` | |
; | |
json_chars | |
: any-Unicode-character-except-"-or-\-or-control-character | |
| `\"` | |
| `\\` | |
| `\/` | |
| `\b` | |
| `\f` | |
| `\n` | |
| `\r` | |
| `\t` | |
| \u four-hex-digits | |
; | |
name | |
: nmstart nmchar* | |
; | |
nmstart | |
: escape | [_a-zA-Z] | nonascii | |
; | |
nmchar | |
: [_a-zA-Z0-9-] | |
| escape | |
| nonascii | |
; | |
escape | |
: \\[^\r\n\f0-9a-fA-F] | |
; | |
nonascii | |
: [^\0-0177] | |
; | |
## Conformance Tests<a name="tests"></a> | |
See []( | |
## References<a name="references"></a> | |
In no particular order. | |
* []( | |
* []( | |
* []( | |
* [\_qualified\_selectors]( * | |
* [\_and\_css/css-parent-selectors]( | |
* []( | |
* []( | |