Runtime error
Runtime error
Project Configuration
.env File
This file contains the necessary API keys required for the application to function properly. Obtain the API keys from the following sources:
This JSON file holds crucial configuration values for the entire application. Please refer to the documentation before modifying any configurations.
Pinecone Configuration
- PINECONE_INDEX_NAME: The name of the index, the highest-level organizational unit of vector data in Pinecone.
- PINECONE_VECTOR_DIMENSION: Dimensionality of the embedding model's vectors.
- PINECONE_UPSERT_BATCH_LIMIT: Number of transcript rows inserted into Pinecone Serverless in parallel.
- PINECONE_TOP_K_RESULTS: Number of results fetched by Pinecone for a query.
- PINECONE_DELTA_WINDOW: Conversation window size fetched for TOP_K results.
- PINECONE_CLOUD_PROVIDER: Cloud provider for Pinecone DB.
- PINECONE_REGION: Region of the Pinecone Cloud provider.
- PINECONE_METRIC: Distance metric used by Pinecone to calculate similarity.
- PINECONE_NAMESPACE: Logical separation inside the Pinecone Index.
Embedding Provider Configuration
- EMBEDDING_PROVIDER: Provider of the embedding model for text-to-vector conversion.
- EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME: Name of the embedding model provided by the provider.
AWS Configuration
- AWS_INPUT_BUCKET: Bucket for storing audio files for AWS Transcribe.
- AWS_OUTPUT_BUCKET: Bucket collecting transcribed files.
- AWS_REGION: AWS region in use.
- AWS_TRANSCRIBE_JOB_NAME: Default name for Transcribe job.
LangChain Configuration
- LC_LLM_TEMPERATURE: Temperature value for the Large Language Model.
- LC_CONV_BUFFER_MEMORY_WINDOW: Conversation memory window limit. (Future Use)
- LC_LLM_SUMMARY_MAX_TOKEN_LIMIT: Maximum tokens allowed for summary in the memory buffer.
- LC_LLM_MODEL: Large Language Model used for inference.