OcTra / df_local /config.py
arcan3's picture
adding rust
import os
import string
from configparser import ConfigParser
from shlex import shlex
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
from loguru import logger
T = TypeVar("T")
class DfParams:
def __init__(self):
# Sampling rate used for training
self.sr: int = config("SR", cast=int, default=48_000, section="DF")
# FFT size in samples
self.fft_size: int = config("FFT_SIZE", cast=int, default=960, section="DF")
# STFT Hop size in samples
self.hop_size: int = config("HOP_SIZE", cast=int, default=480, section="DF")
# Number of ERB bands
self.nb_erb: int = config("NB_ERB", cast=int, default=32, section="DF")
# Number of deep filtering bins; DF is applied from 0th to nb_df-th frequency bins
self.nb_df: int = config("NB_DF", cast=int, default=96, section="DF")
# Normalization decay factor; used for complex and erb features
self.norm_tau: float = config("NORM_TAU", 1, float, section="DF")
# Local SNR minimum value, ground truth will be truncated
self.lsnr_max: int = config("LSNR_MAX", 35, int, section="DF")
# Local SNR maximum value, ground truth will be truncated
self.lsnr_min: int = config("LSNR_MIN", -15, int, section="DF")
# Minimum number of frequency bins per ERB band
self.min_nb_freqs = config("MIN_NB_ERB_FREQS", 2, int, section="DF")
# Deep Filtering order
self.df_order: int = config("DF_ORDER", cast=int, default=5, section="DF")
# Deep Filtering look-ahead
self.df_lookahead: int = config("DF_LOOKAHEAD", cast=int, default=0, section="DF")
# Pad mode. By default, padding will be handled on the input side:
# - `input`, which pads the input features passed to the model
# - `output`, which pads the output spectrogram corresponding to `df_lookahead`
self.pad_mode: str = config("PAD_MODE", default="input_specf", section="DF")
class Config:
"""Adopted from python-decouple"""
DEFAULT_SECTION = "settings"
def __init__(self):
self.parser: ConfigParser = None # type: ignore
self.path = ""
self.modified = False
self.allow_defaults = True
def load(
self, path: Optional[str], config_must_exist=False, allow_defaults=True, allow_reload=False
self.allow_defaults = allow_defaults
if self.parser is not None and not allow_reload:
raise ValueError("Config already loaded")
self.parser = ConfigParser()
self.path = path
if path is not None and os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path) as f:
if config_must_exist:
raise ValueError(f"No config file found at '{path}'.")
if not self.parser.has_section(self.DEFAULT_SECTION):
def use_defaults(self):
self.load(path=None, config_must_exist=False)
def save(self, path: str):
if not self.modified:
logger.debug("Config not modified. No need to overwrite on disk.")
if self.parser is None:
self.parser = ConfigParser()
for section in self.parser.sections():
if len(self.parser[section]) == 0:
with open(path, mode="w") as f:
def tostr(self, value, cast):
if isinstance(cast, Csv) and isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
return "".join(str(v) + cast.delimiter for v in value)[:-1]
return str(value)
def set(self, option: str, value: T, cast: Type[T], section: Optional[str] = None) -> T:
section = self.DEFAULT_SECTION if section is None else section
section = section.lower()
if not self.parser.has_section(section):
if self.parser.has_option(section, option):
if value == self.cast(self.parser.get(section, option), cast):
return value
self.modified = True
self.parser.set(section, option, self.tostr(value, cast))
return value
def __call__(
option: str,
default: Any = None,
cast: Type[T] = str,
save: bool = True,
section: Optional[str] = None,
) -> T:
# Get value either from an ENV or from the .ini file
section = self.DEFAULT_SECTION if section is None else section
value = None
if self.parser is None:
raise ValueError("No configuration loaded")
if not self.parser.has_section(section.lower()):
if option in os.environ:
value = os.environ[option]
if save:
self.parser.set(section, option, self.tostr(value, cast))
elif self.parser.has_option(section, option):
value = self.read_from_section(section, option, default, cast=cast, save=save)
elif self.parser.has_option(section.lower(), option):
value = self.read_from_section(section.lower(), option, default, cast=cast, save=save)
elif self.parser.has_option(self.DEFAULT_SECTION, option):
f"Couldn't find option {option} in section {section}. "
"Falling back to default settings section."
value = self.read_from_section(self.DEFAULT_SECTION, option, cast=cast, save=save)
elif default is None:
raise ValueError("Value {} not found.".format(option))
elif not self.allow_defaults and save:
raise ValueError(f"Value '{option}' not found in config (defaults not allowed).")
value = default
if save:
self.set(option, value, cast, section)
return self.cast(value, cast)
def cast(self, value, cast):
# Do the casting to get the correct type
if cast is bool:
value = str(value).lower()
if value in {"true", "yes", "y", "on", "1"}:
return True # type: ignore
elif value in {"false", "no", "n", "off", "0"}:
return False # type: ignore
raise ValueError("Parse error")
return cast(value)
def get(self, option: str, cast: Type[T] = str, section: Optional[str] = None) -> T:
section = self.DEFAULT_SECTION if section is None else section
if not self.parser.has_section(section):
raise KeyError(section)
if not self.parser.has_option(section, option):
raise KeyError(option)
return self.cast(self.parser.get(section, option), cast)
def read_from_section(
self, section: str, option: str, default: Any = None, cast: Type = str, save: bool = True
) -> str:
value = self.parser.get(section, option)
if not save:
# Set to default or remove to not read it at trainig start again
if default is None:
self.parser.remove_option(section, option)
elif not self.allow_defaults:
raise ValueError(f"Value '{option}' not found in config (defaults not allowed).")
self.parser.set(section, option, self.tostr(default, cast))
elif section.lower() != section:
self.parser.set(section.lower(), option, self.tostr(value, cast))
self.parser.remove_option(section, option)
self.modified = True
return value
def overwrite(self, section: str, option: str, value: Any):
if not self.parser.has_section(section):
return ValueError(f"Section not found: '{section}'")
if not self.parser.has_option(section, option):
return ValueError(f"Option not found '{option}' in section '{section}'")
self.modified = True
cast = type(value)
return self.parser.set(section, option, self.tostr(value, cast))
def _fix_df(self):
"""Renaming of some groups/options for compatibility with old models."""
if self.parser.has_section("deepfilternet") and self.parser.has_section("df"):
sec_deepfilternet = self.parser["deepfilternet"]
sec_df = self.parser["df"]
if "df_order" in sec_deepfilternet:
sec_df["df_order"] = sec_deepfilternet["df_order"]
del sec_deepfilternet["df_order"]
if "df_lookahead" in sec_deepfilternet:
sec_df["df_lookahead"] = sec_deepfilternet["df_lookahead"]
del sec_deepfilternet["df_lookahead"]
def _fix_clc(self):
"""Renaming of some groups/options for compatibility with old models."""
if (
not self.parser.has_section("deepfilternet")
and self.parser.has_section("train")
and self.parser.get("train", "model") == "convgru5"
self.overwrite("train", "model", "deepfilternet")
self.parser["deepfilternet"] = self.parser["convgru"]
del self.parser["convgru"]
if not self.parser.has_section("df") and self.parser.has_section("clc"):
self.parser["df"] = self.parser["clc"]
del self.parser["clc"]
for section in self.parser.sections():
for k, v in self.parser[section].items():
if "clc" in k.lower():
self.parser.set(section, k.lower().replace("clc", "df"), v)
del self.parser[section][k]
def __repr__(self):
msg = ""
for section in self.parser.sections():
msg += f"{section}:\n"
for k, v in self.parser[section].items():
msg += f" {k}: {v}\n"
return msg
config = Config()
class Csv(object):
Produces a csv parser that return a list of transformed elements. From python-decouple.
def __init__(
self, cast: Type[T] = str, delimiter=",", strip=string.whitespace, post_process=list
cast -- callable that transforms the item just before it's added to the list.
delimiter -- string of delimiters chars passed to shlex.
strip -- string of non-relevant characters to be passed to str.strip after the split.
post_process -- callable to post process all casted values. Default is `list`.
self.cast: Type[T] = cast
self.delimiter = delimiter
self.strip = strip
self.post_process = post_process
def __call__(self, value: Union[str, Tuple[T], List[T]]) -> List[T]:
"""The actual transformation"""
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
# if default value is a list
value = "".join(str(v) + self.delimiter for v in value)[:-1]
def transform(s):
return self.cast(s.strip(self.strip))
splitter = shlex(value, posix=True)
splitter.whitespace = self.delimiter
splitter.whitespace_split = True
return self.post_process(transform(s) for s in splitter)